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Canada was originally one colony of_____.









更多 “单选题Canada was originally one colony of_____.A EnglandB AmericaC AustraliaD Spain” 相关考题
考题 Canada is a developed country and one of the wealthiest in the world, with the tenth highest per capita income globally (in 2013), and the eighth highest ranking in the Human Development Index (with the HDI value for 2013 being 0.902).()此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Northern provinces and territories tale up _____ of Canada. A.halfB.two thirdsC.one thirdD.four fifths

考题 [A]creatively [B]originally [C]authentically [D]initially

考题 孢子A.fungusB.hyphaC.sporeD.yeast type colonyE.filamentous type colony

考题 The author is most critical of_____.[A] the media [B] doctors [C] U. S. Legislators [D] the British government

考题 Nathan’s attitude towards Morita seems to be of_____.[A] strong distaste [B] implicit criticism [C] enthusiastic support [D] reserved consent

考题 共用题干 Canada Ikea:What a Great Place for You to Shop There are many different stores that people go to in order to buy various household goods. _______(46) The Canada Ikea(宜家)is not confined to one city alone in that country. Instead you will find there are many different branches spread out in many different localities. As with all of the Ikea stores the Canada Ikea deals mainly with selling top quality Swedish furniture. _________( 47 ) One facet(方面)of the Canada Ikea that its customers will like is that the store has tile ability of catering(迎合)to their English speaking customers as well as their French customers. To make shopping for furniture and other goods easy the Ikea stores in every country,are all set out in the same manners_______(48)As a result of this the Canada Ikea is one that its local and foreign customers enjoy visiting. To help make it easy for you to shop for the items that you want there are large blue and yellow bags or shopping carts available.______(49) As you wander through the store you will find many interesting items that you can use for your home or even office.With these products you will have a beautiful house that you can live comfortably in._______(50)The Canada Ikea is a great place for you to shop._______(49)A:.The larger sized objects are displayed in the showrooms of the Canada Ikea stores.B:.This furniture is designed to provide the home owner with stylish(时髦的)furniture that is also affordable and perfect for everyday use.C:.With so many items to be found you are sure to want to buy everything that catches your fancy.D: These bags and carts are perfect for the many different lamp shades , cushions(垫子) bed linens(亚麻布),toys and other medium to small sized objects that you want.E: This makes it very easy for visitors from other countries to buy the items they need with-out wandering around the store trying to find their goods.F: One such store that you can find in many different countries including that of Canada is that of the Ikea chain of stores.

考题 Which was NOT originally one of the Nobel Prizes?A The medicine prize. B The literature prize. C The peace prize. D The economics prize.

考题 To produce one pound of honey,a colony of bees must fly a distance_______to twice around the world.A.similar B.equal C.compared D.corresponding

考题 The anthem of Canada is ( ) A.Canada The Beautiful B.O Canada C.God Defend Canada D.Advance Canada Fair

考题 Which one is the national sport of Canada?( ) A.Football B.Hockey C.Baseball D.Basketball

考题 When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and Lower Canada(French-speaking)?()AIn 1763BIn 1774CIn 1791DIn 1840

考题 菌落(colony)

考题 When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and Lower Canada(French-speaking)?()A、In 1763B、In 1774C、In 1791D、In 1840

考题 菌落(集落bacterial colony)

考题 When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and LowerCanada(French-speaking)?()A、In 1763B、In 1774C、In 1791D、In 1840

考题 什么是原位菌落杂交(colony hybridization)?

考题 简述下列概念的区别: fed-batch culture;continuous culture colony;cloning

考题 colony

考题 单选题()the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.A BeforeB AtC InD Between

考题 单选题When was Canada divided into Upper Canada(English-speaking)and Lower Canada(French-speaking)?()A In 1763B In 1774C In 1791D In 1840

考题 问答题什么是原位菌落杂交(colony hybridization)?

考题 单选题Noted for its tenacity and courage, the English bulldog, having originally been bred for the brutal sport of bull-baiting, but now is cherished as a loyal animal companion.A the English bulldog, having originally been bred for the brutal sport of bull-baiting, but now is cherishedB English bulldogs were originally bred for the brutal sport of bull-baiting, but they are now cherishedC English bulldogs were originally bred to bait bulls in a brutal sport, but it is now cherishedD the English bulldog was originally bred for the brutal sport of bull, baiting, but it is now cherishedE the English bulldog, originally bred to bait bulls for a brutal sport, is now being cherished

考题 名词解释题菌落(colony)

考题 单选题Given: What is the result?()A CanadaB null CanadaC Canada nullD Canada CanadaE Compilation fails due to an error on line 26.

考题 单选题Coffee originally came from _____.A BrazilB ColombiaC EthiopiaD Arabia

考题 名词解释题菌落(集落bacterial colony)