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According to the author, the British government is trying to ______.

punish young people if they are not cooperating with it


reform the unemployed youngsters


the economic slow clown


reduce welfare spending


更多 “单选题According to the author, the British government is trying to ______.A punish young people if they are not cooperating with itB reform the unemployed youngstersC the economic slow clownD reduce welfare spending” 相关考题
考题 The government is trying to do something to ____________ better understanding between the two countries. (A) raise(B) enlarge(C) heighten(D) promote

考题 The statement about the mad cow disease constituted a direct _______to the British government. A. instructionB. permissionC. challengeD. sympathy

考题 The author's attitude towards the government's policy is ______.A. negativeB. doubtfulC. positiveD. unknown

考题 According to the author, happiness lies in______.

考题 According to Gerald Corbett, British railway is structured[A] for the benefit of commuters.[B] to the advantage of the government.[C] for the effect of better coordination.[ D] as a replacement of the private system.

考题 Comparing British railway with those of Europe, the author thinks[A] trains in Britain can run at 100 mph at least.[B] Britain should build more express lines.[ C] rails in Britain need further privatization.[D] British railway is left a long way behind.

考题 10 Downing Street is a symbol of the British Prime Minister and the government.()

考题 according to the text,the most important single factor which influences british policy- makers is its history. ()

考题 Which descriptions below are true about Stephen Hawking?() A.theoretical physicistB.British mathematicianC.born in OxfordD.author of best seller

考题 The author is most critical of_____.[A] the media [B] doctors [C] U. S. Legislators [D] the British government

考题 Why was the British government interested in New Zealand?()ATrade with New Zealand was economically important.BThere were no laws to protect Maori rights in dealings with white settlers.CThe French government was taking an interest in New Zealand,too.DAll of the above.

考题 Why was the British government interested in New Zealand?()A、Trade with New Zealand was economically important.B、There were no laws to protect Maori rights in dealings with white settlers.C、The French government was taking an interest in New Zealand,too.D、All of the above.

考题 单选题What did Princess Diana think of her visit to Angola?A It had caused embarrassment to the British government.B It had greatly promoted her popularity.C It had brought her closer to the ordinary people.D It had affected her relations with the British government.

考题 单选题According to the author, the British government is trying to ______.A punish young people if they are not cooperating with itB reform the unemployed youngstersC the economic slow clownD reduce welfare spending

考题 单选题It can be inferred that the attitude of the WHO and the British government toward the use of mobile phones is ______.A precautiousB skepticalC approving

考题 单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about schools?A They should present political information according to carefully planned, schematic arrangements.B They themselves constitute part of a general socio-political system that adolescents are learning to understand.C They are ineffectual to the degree that they disregard adolescents’ political naves.D Because they are subsidiary to government, their contribution to the political understanding of adolescents must be limited.

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A The potential health hazards of mobile phones call for further research.B The Australian scientists find no connection between growth of tumors in human body and radiation from mobile phones.C The Italian scientists’ belief is shared by other scientists.D The British government inquiry didn’t establish any link between health risks and use of mobile phones.

考题 填空题According to the author, youth hostels are economical and tidy.____

考题 问答题What can you find in Second Avenue and Union Street according to the author?

考题 单选题According to the passage, _____ may NOT be the character of the author’s father.A demandingB practicalC stubbornD liberal

考题 单选题According to the author, a born naturalist should first of all be _____.A full of enthusiasmB self-disciplinedC full of ambitionD knowledgeable

考题 单选题Some members of the British government criticized Diana becauseA she had not consulted the government before the visitB she was ill-informed of the government’s policyC they were actually opposed to banning landminesD they believed that she had misinterpreted the situation in Angola

考题 单选题According to the author, government _____.A is made by menB is made in virtue of natural rightsC has a right to everythingD wants everything

考题 单选题If it goes on to ______ its responsibilities, then the British government must act immediately in its place.A disciplineB abdicateC bashD challenge

考题 单选题It can be inferred from the passage that the author is most probably ______.A an American congressmanB a British politicianC an American journalistD a British environmentalist

考题 填空题The government is trying to find a way to deal with the problem of pollution (effective) ____.

考题 单选题The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?A When did the new protectionism arise?B Why is the new protectionism so popular in northern European countries?C Does the American government play a more active role in economic life than the British government?D Why does the government intervene in economic life?

考题 单选题Economists and government officials are trying to get at the cause of the current inflation.A discoverB eliminateC inaugurateD devise