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This is the biggest laboratory _____ we have ever built in our school.









更多 “单选题This is the biggest laboratory _____ we have ever built in our school.A whichB whatC whereD \” 相关考题
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考题 下列教学片段选自某高中课堂实录,阅读后回答问题。 T: Today we are going to talk about "travelling". Mike, have you ever traveled M: Yes, I have ever been to Beijing. T: When did you go there M: Last summer. T: How did you go there M: We went there by bus. T: Why did you go there by bus M: Because it isn′t too far away from here and it′ s very convenient to go there by bus. T: Good. How about you Li Ming, have you ever travelled L: Yes, I have been to Hainan last winter vacation. T: How did you go there L: I went there by plane. T: Why L: Because it′s too far from here and we can save lots of time by going there by plane. Ask more students like this. 根据上面所给信息,回答下面三个问题: (1)该片段反映了教学中哪个环节 (2)分析该教学环节的目的。 (3)从教学有效性角度评析这个片段。

考题 ___________where the sound laboratory9A.Has it decided; will build B.Will it be decided; will be built C.Has it been decided; will be built D.Is it decided; is built

考题 ______ we have finished the course,we shall take a new one.A.Ever since B.Now that C.As soon as D.By now

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考题 Do you have Dahongpao here?()A、Yes,we have.B、Yes,we are.C、No,we did.D、No,we have.

考题 单选题This is the biggest laboratory _____ we have ever built in our school.A whichB whatC whereD \

考题 单选题All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT _____.A The fact that he didn’t see Tom yesterday is true.B The suggestion that we go to picnic on Sunday was agreed to by most people.C There’s a feeling in me that we’ll never know what a UFO is—not ever.D This is why we can’t get the support of the people.

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考题 单选题It's()the driest summers we have ever known.A allB ofC bothD one of

考题 问答题Practice 4  The answer is, in a sense, all in our minds. For the last century, our society’s basic drive has been toward more—toward a bigger national economy, toward more stuff for each of us. And it’ s worked. Our economy is enormous; our houses are enormous. We are living large. All that more is created by using cheap energy and hence built on carbon dioxide (CO2)—which makes up 72% of all greenhouse gases.  Some pollutants decrease as we get richer. But carbon dioxide consistency tracks economic growth. As Harvard economist Friedman concluded last year, CO2 is “the one major environmental contaminant for which no study has ever found any indication of improvement as living standards rise.” This means that if we’re going to cope with global warming, we may also have to cope with the end of infinite economic expansion.  That sounds gloomy, but maybe not. New data suggest that we’ve been overstating the issue for many decades. We made an assumption that more was better. It seemed a reasonable thinking. But in recent years, economists, sociologists and other researchers have begun to question that link. Indeed, they’re finding that at least since the 1950’s, more material prosperity has yielded little increase in humans’ satisfaction.