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In the statement of “a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing”, the synonym to the word “hearing” is.

official inquiry


listening case






本题是词义题。第一段提到:昨天一个General Medical Council disciplinary hearing透露了一个医生被控告…;第四段第二句也提到:He had also duped the GMC into postponing his hearing,before the professional conduct committee,four times by claiming that his bad back made him unfit to attend,由此得知这个专业行为委员会对这个医生做的是official inquiry(正式质询),所以答案为选项A。
更多 “单选题In the statement of “a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing”, the synonym to the word “hearing” is.A official inquiryB listening caseC auditD audience” 相关考题
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考题 The Governor-General acts only on the advice of the Executive Council that comprises himself and the Cabinet.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 When a sentence changes from a statement to a general/ special question, which movement is struc-turally required A NP–movement/WH-movementB NP–movement/Aux-movementC AUX-movement/WH–movementD WH–movement/AUX-movement

考题 A general purpose MySQL instance is configured with the following options:—log-slow-queries—long-query-time=,0001—log-slow-admin-queries—general-log—log-bin—binlog-format=STATEMENT—innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=1Which three statements are true()。A.The General Query Log records more data than the Binary LogB.The binary Log records more data than the General Query LogC.The Slow Query Log records more data than the General Query LogD.The General Query Log records more data than the Slow Query LogE.The Slow Query Log records more data than the Binary LogF.The Binary Log records more data than the Slow Query Log

考题 Which statement about general average is TRUE ________.A.Damage to a ship must have been incurred while the ship and/or its machinery was being used for its intended purposeB.Property must have been sacrificed or an expenditure of money incurredC.The loss or damage to deck cargo due to heavy weather constitutes general averageD.Of the ship,the freight,and the cargo interests,only one need be involved

考题 The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination.   Although we have insufficient reliable data about the extent of this phenomenon, its prevention, or its effective management, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of common sense and concepts with face validity.   There is general agreement that there should be zero tolerance of cheating in a profession based on trust and one on which human lives depend. It is reasonable to assume that cheaters in medical school will be more likely than others to continue to act dishonestly with patients,colleagues, insurers, and government.   The behaviours under question are multifactorial in origin. There are familial, religious, and cultural values that are acquired long before medical school. For example, countries, cultures, and subcultures exist where bribes and dishonest behaviour are almost a norm. There are secondary schools in which neither staff nor students tolerate cheating and others where cheating is rampant;there are homes which imbue young people with high standards of ethical behaviour and others which leave ethical training to the harmful influence of television and the market place.   Medical schools reflect society and cannot be expected to remedy all the ills of a society. The selection process of medical students might be expected to favour candidates with integrity and positive ethical behaviour--if one had a reliable method for detecting such characteristics in advance. Medical schools should be the major focus of attention for imbuing future doctors with integrity and ethical sensitivity. Unfortunately there are troubling, if inconclusive, data that suggest that during medical school the ethical behaviour of medical students does not necessarily improve;indeed, moral development may actually stop or even regress.   The creation of a pervasive institutional culture of integrity is essential. It is critical that the academic and clinical leaders of the institution set a personal example of integrity. Medical schools must make their institutional position and their expectations of students absolutely clear from day one. The development of a school's culture of integrity requires a partnership with the students in which they play an active role in its creation and nurturing. Moreover, the school's examination system and general treatment of students must be perceived as fair. Finally, the treatment of infractions must be firm, fair, transparent, and consistent. The author will probably agree with which of the following statements   A. Medical schools should make exams easier for the students to alleviate the fierce competition. B. Prominent figures in the medical institution should create a set of moral standards to be applied in medical schools. C. Medical students should play an active role in the creation and preservation of a culture of integrity. D. Those students who cheat in the exams should be instantly expelled from school.

考题 The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination.   Although we have insufficient reliable data about the extent of this phenomenon, its prevention, or its effective management, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of common sense and concepts with face validity.   There is general agreement that there should be zero tolerance of cheating in a profession based on trust and one on which human lives depend. It is reasonable to assume that cheaters in medical school will be more likely than others to continue to act dishonestly with patients,colleagues, insurers, and government.   The behaviours under question are multifactorial in origin. There are familial, religious, and cultural values that are acquired long before medical school. For example, countries, cultures, and subcultures exist where bribes and dishonest behaviour are almost a norm. There are secondary schools in which neither staff nor students tolerate cheating and others where cheating is rampant;there are homes which imbue young people with high standards of ethical behaviour and others which leave ethical training to the harmful influence of television and the market place.   Medical schools reflect society and cannot be expected to remedy all the ills of a society. The selection process of medical students might be expected to favour candidates with integrity and positive ethical behaviour--if one had a reliable method for detecting such characteristics in advance. Medical schools should be the major focus of attention for imbuing future doctors with integrity and ethical sensitivity. Unfortunately there are troubling, if inconclusive, data that suggest that during medical school the ethical behaviour of medical students does not necessarily improve;indeed, moral development may actually stop or even regress.   The creation of a pervasive institutional culture of integrity is essential. It is critical that the academic and clinical leaders of the institution set a personal example of integrity. Medical schools must make their institutional position and their expectations of students absolutely clear from day one. The development of a school's culture of integrity requires a partnership with the students in which they play an active role in its creation and nurturing. Moreover, the school's examination system and general treatment of students must be perceived as fair. Finally, the treatment of infractions must be firm, fair, transparent, and consistent. According to the author, it is important to prevent cheating in medical schools because__________.   A. the medical profession is based on trust B. there is zero tolerance of cheating in medicine C. the medical profession depends on the government D. cheating exists extensively in medical schools

考题 请阅读Passage 1,完成第小题。 Passage 1 The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination. Although we have insufficient reliable data about the extent of this phenomenon, its prevention, or its effective management, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of common sense and concepts with face validity. There is general agreement that there should be zero tolerance of cheating in a profession based on trust and one on which human lives depend. It is reasonable to assume that cheaters in medical school will be more likely than others to continue to act dishonestly with patients,colleagues, insurers, and government. The behaviours under question are multifactorial in origin. There are familial, religious, and cultural values that are acquired long before medical school. For example, countries, cultures, and subcultures exist where bribes and dishonest behaviour are almost a norm. There are secondary schools in which neither staff nor students tolerate cheating and others where cheating is rampant;there are homes which imbue young people with high standards of ethical behaviour and others which leave ethical training to the harmful influence of television and the market place. Medical schools reflect society and cannot be expected to remedy all the ills of a society. The selection process of medical students might be expected to favour candidates with integrity and positive ethical behaviour--if one had a reliable method for detecting such characteristics in advance. Medical schools should be the major focus of attention for imbuing future doctors with integrity and ethical sensitivity. Unfortunately there are troubling, if inconclusive, data that suggest that during medical school the ethical behaviour of medical students does not necessarily improve;indeed, moral development may actually stop or even regress. The creation of a pervasive institutional culture of integrity is essential. It is critical that the academic and clinical leaders of the institution set a personal example of integrity. Medical schools must make their institutional position and their expectations of students absolutely clear from day one. The development of a school's culture of integrity requires a partnership with the students in which they play an active role in its creation and nurturing. Moreover, the school's examination system and general treatment of students must be perceived as fair. Finally, the treatment of infractions must be firm, fair, transparent, and consistent. According to the author, what precautions should medical schools take to prevent students from cheating? 查看材料 A.Medical schools should establish a firm moral standard to weed out applicants with low integrity. B.Medical schools should make efforts to remedy the ills of a society. C.Medical schools should teach future doctors integrity and ethical values. D.There is nothing medical schools can do to improve the ethical behaviour of their students.

考题 The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination.   Although we have insufficient reliable data about the extent of this phenomenon, its prevention, or its effective management, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of common sense and concepts with face validity.   There is general agreement that there should be zero tolerance of cheating in a profession based on trust and one on which human lives depend. It is reasonable to assume that cheaters in medical school will be more likely than others to continue to act dishonestly with patients,colleagues, insurers, and government.   The behaviours under question are multifactorial in origin. There are familial, religious, and cultural values that are acquired long before medical school. For example, countries, cultures, and subcultures exist where bribes and dishonest behaviour are almost a norm. There are secondary schools in which neither staff nor students tolerate cheating and others where cheating is rampant;there are homes which imbue young people with high standards of ethical behaviour and others which leave ethical training to the harmful influence of television and the market place.   Medical schools reflect society and cannot be expected to remedy all the ills of a society. The selection process of medical students might be expected to favour candidates with integrity and positive ethical behaviour--if one had a reliable method for detecting such characteristics in advance. Medical schools should be the major focus of attention for imbuing future doctors with integrity and ethical sensitivity. Unfortunately there are troubling, if inconclusive, data that suggest that during medical school the ethical behaviour of medical students does not necessarily improve;indeed, moral development may actually stop or even regress.   The creation of a pervasive institutional culture of integrity is essential. It is critical that the academic and clinical leaders of the institution set a personal example of integrity. Medical schools must make their institutional position and their expectations of students absolutely clear from day one. The development of a school's culture of integrity requires a partnership with the students in which they play an active role in its creation and nurturing. Moreover, the school's examination system and general treatment of students must be perceived as fair. Finally, the treatment of infractions must be firm, fair, transparent, and consistent. According to the author, what precautions should medical schools take to prevent students from cheating   A. Medical schools should establish a firm moral standard to weed out applicants with low integrity. B. Medical schools should make efforts to remedy the ills of a society. C. Medical schools should teach future doctors integrity and ethical values. D. There is nothing medical schools can do to improve the ethical behaviour of their students.

考题 共用题干 Medical JournalsMedical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals.In the past,these journals were available only in print. With the development of electronic publishing,many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet,and some journals are pub-lished only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Associa-tion,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine.Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of re-search studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the informa-tion available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from dif-ferent studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them. Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,of-ten regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a per-spective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic .Letters to the edi-tor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A: Many medical journals also are published online.B: A few medical journals are general medical journals.C: Most medical journals are published only online.D: Most medical journals are specialty journals.

考题 共用题干 Medical JournalsMedical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals.In the past,these journals were available only in print. With the development of electronic publishing,many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet,and some journals are pub-lished only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Associa-tion,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine.Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of re-search studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the informa-tion available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from dif-ferent studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them. Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,of-ten regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a per-spective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic .Letters to the edi-tor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal. An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic is called______.A: a research articleB: a review articleC: a case reportD: an editorial

考题 共用题干 Medical JournalsMedical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals.In the past,these journals were available only in print. With the development of electronic publishing,many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet,and some journals are pub-lished only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Associa-tion,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine.Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of re-search studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the informa-tion available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from dif-ferent studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them. Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,of-ten regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a per-spective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic .Letters to the edi-tor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal. Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on______.A: any medical eventB: articles published in the same issueC: articles published in that journalD: medical development

考题 共用题干 Medical JournalsMedical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals.In the past,these journals were available only in print. With the development of electronic publishing,many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet,and some journals are pub-lished only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Associa-tion,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine.Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of re-search studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the informa-tion available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from dif-ferent studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them. Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,of-ten regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a per-spective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic .Letters to the edi-tor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal. The main readers of medical journals are______.A: the general publicB: health professionalsC: medical criticsD: news reporters

考题 共用题干 Medical Journals Medical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals. In the past,these journals were available only in print.With the development of electronic publishing, many medical journals now have web sites on the Internet,and some journals are published only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Association,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine. Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the information available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them.Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,often regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a perspective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic.Letters to the editor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal.Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on______.A:any medical eventB:articles published in the same issueC:articles published in that journalD:medical development

考题 共用题干 Medical Journals Medical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals. In the past,these journals were available only in print.With the development of electronic publishing, many medical journals now have web sites on the Internet,and some journals are published only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Association,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine. Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the information available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them.Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,often regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a perspective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic.Letters to the editor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A:Many medical journals also are published online.B:A few medical journals are general medical journals.C:Most medical journals are published only online.D:Most medical journals are specialty journals.

考题 共用题干 Medical Journals Medical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals. In the past,these journals were available only in print.With the development of electronic publishing, many medical journals now have web sites on the Internet,and some journals are published only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Association,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine. Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the information available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them.Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,often regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a perspective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic.Letters to the editor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal.The main readers of medical journals are______.A:the general publicB:health professionalsC:medical critics D:news reporters

考题 共用题干 Medical Journals Medical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals. In the past,these journals were available only in print.With the development of electronic publishing, many medical journals now have web sites on the Internet,and some journals are published only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Association,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine. Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the information available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them.Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,often regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a perspective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic.Letters to the editor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal.An article dealing rjth results from different studies on the same topic is called_____.A:a research article B:a review articleC:a case report D:an editorial

考题 The deliverable from this phase also includes the ( ) for the proposed system. A.hardware and software specification B.system performance specification C.formal requirements definition D.general problem statement

考题 共用题干 Medical JournalsMedical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and other health professionals. in the past,these journals were available only in print.With the development of electronic publishing, many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet,and some journals are published only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Association,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine.Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze the information available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them.Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,often regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a perspective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic.Letters to the editor provide a way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal.The main readers of medical journals are______.A:the general public B:health professionalsC:medical critics D:news reporters

考题 共用题干 第二篇Medical JournalsMedical journals are publications that report medical information to physicians and otherhealth professionals.In the past,these journals were available only in print.With the development of electronic publishing, many medical journals now have Web sites on the Internet,and some journals are published only online.A few medical journals,like the Journal of the American Medical Association,are considered general medical journals because they cover many fields of medicine.Most medical journals are specialty journals that focus on a particular area of medicine.Medical journals publish many types of articles.Research articles report the results of research studies on a range of topics varying from the basic mechanisms of diseases to clinical trials that compare outcomes of different treatments.Review articles summarize and analyze、the information available on a specific topic based on a careful search of the medical literature.Because the results of individual research studies can be affected by many factors,combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching conclusions about the scientific evidence for preventing,diagnosing or treating a particular disease.Case conferences and case reports may be published in medical journals to educate physicians about particular illnesses and how to treat them. Editorials in medical journals are short essays that express the views of the authors,often regarding a research or review article published in the same issue.Editorials provide a per- spective on how the current article fits with other information on the same topic.Letters to the editor provideit way for readers of the medical journal to express comments,questions or criticisms about articles published in that journal.Letters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on__________.A:any medical eventB:articles published in the same issueC:articles published in that journalD:medical development

考题 Which statement is true about the log-output variable?()A、It is a static variable and can be set only at MySQL server startupB、It enables and starts the General Query LogC、It sets the target location for the binary logs generated by the MySQL severD、It specifies output destinations for the slow and General Query logs

考题 单选题Which of the following best describes the rela- tionship between the statement in lines 7-8 (To get an edge,.your gut) and the statement in lines 22-24 (Trust them,.within you)?A The first represents a generalization about intuition, while the second represents a specific example of that general idea.B They represent two contrasting recommendations about intuition.C They reflect different stages of the author's evolving perspective on intuition.D They are both recommendations from people who value the power of intuition.E The first represents a medical opinion, while the second represents a popular misconception.

考题 单选题In the statement of “a General Medical Council disciplinary hearing”, the synonym to the word “hearing” is.A official inquiryB listening caseC auditD audience

考题 多选题A general purpose MySQL instance is configured with the following options: —log-slow-queries —long-query-time=,0001 —log-slow-admin-queries —general-log —log-bin —binlog-format=STATEMENT —innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit=1 Which three statements are true()。AThe General Query Log records more data than the Binary LogBThe binary Log records more data than the General Query LogCThe Slow Query Log records more data than the General Query LogDThe General Query Log records more data than the Slow Query LogEThe Slow Query Log records more data than the Binary LogFThe Binary Log records more data than the Slow Query Log

考题 单选题Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE?().A Raising the antenna height increases the radar rangeB The ability of radar to detect objects is unaffected by weather conditionsC Radar bearings are less accurate than radar rangesD Radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly

考题 单选题In the International Code of signals,a group of three letters indicates().A urgency or an emergencyB the vessel's national identity signalC a group from the general signal codeD a group from the medical signal code

考题 单选题Which statement about the hospital space on a cargo ship is TRUE().A The hospital may be used for disciplinary confinement if it is not being used for treatmentB The hospital space must have both a bathtub and showerC A hospital is required on all vessels with a crew of 12 or more if it makes overnight voyagesD If a ship has a crew of forty-five who do not have their own room,the hospital must have four berths

考题 单选题Which statement is true about the log-output variable?()A It is a static variable and can be set only at MySQL server startupB It enables and starts the General Query LogC It sets the target location for the binary logs generated by the MySQL severD It specifies output destinations for the slow and General Query logs