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简单介绍Area Light(面积光源)的特点和应用场景。


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考题 最简单的渲染模式可调用Render命令来直接渲染模型,而不需用任何材质、添加任何光源或设置任何场景。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 场景由一个命名视图和一个或多个光源组成,如果指定了场景,RENDER将使用场景中的视图和光源信息,AutoCAD的图形文件中可建立()场景。A.无数个B.不超过20个C.5个D.3个

考题 On the pole side of the trade wind belt,there is an area of high pressure with weak pressure gradients and light,variable winds.This area is called the ______.A.Prevailing westerliesB.Geostrophic windsC.DoldrumsD.Horse latitudes

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考题 下列选项中哪个灯光不能投射深度贴图阴影?()A、Point LightB、Spot LightC、Area LightD、Volume LightE、Ambient Light

考题 简单介绍Area Light(面积光源)的特点和应用场景。

考题 场景由一个命令视图和一个或多个光源组成,如果指定了场景,RENDER将使用场景中的视图和光源信息,.AUTOCAD的图形文件中可建立()场景。A、无数个B、不超过20个C、5个D、3个

考题 以下属于Maya提供的灯光类型的是()。A、Ambient Light(环境光源)B、Volume Light(体积光源)C、Spot Light(聚光灯光源D、以上全部

考题 在下列灯光类型中,哪种灯光类型更容易模拟点光源?()A、目标平行光(Target Directional Light)B、目标聚光灯(Target Spotlight)C、泛光灯(Omni Light)

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考题 单选题以下属于Maya提供的灯光类型的是()。A Ambient Light(环境光源)B Volume Light(体积光源)C Spot Light(聚光灯光源D 以上全部

考题 单选题对于maya提供的光源,说法不正确的是()。A 灯光类型包含Directional Light(平行光源)、Point Light(泛光灯光源)、Area Light(面积光源)等等B 点光源不可以投射阴影C Point light(泛光灯光源)是被使用的最普通的光源。光从一个点光源射向四面八方,所以光线是不平行的,光线相汇点是在灯所在的地方D 平行光没有衰减属性,平行光可以投射阴影

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考题 单选题You are underway and pass by a lighthouse. Its light,which was white since you first sighted it,changes to red. This means().A the light is characterized as alternately flashingB the lighthouse has lost power and has switched to emergency lightingC it is the identifying light characteristic of the lighthouseD you have entered an area of shoal water or other hazard

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考题 单选题On the pole side of the trade wind belt,there is an area of high pressure with weak pressure gradients and light,variable winds. This area is called the().A prevailing westerliesB geostrophic windsC doldrumsD horse latitudes