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A person’s wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness.









解析: 译文:一个人的财富往往同他的幸福感成反比。
划线词inverse是反面的意思,选项中只有opposite是反面的意思,equal 有平等的意思,certain是一定的,某种的意思,large是巨大的意思。因此只有opposite词义是最为相近的。
更多 “单选题A person’s wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness.A equalB certainC largeD opposite” 相关考题
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考题 We often speak of language as a vehicle of expression a metaphor that can illumine many aspects of our foreign language teaching situation, Language is a vehicle of meaning that we do not even realize we are using,in other words, a vehicle that is transporting a person's message somewhere but is not itself the object of the trip.

考题 给出下列的不完整的类代码,则哪个语句可以被加到横线处? ( ) class Person{ String name,department; int age; public Person(String n){name=n;} public Person(String n,int s){name=n; age=a;} public Person(String n,String d,int a){ department=d;______ } }A.Person(n,a);B.this(Person(n,a));C.this(n,s);D.this(name,age);

考题 Please find the exact definition for "spectator".A. a person who watches ,esp.an event or sport without taking partB. a group of countries under one central government,often ruled by an emperorC. a feeling of fondness for something in the past,often mixed with a kind of pleasant sadnessD. varity

考题 给出下面不完整的类代码,则横线处的语句应该为( )。 class Person { String name,department; int age; public Person (Strings) {name=s;} public Person (String s,intA.{name=s;age=a;} public Person (String n,String d,intA){ __________ department=d; } }A)Person (n,A);B.this (Person(n,A));C.this(n,A);D.this(name,age);

考题 What is the teacher doing in terms on error correction? " Make a sentence with "have"! S: He have a car. T: He HA VE a car? S: He HAS a car. " Very good. He HA S a car. A.Direct correction B.Indirect correction C.Self-correction D.Peer correction

考题 The process of perceiving others is rarely translated(to ourselves or others) into cold,objective terms."She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, had fair hair, and wore a colored skirt." More often, we try to get inside the other person to pinpoint his or her attitudes, emotions, motivations,abilities, ideas, and characters. Furthermore, we sometimes behave as if we can accomplish this difficult job very quickly--perhaps with a two-second glance. We try to obtain information about others in many ways. Berger suggests several methods for reducing uncertainties about others; who are known to you so you can compare the observed person's behavior with the known others' behavior, observing a person in a situation where social behavior is relatively unrestrained or where a wide variety of behavioral responses are called for,deliberately structuring the physical or social environment so as to observe the person's responses to specific stimuli, asking people who have had or have frequent contact with the person about himor her, and using various strategies in face-to-face interaction to uncover information about another person--question, self-disclosures, and so on. Getting to know someone is a never-ending task, largely because people are constantly changing and the methods we use to obtain information are often imprecise. You may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him. If we accept the idea that we won't ever fully know another person, it enables us to deal more easily with those things that get in the way of accurate knowledge such as secrets and deceptions. It will also keep us from being too surprised or shocked by seemingly inconsistent behavior. Ironically, those things that keep us from knowing another person too well (e. g. secrets and deceptions) may be just as important to the development of a satisfying relationship as those things that enable us to obtain accurate knowledge about a person (e. g. disclosures and truthful statement). This passage mainly concerns__________.A.the relationship between people B.the perception of other people C.secrets and deceptions of people D.people's attitudes and characters

考题 The process of perceiving others is rarely translated(to ourselves or others) into cold,objective terms."She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, had fair hair, and wore a colored skirt." More often, we try to get inside the other person to pinpoint his or her attitudes, emotions, motivations,abilities, ideas, and characters. Furthermore, we sometimes behave as if we can accomplish this difficult job very quickly--perhaps with a two-second glance. We try to obtain information about others in many ways. Berger suggests several methods for reducing uncertainties about others; who are known to you so you can compare the observed person's behavior with the known others' behavior, observing a person in a situation where social behavior is relatively unrestrained or where a wide variety of behavioral responses are called for,deliberately structuring the physical or social environment so as to observe the person's responses to specific stimuli, asking people who have had or have frequent contact with the person about himor her, and using various strategies in face-to-face interaction to uncover information about another person--question, self-disclosures, and so on. Getting to know someone is a never-ending task, largely because people are constantly changing and the methods we use to obtain information are often imprecise. You may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him. If we accept the idea that we won't ever fully know another person, it enables us to deal more easily with those things that get in the way of accurate knowledge such as secrets and deceptions. It will also keep us from being too surprised or shocked by seemingly inconsistent behavior. Ironically, those things that keep us from knowing another person too well (e. g. secrets and deceptions) may be just as important to the development of a satisfying relationship as those things that enable us to obtain accurate knowledge about a person (e. g. disclosures and truthful statement). ?We may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him because__________.A.we don't accept the idea that we might never fully know another person B.we often get information in a casual and inexact way C.we pay more attention to other people's motivations and emotions D.we often have face-to-face conversation with him

考题 The process of perceiving others is rarely translated(to ourselves or others) into cold,objective terms."She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, had fair hair, and wore a colored skirt." More often, we try to get inside the other person to pinpoint his or her attitudes, emotions, motivations,abilities, ideas, and characters. Furthermore, we sometimes behave as if we can accomplish this difficult job very quickly--perhaps with a two-second glance. We try to obtain information about others in many ways. Berger suggests several methods for reducing uncertainties about others; who are known to you so you can compare the observed person's behavior with the known others' behavior, observing a person in a situation where social behavior is relatively unrestrained or where a wide variety of behavioral responses are called for,deliberately structuring the physical or social environment so as to observe the person's responses to specific stimuli, asking people who have had or have frequent contact with the person about himor her, and using various strategies in face-to-face interaction to uncover information about another person--question, self-disclosures, and so on. Getting to know someone is a never-ending task, largely because people are constantly changing and the methods we use to obtain information are often imprecise. You may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him. If we accept the idea that we won't ever fully know another person, it enables us to deal more easily with those things that get in the way of accurate knowledge such as secrets and deceptions. It will also keep us from being too surprised or shocked by seemingly inconsistent behavior. Ironically, those things that keep us from knowing another person too well (e. g. secrets and deceptions) may be just as important to the development of a satisfying relationship as those things that enable us to obtain accurate knowledge about a person (e. g. disclosures and truthful statement). Some people are often surprised by what other people do. According to Berger, that is mainly because__________.A.some people are more emotional than others B.some people are not aware of the fact that we will never completely know another person C.some people are sensitive enough to sense the change of other people's attitudes D.some people choose to keep to themselves

考题 Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country’s people.Old countries that have numerous( )craftsmen are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilleD.Furthermore,wealth also produces wealth.A.skillful B.skilled C.capable D.shrewd

考题 Wealth,in this sense is not money,for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy:“goods”such as food and clothing,and“services”such as transport and entertainment.A country’s capacity to( )wealth is influenced by many factors,most of which have an effect on one another.A.control B.assemble C.yield D.benefit

考题 共用题干 A Country's Standard of LivingThe"standard of living" of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services the country produces.A country's standard of living,________(51),depends first and ________(52)on its capacity to produce wealth."Wealth"in this sense is not money,for we do not live on money________( 53)on things that money can buy:"goods"such as food and clothing, and"services"such as transport and entertainment.A country's capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors,most of_________(54) have an effect on one another. Wealth depends_________(55)a great extent upon a country's natural resources.Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals,and have fertile soil and a favorable climate;other regions possess none of them.Next to natural resources_________(56) the ability to turn them to use.Some countries are perhaps as well-off_________(57)the USA in natural resources,but suffered for many years from civil and external wars,and________(58)this and other reasons were________(59)to develop their resources.Sound and stable political conditions,and________(60)from foreign invasions, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily,and to produce more wealth than another country equally well favoured by nature but less well ordered.A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed_________(61)its own borders,but also upon what is directly produced through international trade.________(62),Britain's wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on________(63)grown at home.Trade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products that would________(64)be lacking.A country's wealth is,therefore,much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, ______(65)that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures._________(52)A:primary B:allC:foremost D:mainly

考题 A person's wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness.A:equal B:opposite C:certain D:large

考题 共用题干 A Country's Standard of LivingThe"standard of living"of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services the country produces.A country's standard of living,therefore____________(51)first on its capacity to produce wealth."Wealth"in this____________(52)is not money,for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy:"goods",such as food and clothing,and"services",such as transport and entertainment.A country's capacity to____________(53)wealth depends upon many factors,most of____________(54) have an effect on one another.Wealth depends_(55)a great extent upon a country's natural re-sources.Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have fertile(肥沃的)soil and a favorable climate;other regions_____________(56)none of them.Next to natural resources comes the ability to_____________(57)them to use.China is perhaps as rich asthe USA in natural resources,but she suffered for many years____________(58)civil and external wars,and for this and other_____________(59)was unable to develop her resources.Sound and stable political conditions, and_____________(60)from foreign invasions,enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily,and to produce more_____________( 61)than another country equally well favored by nature but less well ordered.A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and_____________(62) within its own borders,but also upon what is directly produced through international trade.For example, Britain's wealth in food stuffs and other agricultural_____________(63)would be much less if she had to de- pend only on those grown at home.Trade makes it possible for her surplus(剩余的)manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products_____________(64)would otherwise be lacking.A eountry'B wealth is,therefore,much influenced by its manufacturing capacity,_____________(65)that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures._________(55)A:forB:toC:inD:by

考题 In any country, the "standard ofliving" means the average person′s share of the goods and services whichthe country produces. Therefore, a country′s standard of living depends firstand foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in thissense is not money, but "goods" such as food and clothing, and"services" such as transport and entertainment. The capacity to produce wealth depends uponmany factors, most of which have an effect on one another. To a great extent,wealth depends upon a country′s natural resources, such as coal, gold, andother minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are wellsupplied with coal and minerals, and some are not. Next to natural resources comes the abilityto turn them to use. Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources,but unable to develop their resources. They suffered for many years from civiland external wars. Peaceful political and stable conditions enable a country todevelop its natural resources effectively, and to produce more wealth thananother country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Anotherimportant factor is the technical efficiency of a country′s people.Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers andtechnicians produce wealth more than countries whose workers are largelyunskilled. A country′s standard of living does notonly depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its ownborders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For instance, Britain′s wealth isfoodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had todepend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplusmanufacture goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products. In thisaspect, a country′s wealth is much influenced by its manufacturing capacity,provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures. The standard of living in a countryis determined by ______.A.its goods and services B.the type of wealth produced C.how well it can create wealth D.what an ordinary person can share

考题 In any country, the "standard ofliving" means the average person′s share of the goods and services whichthe country produces. Therefore, a country′s standard of living depends firstand foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in thissense is not money, but "goods" such as food and clothing, and"services" such as transport and entertainment. The capacity to produce wealth depends uponmany factors, most of which have an effect on one another. To a great extent,wealth depends upon a country′s natural resources, such as coal, gold, andother minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are wellsupplied with coal and minerals, and some are not. Next to natural resources comes the abilityto turn them to use. Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources,but unable to develop their resources. They suffered for many years from civiland external wars. Peaceful political and stable conditions enable a country todevelop its natural resources effectively, and to produce more wealth thananother country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Anotherimportant factor is the technical efficiency of a country′s people.Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers andtechnicians produce wealth more than countries whose workers are largelyunskilled. A country′s standard of living does notonly depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its ownborders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For instance, Britain′s wealth isfoodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had todepend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplusmanufacture goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products. In thisaspect, a country′s wealth is much influenced by its manufacturing capacity,provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures. According to the passage, besides thecapacity of wealth production, ______play an equally important role indetermining a country′s standard of living.A.farm products B.industrial goods C.foodstuffs D.export and import

考题 In any country, the "standard ofliving" means the average person′s share of the goods and services whichthe country produces. Therefore, a country′s standard of living depends firstand foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in thissense is not money, but "goods" such as food and clothing, and"services" such as transport and entertainment. The capacity to produce wealth depends uponmany factors, most of which have an effect on one another. To a great extent,wealth depends upon a country′s natural resources, such as coal, gold, andother minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are wellsupplied with coal and minerals, and some are not. Next to natural resources comes the abilityto turn them to use. Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources,but unable to develop their resources. They suffered for many years from civiland external wars. Peaceful political and stable conditions enable a country todevelop its natural resources effectively, and to produce more wealth thananother country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Anotherimportant factor is the technical efficiency of a country′s people.Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers andtechnicians produce wealth more than countries whose workers are largelyunskilled. A country′s standard of living does notonly depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its ownborders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For instance, Britain′s wealth isfoodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had todepend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplusmanufacture goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products. In thisaspect, a country′s wealth is much influenced by its manufacturing capacity,provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures. The manufacturing capacity may be a keyfactor to a higher standard of living when one country ______A.has traded her manufacture B.has established her wealth C.has been an industrialized one D.has produced surplus manufactured goods

考题 In any country, the "standard ofliving" means the average person′s share of the goods and services whichthe country produces. Therefore, a country′s standard of living depends firstand foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. "Wealth" in thissense is not money, but "goods" such as food and clothing, and"services" such as transport and entertainment. The capacity to produce wealth depends uponmany factors, most of which have an effect on one another. To a great extent,wealth depends upon a country′s natural resources, such as coal, gold, andother minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are wellsupplied with coal and minerals, and some are not. Next to natural resources comes the abilityto turn them to use. Some countries are perhaps well off in natural resources,but unable to develop their resources. They suffered for many years from civiland external wars. Peaceful political and stable conditions enable a country todevelop its natural resources effectively, and to produce more wealth thananother country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Anotherimportant factor is the technical efficiency of a country′s people.Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers andtechnicians produce wealth more than countries whose workers are largelyunskilled. A country′s standard of living does notonly depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its ownborders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade. For instance, Britain′s wealth isfoodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had todepend only on those grown at home. Trade makes it possible for her surplusmanufacture goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products. In thisaspect, a country′s wealth is much influenced by its manufacturing capacity,provided that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures. A country′s capacity to produce wealthdepends on all the factors EXCEPT FOR ______ A.people's share of its goods B.political and social stability C.qualities of its workers D.use of natural resources

考题 Human‘s brains are larger in proportion to their bodies than_______.A.whales B.a whale C.that of whales D.those of whales

考题 移动IP中,HA使用什么机制得到原始下行数据包:()A、Reverse ARPB、Proxy ARPC、ARPD、Inverse ARP

考题 In the “language awareness” exercise, the statement “The baby’s crying” informs about a third person’s whereabouts.()

考题 在Hibernate映射文件中,关于inverse属性说法正确的是()。A、inverse属性有两个值:true、falseB、<many-to-one>标签有inverse属性C、<set>标签有inverse属性D、inverse属性用于指定维护关联关系的那一方

考题 单选题The reason that it is easier to describe one’s personality in words than one’s face is that ______.A many words are available to describe personalityB a person’s personality is easily distinguishedC people’s personalities are very much alikeD a person’s face is more complex than his personality

考题 单选题A person’s wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness.A equalB certainC largeD opposite

考题 单选题The person assigned to command a lifeboat or inflatable liferaft on a ship shall have a list of the persons assigned to the lifeboat or liferaft. The list shall include each person’s().A home addressB dutiesC home phone numberD nearest relative's address

考题 问答题Practice 1  Wealth, as Mr. Hobbes says, is power. But the person who either acquires, or succeeds to a great fortune, does not necessarily acquire or succeed to any political power, either civil or military. His fortune may, perhaps, afford him the means of acquiring both, but the mere possession of that fortune does not necessarily convey to him either. The power which that possession immediately and directly conveys to him, is the power of purchasing; a certain command over all the labor, or over all the produce of labor which is then in the market. His fortune is greater or less, precisely in proportion to the extent of this power; or to the quantity either of other men’s labor, or what is the same thing, of the produce of other men’s labor, which it enables him to purchase or command. The exchangeable value of every thing must always be precisely equal to the extent of this power which it conveys to its owner.  But though labor be the real measure of the exchangeable value of all commodities, it is not that by which their value is commonly estimated. It is often difficult to ascertain the proportion between two different quantities of labor. The time spent in two different sorts of work will not always alone determine this proportion. The different degrees of hardship endured, and of ingenuity exercised, must likewise be taken into account. There may be more labor in an hour's hard work than in two hours easy business; or in an hour's application to a trade which it cost ten years labor to learn, than in a month’s industry at an ordinary and obvious employment. But it is not easy to find any accurate measure either of hardship or ingenuity. In exchanging indeed the different productions of different sorts of labor for one another, some allowance is commonly made for both. It is adjusted, however, not by any accurate measure, but by the higgling and bargaining of the market, according to that sort of rough equality which thought not exact, is sufficient for carrying on the business of common life.