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It is not comfortable.


It is difficult to steer.


It cannot go long distances without recharging.


Its engine easily overheats.


  Our electric car is the way of the future. Automobile manufacturers are under the pressure of the governments to develop cars that do not pollute. These cars must put no pollutants whatsoever into the atmosphere. So the automobile companies are working hard to meet these standards.
  So far the electric car seems to be the best alternative. [21] So the biggest advantage of electric cars is that they don’t pollute. However, they will be in competition with gas-powered cars. And that’s where the witnesses come out. [22] The big problem is that the batteries in electric cars weigh a lot relative to the amount of power they deliver. For instance in one electric car the batteries weigh 400 kilograms and they provide enough energy to go 250 km before recharging, which take 8 hours. Compare that to a moderately fuel-efficient conventional car it can go 400-700 km on the tank of gas. And refilling takes just minutes. If there are other drains on an electric car’s batteries besides a motor, headlights, air-conditioning or a heater, its already limited range would be significantly reduced. So automobile engineers are trying to make more powerful batteries that would increase the car’s range and make them more attractive to buyers.
Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.
20. What is the passage mainly about?
21. What is the main advantage of electric cars?
22. What is the main drawback of an electric car?
更多 “单选题A It is not comfortable.B It is difficult to steer.C It cannot go long distances without recharging.D Its engine easily overheats.” 相关考题
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