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The Chinese nation has () significantly to the progress of human civilization.









解析: 中华民族为人类文明进步作出了重要贡献。contributed:做出了贡献
更多 “单选题The Chinese nation has () significantly to the progress of human civilization.A relatedB contributedC owedD attached” 相关考题
考题 A survey of the Chinese diet has _______ that a growing number of children in cities are overweight. A.replacedB.releasedC.revealedD.relieve

考题 This advertising campaign has contributed significantly ______ the success of the new car. A. forB. toC. onD. in

考题 He has made ___ much progress ___ we are all very happy. A. so, thatB. such, thatC. such, asD. so, as

考题 He dedicated all his life ___ the liberation and prosperity of the Chinese nation. A. toB. withC. forD. in

考题 The Chinese civilization has always given ( )to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance. A.influenceB.emphasizeC.quite a fewD.prominence

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考题 Although the number of____ is not great, it has none the less increased significantly over the past few days. A、positionB、strangerC、applicationsD、character

考题 Every country and every nation has its own ______ and cultural tradition, strong points and advantages.A、historianB、historyC、historicalD、heroine

考题 Nobody but Jack and Jane () made great progress in the history examination this time. A、haveB、hasC、hadD、has been

考题 Since the beginning of the term he has made __progress in his studies. A. remarkingB. markingC. noticeableD. noticed

考题 Silk( )by Chinese for thousands of years now.A. has usedB. has been usedC. was usedD. is used

考题 Neither English nor Chinese ________ difficult to learn. A. has B. have C. is D. are

考题 —David has made great progress recently. —_______, and _______. A. So he has;so you have B. So he has;so have you C. So he has;so do you D. So has he;so you have

考题 6. In the world a great number of people ________to study Chinese.A. startsB. has startedC. startD. was started

考题 Why does Mr. Nixson want to begin a career in the employment industry?A.The field has a lot of potential in the future B.He has been unable to find employment elsewhere C.He has just completed a college course in that field D.The employment industry is the most stable in the nation

考题 Nancy Liu amved in Sydney from China as a"skilled immigrant"with an economics degree 14 years ago.With her husband,she set up a business consultancy in the suburb in southem Sydney.However,Liu was only an epitome of thousands of Chinese investors.Since then,Chinese investment has transformed the city:many of its shop signs are now in Chinese.Ms Liu was a forerunner of a new wave of Chinese immigrants to Australia's oldest and biggest city.Hong Kong once supplied most of Australia's Chinese settlers,but over the past few years the pattern has shifted.Now it is the rising middle classes from other places of China who go there,looking for a more relaxed life style.About 4%of Sydney's people were bom in China.Currendy,China has become Australia's biggest trading partner,and its largest source of foreign students.

考题 共用题干 Chinese Dialects(方言)The enormous differences in Chinese dialects have been a continuing problem ever since China became an empire in 221 B.C.,and it is one big reason why the country has remained impoverished (贫穷).Of the 600 million people,all but a very small number speak Chinese. But the dialects vary so widely that the speech of Peking,for example,is as different from the speech of Canton as English is from German.There is,to be sure,only one written language for all China,but it bears no phonetic(语音的)relationship to any of the spoken dialects.Moreover,it has so many symbols that only a tiny portion of the population has ever mastered it.As a result,most Chinese have been isolated for centuries from a free flow of ideas and from the economic progress that such a flow produces.Many dynasties tried with little success to break down the wall. After recognizing the importance of having a literate people for working in a technological world and for developing an effective propaganda(宣传)machine,the present government is putting everything it has into tackling the language problem. But the obstacles are so formidable(难以应付的)that the results cannot yet be predicted.At the heart of the problem is the dialects.The dialects prevented the evolution of a single written language based on phonetics.Instead,the Chinese were forced to develop a system that has no relation to sound,and they have clung to it for more than 3,000 years.When this system is applied to a whole language,it results in an overwhelming number of symbols.There are about 50,000 entries in a Chinese dictionary not counting the compounds(复合词). In order to be literate,a Chinese must learn 6,000;to be moderately educated,12,000.An English-speaking child,having to conquer only a twenty-six-letter alphabet,has usually learned to read by the time he begins the third grade.A Chinese child needs at least five more years of elementary learning;in the seventh grade,he can barely read a Chinese newspaper.Paragraph 3______A:Dealing with the Problem of Various DialectsB:Difficulties in Learning ChineseC:Features of Chinese DialectsD:Differences in Chinese DialectsE:Dialects as Heart of the ProblemF: Ways of the Government to Tackle the Problem

考题 共用题干 Chinese Dialects(方言)The enormous differences in Chinese dialects have been a continuing problem ever since China became an empire in 221 B.C.,and it is one big reason why the country has remained impoverished (贫穷).Of the 600 million people,all but a very small number speak Chinese. But the dialects vary so widely that the speech of Peking,for example,is as different from the speech of Canton as English is from German.There is,to be sure,only one written language for all China,but it bears no phonetic(语音的)relationship to any of the spoken dialects.Moreover,it has so many symbols that only a tiny portion of the population has ever mastered it.As a result,most Chinese have been isolated for centuries from a free flow of ideas and from the economic progress that such a flow produces.Many dynasties tried with little success to break down the wall. After recognizing the importance of having a literate people for working in a technological world and for developing an effective propaganda(宣传)machine,the present government is putting everything it has into tackling the language problem. But the obstacles are so formidable(难以应付的)that the results cannot yet be predicted.At the heart of the problem is the dialects.The dialects prevented the evolution of a single written language based on phonetics.Instead,the Chinese were forced to develop a system that has no relation to sound,and they have clung to it for more than 3,000 years.When this system is applied to a whole language,it results in an overwhelming number of symbols.There are about 50,000 entries in a Chinese dictionary not counting the compounds(复合词). In order to be literate,a Chinese must learn 6,000;to be moderately educated,12,000.An English-speaking child,having to conquer only a twenty-six-letter alphabet,has usually learned to read by the time he begins the third grade.A Chinese child needs at least five more years of elementary learning;in the seventh grade,he can barely read a Chinese newspaper.The main reason why there are a great number of symbols in Chinese language is that______.A:China failed to develop a single written language based on phoneticsB:a Chinese child is supposed to learn much more words than his English speaking counterpartC:enormous differences in Chinese dialectsD:the Chinese language system has no relation to soundE:educate more people to learn the same languageF: there is only a small part of the population who understand the large number of symbols

考题 共用题干 Chinese Dialects(方言)The enormous differences in Chinese dialects have been a continuing problem ever since China became an empire in 221 B.C.,and it is one big reason why the country has remained impoverished (贫穷).Of the 600 million people,all but a very small number speak Chinese. But the dialects vary so widely that the speech of Peking,for example,is as different from the speech of Canton as English is from German.There is,to be sure,only one written language for all China,but it bears no phonetic(语音的)relationship to any of the spoken dialects.Moreover,it has so many symbols that only a tiny portion of the population has ever mastered it.As a result,most Chinese have been isolated for centuries from a free flow of ideas and from the economic progress that such a flow produces.Many dynasties tried with little success to break down the wall. After recognizing the importance of having a literate people for working in a technological world and for developing an effective propaganda(宣传)machine,the present government is putting everything it has into tackling the language problem. But the obstacles are so formidable(难以应付的)that the results cannot yet be predicted.At the heart of the problem is the dialects.The dialects prevented the evolution of a single written language based on phonetics.Instead,the Chinese were forced to develop a system that has no relation to sound,and they have clung to it for more than 3,000 years.When this system is applied to a whole language,it results in an overwhelming number of symbols.There are about 50,000 entries in a Chinese dictionary not counting the compounds(复合词). In order to be literate,a Chinese must learn 6,000;to be moderately educated,12,000.An English-speaking child,having to conquer only a twenty-six-letter alphabet,has usually learned to read by the time he begins the third grade.A Chinese child needs at least five more years of elementary learning;in the seventh grade,he can barely read a Chinese newspaper.According to the text,it is believed that China's poverty is partly caused by______.A:China failed to develop a single written language based on phoneticsB:a Chinese child is supposed to learn much more words than his English speaking counterpartC:enormous differences in Chinese dialectsD:the Chinese language system has no relation to soundE:educate more people to learn the same languageF: there is only a small part of the population who understand the large number of symbols

考题 Silk()by Chinese for thousands of years now.A、has usedB、has been usedC、was usedD、is used

考题 Silk()by Chinese for thousands of years now.A、has been usedB、was usedC、is used

考题 Progress has been () in aeroplane design.A、doneB、madeC、produced

考题 单选题Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it known that much of his collection ______ to the nation.A has leftB is to leaveC leavesD is to be left

考题 单选题Progress has been () in aeroplane design.A doneB madeC produced

考题 单选题Chinatown has been the center of San Francisco’s Chinese community since the 1850s. Its boundaries have expanded significantly since the 1960s, and the neighborhoods built there are generally wealthy.A plentifulB attractiveC friendlyD rich

考题 问答题Extensive new studies suggest that the world has made extraordinary progress in reducing poverty in recent decades.

考题 单选题Tourism has()agriculture as the nation's main industry.A replacedB redirectedC reckonedD recalled

考题 单选题The Chinese nation has () significantly to the progress of human civilization.A relatedB contributedC owedD attached