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Which of the following instance configuration information does not come with a default value, and must be provided by the installer?()

Instance name


Merchant key


Database name


Site Admin ID


Security port numbers for the administration tools


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Which of the following instance configuration information does not come with a default value, and must be provided by the installer?()A Instance nameB Merchant keyC Database nameD Site Admin IDE Security port numbers for the administration tools” 相关考题
考题 Which protocol automates all of the following functions for hosts on a network: IP configuration, IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, and DNS server information?A. CDPB. SNMPC. DHCPD. ARPE. DNSF. None of the above

考题 Which of the following commands provides similar information about the current configuration ofactive local Ethernet adapters? (Select TWO)() A. tracerouteB. ipconfigC. ifconfigD. routeE. hostname

考题 Which of the following should an administrator do after running a command from the console onthe perimeter router?() A. Update the configuration logsB. Update the network wiring schematicsC. Update the network configuration proceduresD. Compare the configuration with the baseline

考题 Which one of the following protocols allows the information about the configuration of a new VLAN to be distributed across entire switched network?()A、STPB、VTPC、EIGRPD、SNMPE、CDPF、None of the above

考题 Which three items are configured in MST configuration submode? ()A、 Region nameB、 Configuration revision numberC、 VLAN instance mapD、 IST STP BPDU hello timerE、 CST instance mapF、 PVST+ instance map

考题 An administrator created a WebSphere Commerce instance but the site is not performing properly.  The log messages don’t give enough information to determine the problem.  Which tool is used to configure tracing of WebSphere Commerce?()A、WebSphere Commerce Configuration ManagerB、WebSphere Application Server Administrative ConsoleC、WebSphere Commerce Administration ConsoleD、WebSphere Commerce AcceleratorE、Command line

考题 A company wants to consolidate 20 existing dual processor Pentium III servers, all running a web server application on Windows Server 2003.  They are considering consolidating to a single x445 running VMWare ESX.  Which TWO of the following questions will provide enough information to determine the correct processor configuration?()A、Do the web servers require SMP capability?B、Is the web content static or dynamic information?C、What is the average CPU utilization of the existing web servers?D、Will the servers need a SCSI or Fibre Channel storage solution?E、What are the expected growth rates for the web servers?

考题 Which of the following products and utilities can be used to update all encrypted data as well as the merchant key in a WebSphere Commerce database for a given instance?()A、The Database Update Tool found in Configuration ManagerB、The LDAP ServerC、The WebSphere Application Server Administrative ConsoleD、The WebSphere Commerce SecurityUpdate CommandE、The WebSphere Commerce Administration Console

考题 An administrator wants to proactively collect information on attackers and their attempted methods of gaining access to the internal network. Which of the following would allow the administrator to do this?()A、NIPSB、HoneypotC、DMZD、NIDS

考题 Which of the following resources are created in the WebSphere Application Server configuration when a WebSphere Commerce V5.6 instance is created?()A、DataSourceB、Virtual HostsC、Server GroupD、The selected JDBC DriverE、Remote Servlet Redirector

考题 An administrator requires a summary of current configuration for each system. This is needed for an  audit trail.  Which of the following will provide this information()A、configassistB、prtconfC、IsattrD、listdgrp

考题 Which of the following IBM publications provide best practice and product information,configuration, and suggestions for storage products?()A、Redbooks B、white papers C、product announcement letters D、Solution Assurance (SAPR) guides

考题 Which of the following is used to gather Disk Magic information on a Windows host that will be used for determining the optimum configuration of an IBM System Storage DS8800?()A、iostatB、PerfMonC、DS CLID、Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data

考题 Which of the following are TRUE about a store archive?()A、It is an XML file containing store data assetsB、It uses the same file format as a ZIP fileC、It contains file assets to create a store or siteD、It can easily be copied from one machine to anotherE、It can contain WebSphere Commerce instance configuration information

考题 Which of the following would be true if an administrator tried to create a commerce instance with Commerce Payments configuration values, without having Commerce Payments installed?()A、The commerce instance would be created successfully.B、Attempting to configure payments instance after the commerce instance is already created will not be possible.C、The commerce instance creation will fail on the step that would normally configure the payments instance.D、After installing Commerce Payments, the administrator can enter the needed payment configuration values through the Administration Console.

考题 Which of the following instance configuration information does not come with a default value, and must be provided by the installer?()A、Instance nameB、Merchant keyC、Database nameD、Site Admin IDE、Security port numbers for the administration tools

考题 You execute the following command to start an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance:   SQLSTARTUP;   In which of the following modes will the ASM instance start?()A、 OPENB、 MOUNTC、 NORMALD、 NOMOUNT

考题 You are maintaining the database of a company. The listener process, listener1, is configured for remote access. You have issued the following command:   LSNRCTLSTATUS listener1   Which information will NOT be displayed when you issue the above command?() A、 whether the password is set in the listener or a file or notB、 the number of client connections the service handler has refusedC、 the information will be displayed whether the instance can accept connections or notD、 the protocol addresses on which the listener is configured to listen

考题 多选题Which of the following commands provides similar information about the current configuration ofactive local Ethernet adapters? (Select TWO)()AtracerouteBipconfigCifconfigDrouteEhostname

考题 多选题Which of the following are TRUE about a store archive?()AIt is an XML file containing store data assetsBIt uses the same file format as a ZIP fileCIt contains file assets to create a store or siteDIt can easily be copied from one machine to anotherEIt can contain WebSphere Commerce instance configuration information

考题 单选题Which protocol automates all of the following functions for hosts on a network: IP configuration, IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, and DNS server information?()A CDPB SNMPC DHCPD ARPE DNSF None of the above

考题 单选题You execute the following command to start an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance:   SQLSTARTUP;   In which of the following modes will the ASM instance start?()A  OPENB  MOUNTC  NORMALD  NOMOUNT

考题 单选题A VPN connection is not working correctly and the technician is unable to ping the VPN server. Which of the following actions should the technician do FIRST?()A Call their local ISPB Verify the IP information of the serverC Check their local Internet connectionD Verify the hostname of the server

考题 多选题Which three items are configured in MST configuration submode? ()ARegion nameBConfiguration revision numberCVLAN instance mapDIST STP BPDU hello timerE CST instance mapFPVST+ instance map

考题 单选题Which of the following should an administrator do after running a command from the console onthe perimeter router?()A Update the configuration logsB Update the network wiring schematicsC Update the network configuration proceduresD Compare the configuration with the baseline

考题 单选题An administrator created a WebSphere Commerce instance but the site is not performing properly.  The log messages don’t give enough information to determine the problem.  Which tool is used to configure tracing of WebSphere Commerce?()A WebSphere Commerce Configuration ManagerB WebSphere Application Server Administrative ConsoleC WebSphere Commerce Administration ConsoleD WebSphere Commerce AcceleratorE Command line

考题 单选题The listener uses dynamic information about the database and instance it has received through service registration before using information statically configured. Some services such as heterogeneous services and external procedures require the use of information statically configured within listener.ora. In order to support this, which tool could be used to configure the listener statically?()A Oracle Net ManagerB Listener Control UtilityC Oracle Net Control UtilityD Oracle Net Configuration Assistant