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更多 “名词解释题英译汉:panel” 相关考题
考题 将一个容器panel1放到容器framel中的方法是( )。A.framel.insert(panel1)B.framel.add(panel1)C.framel.addJPanel(panel1)D.framel.insertJPanel(panel1)

考题 Which of the following is the correct path a technician could follow to find the Services Snap-inconsole inside of Windows?() A. Start Settings Control Panel Administrative ToolsB. Start Settings Control Panel Add or Remove ProgramsC. Start Settings Control Panel SystemD. Start Settings Control Panel Scheduled Tasks

考题 将一个容器panel1放到容器frame1中的方法是A.frame.insert(panel1)”B.frame.add(panel1)C.frame.add Panel(panel1)D.framel.insertJPanel(panel1)

考题 窗体上放置有一个 TPanel类的控件Panel1,并定义了Panel1的 OnEnter事件,下面说法正确的是:A.当鼠标移动到 Panel1 上面时产生Panel1OnEnter 事件B.其他三项都不对C.当Panel1 获得焦点时产生 Panel1OnEnter 事件D.当鼠标在窗体上移动时产生 Panel1OnEnter 事件

考题 下列关于Web服务器端Panel控件的说法不正确的是( )。A.Panel控件显示为面板B.Panel控件是其他控件的容器C.Panel控件可以设置为不同的显示样式D.Panel控件没有任何事件方法可以处理

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考题 英译汉:production

考题 英译汉:panel

考题 Which of the following is the correct path a technician could follow to find the Services Snap-inconsole inside of Windows?()A、Start Settings Control Panel Administrative ToolsB、Start Settings Control Panel Add or Remove ProgramsC、Start Settings Control Panel SystemD、Start Settings Control Panel Scheduled Tasks

考题 Panel与Applet有何关系?Panel在Java程序里通常起到什么作用?

考题 单选题A technician converts several existing Windows XP Professional laptops from English to the German language. Which of the following is the correct path to change the language settings?()A Control Panel Accessibility Options GeneralB Control Panel Regional and Language Options Regional OptionsC Control Panel Regional and Language Options Regional Options CustomizeD Control Panel Regional and Language Options Languages Details

考题 单选题()is not a part of the main switch board.A Control panel of main generatorB Control panel of emergency generatorC Paralleling panelD Load panel of main generator