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Please find the exact definition for "spectator".

A. a person who watches ,esp.an event or sport without taking part

B. a group of countries under one central government,often ruled by an emperor

C. a feeling of fondness for something in the past,often mixed with a kind of pleasant sadness

D. varity


更多 “ Please find the exact definition for "spectator".A. a person who watches ,esp.an event or sport without taking partB. a group of countries under one central government,often ruled by an emperorC. a feeling of fondness for something in the past,often mixed with a kind of pleasant sadnessD. varity ” 相关考题
考题 62 Which would be the best title for the passage?A. Timex or Rolex?B. My Childhood TimexC. Watches? Not for Me!D. Watches----a Valuable Collection

考题 请问您是哪位?用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Who are you?B、Hello.C、What’s your name?D、Who’s calling,please?

考题 Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Black?Secretary:_______A: Speaking, pleaseB: I ’m sorry. He ’s at a meeting right now.C: Hello. Who ’re you, please?D: Hello. Thank you for calling.

考题 –– East Bouren 54655.–– Hello. Terresa here. Can I speak to Jack, please?–– ______–– OK.A: Who’s that speaking?B: Could you take a message?C: I think she ’s gone shopping.D: Hold the line, please.

考题 请问您是哪位?用英语最妥当的表述是“Who’s calling,please!”。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 A:East Bouren 54655.B:Hello. Terresa here. Can I speak to Jack, please?A:________B:OK.A、Who's that speaking?B、Could you take a message?C、I think she's gone shopping.D、Hold the line, please.

考题 Nicholas: Hello. May I speak to Tom?Tom: ______A、Sorry, the number is engaged. Will you hold?B、Hello. Who're you, please?C、Hello. Thank you for calling.D、Yes, speaking.

考题 A:Who's calling, please? B:I am Peter.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 以下英汉对照错误的是()。A“Wouldyouholdtheline,please?”“请别挂。”B“Well,talktoyoulater,then.”“那我们下次再聊。”C“Iamsorry,Ireallyhavetogo.”“对不起,可我真的必须要走。”D“Who'scalling,please?”“请问您找谁?”

考题 Hello.Is Jim there?()AThis is Jim. Who's speaking, please?BI'm afraid I won't be free.CThis is the right number.DThere's no hurry.