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According to the author, the United States claims to be a nation _____.

composed of people having different values


encouraging individual pursuits


sharing common interests


founded on shared ideals


更多 “单选题According to the author, the United States claims to be a nation _____.A composed of people having different valuesB encouraging individual pursuitsC sharing common interestsD founded on shared ideals” 相关考题
考题 In Asia, the United States tried to contain the People’s Republic of China as well. The United States did not formally recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) for 30 years after its founding.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Which the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The United Nations says about 50 million acres of rain forests are cut down every year.B. Luckily people and the mass media all paid special attention to the depletion of rain forests.C. The author thought the oceans' survival is questionable.D. People have stopped cutting down rain forests because of the opposition of most people.

考题 The ( )_ of invitation vary in different parts of the United States. A.consumeB.consultC.customsD.cultural

考题 In 1776, the United States became the first nation in the world ____the word "happiness" into its basic founding documents.A: to incorporateB: incorporateC: incorporatingD: incorporated

考题 According to American historians and specialists in demography, there are _____ great population movement in the history of the United States. A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five

考题 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Some companies in the United States moved to Sweden, Germany and Belgium.B. Fresh air, spacious room and being away from others attract people to move to the suburbs.C. People wouldn't pay tax when they moved out of cities.D. The neighborhood should be maintained by old and poor people.

考题 There are many stereotypes about the character of people in various parts of the United States.In the Northeast and Midwest,people are said to be closed and private.In the South and West,however,they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable.Ask someone from St.Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is,and he or she will politely give you directions.A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you,might give you a rather unexpected explanation.A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat.A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch. American stereotypes are abundant.New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful.Southerners are known for their hospitality and warmth.People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing.These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate,living conditions,and historical development. When travelling from place to place,Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States. The main idea of the passage is__.A.even Americans are surprised at the big differences among themselves B.there are many differences in character in different parts of the USA C.there are many reason for the differences D.stereotypes about people are not necessarily true

考题 There are many stereotypes about the character of people in various parts of the United States.In the Northeast and Midwest,people are said to be closed and private.In the South and West,however,they are often thought of as being more open and hospitable.Ask someone from St.Louis where the nearest sandwich shop is,and he or she will politely give you directions.A New Yorker might eye you at first and after deciding it is safe to talk to you,might give you a rather unexpected explanation.A person from Georgia might be very kind about directing you and even suggest some different places to eat.A Texan just might take you to the place and treat you to lunch. American stereotypes are abundant.New Englanders are often thought of as being friendly and helpful.Southerners are known for their hospitality and warmth.People from the western part of the United States are often considered very outgoing.These differences in character can be traced to different factors such as climate,living conditions,and historical development. When travelling from place to place,Americans themselves are often surprised at the differing degrees of friendliness in the United States. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.New Yorkers are usually open with stranger B.People from the South are usually considered good host C.The friendliest Americans travel from place to plac D.Different parts have different customs and habit

考题 According to historians and specialists in demography,there are()great population movement(s)in the history of the United States.AfourBthreeCfiveDNone of the above

考题 Oracle9i extends the cursor sharing functionality with the new value of SIMILAR for the CURSOR_SHARING parameter. With CURSOR_SHARING = SIMILAR, cursors are shared for safe literals only. What is meant by ‘safe literals only’?() A、No literal value is substituted for a shared cursor. B、Different execution plans are generated for substituted literal values. C、The substitution of a literal value will produce different execution plans. D、The substitution of any literal value will produce exactly the same execution plan.

考题 单选题According to the Weather Channel, there is a ______ of rain or even snow in the southwestern region of the United States.A potentialB speculationC chanceD plan

考题 单选题According to the passage, the scientists carried out their researches on ______.A smokers from different parts of the worldB smokers from different states in the United StatesC actors and actresses who smoke a lotD wait staff and bartenders

考题 单选题Unlike the United States, the president of the Philippines are elected to a six-year term in office.A United States, the president of the Philippines are electedB United States, the president of the Philippines is electedC United States, the people of the Philippines elect a presidentD the president of the United States, the people of the Philippines electE the president of the United States, the president of the Philippines is elected

考题 单选题According to the author, people’s opinions of leadership are on the whole quite _____.A dividedB originalC misleadingD sophisticated

考题 单选题According to the author, the United States claims to be a nation _____.A composed of people having different valuesB encouraging individual pursuitsC sharing common interestsD founded on shared ideals

考题 单选题The author states that the will and the passions of the people _____.A can be effectively controlled by the people themselvesB should determine government policiesC can be controlled only by a power that exists apart from the people and is not subject to that will and those passionsD cannot be controlled

考题 单选题According to the passage, a major difference between the colonization policy of the United States and that of Mexico in Texas in the 1800’s was the _____.A degree to which policies were based on traditionB form of economic interdependency between different cultural groupsC treatment of the native inhabitantsD relationship between the military and the settlers

考题 单选题According to the passage, people wearing uniforms _____.A are usually helpfulB have little or no individual freedomC tend to lose their individualityD enjoy greater popularity

考题 单选题Prior to this text, the author has most probably made an analysis of ______.A brain gain in the United States.B the cause of problems of the black people.C the U. S educational programs for blacks.D the procedure of foreign students’ immigration.

考题 单选题Alexander Hamilton was accused of being involved in a(n) scheme to establish a separate nation in the western part of the United States.A plotB decisionC orderD notion

考题 单选题Alexander Hamilton was accused of being involved in a scheme to establish a separate nation in the western part of the United States.A plot B decision C order D notion

考题 单选题The author intends to tell the readers that _____.A the United States is a wealthy country although poverty and crime exist thereB crime has become a serious problem in the United States, although it is said to be a prosperous oneC despite the fact that crimes have been increasing rapidly in the United States, it is a country of prosperityD in spite of stories about poverty and crime in the United States, it is prospering at an increasing rate

考题 单选题According to the United States Constitution, the legislative power is invested in _____.A the Federal GovernmentB the Supreme CourtC the CabinetD the Congress

考题 单选题According to the author, the British government is trying to ______.A punish young people if they are not cooperating with itB reform the unemployed youngstersC the economic slow clownD reduce welfare spending

考题 单选题Having a _______ attitude towards people with different ideas is an indication that one has been well educated.A forgivingB bearableC compoundD tolerant

考题 单选题The United States is a typical country _____.A which encourages free trade at home and abroadB which people’s chief concern is how to make moneyC which all businesses are managed scientificallyD which normally works according to the federal budget

考题 问答题Practice 8  The United States has long been known as a “melting pot”, because many of its people are descended from settlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land. The first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands. Attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and religious and political freedom, immigrants from many other countries flocked to the United States in increasing numbers, reaching a peak in the years 1880—1914. Between 1820 and 1980 the United States admitted almost 50 million immigrants.  Some 1,360,000 American Indians, descendants of North America's first inhabitants, now reside in the United States. Most live in the West, but many are in the south and north central areas. Of the more than 300 separate tribes, the largest is the Navaho in the Southwest.  Black people were first brought to America from Africa as slaves. Their descendants now make up nearly 12 percent of the population. They once lived mainly in the agricultural South but now are scattered throughout the nation.

考题 单选题According to the passage, the International Trade Commission is involved in which of the following?A Investigating allegations of unfair import competitionB Granting subsidies to companies in the United States that have been injured by import competitionC Recommending legislation to ensure fair tradeD Identifying international corporations that wish to build plants in the United States