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更多 “单选题一体化安全网关UTM,UTM统一威胁管理,是在防火墙基础上发展起来的,以下哪个不是UTM的主要功能()A 防火墙B 网管系统代理C 防病毒D 防垃圾邮件” 相关考题
考题 下列安全设备中,不能部署在网络出口的是( )。A)网络版防病毒系统B)防火墙C)入侵防护系统D)UTM

考题 下列安全设备中,不能部署在网络出口的是A.网络版防病毒系统B.防火墙C.入侵防护系统D.UTM

考题 统一威胁管理(UTM)安全设备它的基本功能包括网络防火墙、网络入侵检测/防御和网关防病毒功能。()

考题 下列安全设备中不能部署在网络出口的是()。 A.网络防病毒系统B.防火墙C.入侵防护系统D.UTM

考题 Which statement describes the UTM licensing model?() A. Install the license key and all UTM features will be enabled for the life of the productB. Install one license key per feature and the license key will be enabled for the life of the product.C. Install one UTM license key, which will activate all UTM features; the license will need to be renewed when it expires.D. Install one UTM license key per UTM feature; the licenses will need to be renewed when they expire.

考题 How do you apply UTM enforcement to security policies on the branch SRX series?() A. UTM profiles are applied on a security policy by policy basis.B. UTM profiles are applied at the global policy level.C. Individual UTM features like anti-spam or anti-virus are applied directly on a security policy by policy basis.D. Individual UTM features like anti-spam or anti-virus are applied directly at the global policy level.

考题 Which command do you use to display the status of an antivirus database update?() A. show security utm anti-virus statusB. show security anti-virus database statusC. show security utm anti-virus databaseD. show security utm anti-virus update

考题 UTM (统一威胁管理〉安全网关通常集成防火墙、病毒防护、入侵防护、VPN 等功能模块,( )功能模块通过匹配入侵活动的特征,实时阻断入侵攻击。A.防火墙 B.病毒防护 C.入侵防护 D.VPN

考题 下面哪类设备常用于风险分析?()A、防火墙B、IDSC、漏洞扫描器D、UTM

考题 统一威胁管理系统(UTM)描述正确的是()。A、部署UTM可以有效降低成本B、部署UTM可以降低信息安全工作强度C、部署UTM可以降低安全设备集成带来的风险D、部署UTM可能降低网络性能和稳定性

考题 UTM与TSM可以单模块成局。

考题 All-in-one UTM security gateways are starting to displace routers in many small business networks. What does UTM stand for?()A、 United Threat MonitorB、 Universal Threat ManagerC、 Unified Threat ManagementD、 Ultimate Threat Monitoring

考题 NGFW其实就是应用识别能力更强的UTM

考题 下列关于H3C SecPath UTM设备功能说法正确的是 ()。A、一般部署在网络出口,对用户上网行为进行监管,典型的部署方式一般是在线部署B、用户上网行为审计结果通过UTM的集中管理平台UTM Managemen进行展示C、UTM Manager对审计的结果进行分析和整理,通过图形和表格等多种方式展示给管理员D、通过UTM Manager所有行为监管数据的综合分析,可以获得包括网络TOP排名、网络访问趋势等一些列的相关信息,以减轻管理员的维护压力

考题 UTM在近几年进入了稳定快速发展阶段.IDC报告显示:2007年中国UTM市场全年同比增长87.6%,其中下半年同比增长105.4%,并且预计未来5年年复合增长率将超过50%.下列关于UTM优势描述正确的是()A、UTM通过整合诸多安全功能,使得网络安全的维护和管理成本大大降低B、可扩展性好,用户可以基于现网情况定制各种安全功能,满足用户的差异性需求C、UTM通过整合防火墙VPN病毒防护URL过滤垃圾邮件防护等安全功能,降低了用户投资成本,满足中小型企业安全需求D、UTM可以完全取代IPS,FW,ACG等安全产品,这些产品已经没有存在价值了

考题 utm投影

考题 在小容量情况下TSM和UTM可单模块独立成局。

考题 一体化安全网关UTM,UTM统一威胁管理,是在防火墙基础上发展起来的,以下哪个不是UTM的主要功能?()A、防火墙B、网管系统代理C、防病毒D、防垃圾邮件

考题 UTM对DOS攻击的防御是有限的,且效果并不理想。

考题 NGFW与UTM的使用场景完全相同

考题 单选题一体化安全网关UTM,UTM统一威胁管理,是在防火墙基础上发展起来的,以下哪个不是UTM的主要功能()A 防火墙B 网管系统代理C 防病毒D 防垃圾邮件

考题 单选题Which command do you use to display the status of an antivirus database update?()A show security utm anti-virus statusB show security anti-virus database statusC show security utm anti-virus databaseD show security utm anti-virus update

考题 单选题Which command do you use to manually remove antivirus patterns?()A request security utm anti-virus juniper-express-engine pattern-deleteB request security utm anti-virus juniper-express-engine pattern-reloadC request security utm anti-virus juniper-express-engine pattern-removeD delete security utm anti-virus juniper-express-engine antivirus-pattern

考题 单选题When using UTM features in an HA cluster, which statement is true for installing the licenses on the cluster members?()A One UTM cluster license will activate UTM features on both members.B Each device will need a UTM license generated for its serial number.C Each device will need a UTM license generated for the cluster, but licenses can be applied to either member.D HA clustering automatically comes with UTM licensing, no additional actions are needed.

考题 单选题How do you apply UTM enforcement to security policies on the branch SRX series?()A UTM profiles are applied on a security policy by policy basis.B UTM profiles are applied at the global policy level.C Individual UTM features like anti-spam or anti-virus are applied directly on a security policy by policy basis.D Individual UTM features like anti-spam or anti-virus are applied directly at the global policy level.

考题 单选题All-in-one UTM security gateways are starting to displace routers in many small business networks. What does UTM stand for?()A  United Threat MonitorB  Universal Threat ManagerC  Unified Threat ManagementD  Ultimate Threat Monitoring

考题 名词解释题utm投影

考题 单选题Which CLI command provides a summary of what the content-filtering engine has blocked?()A show security utm content-filtering statisticsB show security flow sessionC show security flow statisticsD show security utm content-filtering summary