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更多 “名词解释题阈值(Threshold)” 相关考题
考题 用来调整色偏的命令是:() A.Equalize(色调均化)B.Threshold(阈值)C.ColorBalance(色彩平衡)D.Brightness/Contrast(亮度/对比度)

考题 同频A5实际的门限参数是() A.threshold2aB.threshold2C.threshold3aD.threshold3

考题 感觉阈限(sensation threshold)

考题 阈值效应(Threshold effect)

考题 While setting up the threshold for tablespace space usage metrics for one of your tablespaces, you define the critical threshold as 60% and warning threshold as 75%. What would be the result of this setting?()A、 It would result in an error because the warning threshold cannot be more than the critical threshold.B、 The warning threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the critical threshold.C、 The critical threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the warning threshold.D、 Both threshold values are used and alerts are generated when space usage exceeds the respective threshold values.

考题 hearing threshold

考题 Any increment above this threshold represents profit.()A、只要超过了这个水平,就可视为赢利。B、一旦超过此值,就表示赚钱。C、任何高于此阈值的增产量即为利润D、只要增产超过此阈值,就算盈利。

考题 经济阈值(economic threshold)

考题 用来调整色偏的命令是:()A、Equalize(色调均化)B、Threshold(阈值)C、ColorBalance(色彩平衡)D、Brightness/Contrast(亮度/对比度)

考题 用Photoshop的USM锐化滤镜强调图像的清晰度时,()数的值越大,清晰度越差。A、量(Amount)B、半径(Radius)C、阈值(Threshold)D、双立方(Bicubic)

考题 多基因病阈值(threshold of ultifactorial disease)

考题 阈值(Threshold)

考题 听阈(hearing threshold)

考题 When optimizing a standalone point-to-multipoint bridge installation with eight non-root bridges. Which of the following rts threshold and cwmin settings would be correct for the non-root bridges?()A、rts threshold=4000,cwmin=3B、rts threshold=1,cwmin=4C、rts threshold=4000,cwmin=5D、rts threshold=1,cwmin=5

考题 The warning and critical threshold values have been set to 85% and 97%, respectively, for one of the tablespaces. The current tablespace space usage is 54%. You modify the warning threshold to be 50 % and critical threshold to be 53% in Database Control. Which statement is true?()A、 The new setting would be applied but no alerts would be raised immediately.B、 The new setting would be applied and an alert would be raised immediately.C、 The new setting would be ignored because the tablespace space usage is more than the specified threshold value.D、 The new setting would cause an error because the tablespace space usage is more than the specified threshold value.

考题 While setting up the thresholds for tablespace space usage metrics for one of your tablespaces, you define the critical threshold as 60% and warning threshold as 75%. What would be the result of this setting?()A、It would result in an error because the warning threshold cannot be more than the critical threshold.B、The warning threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the critical threshold.C、The critical threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the warning threshold.D、Both threshold values are used and alerts are generated when space usage exceeds the respective threshold values.

考题 穿越跑道入口高。()A、Threshold Crossing Height.B、Threshold Crossing Altitude.C、Runway End Crossing Altitude.D、Runway End Crossing Height.

考题 单选题用Photoshop的USM锐化滤镜强调图像的清晰度时,()数的值越大,清晰度越差。A 量(Amount)B 半径(Radius)C 阈值(Threshold)D 双立方(Bicubic)

考题 名词解释题阈值效应(Threshold effect)

考题 名词解释题阈值(Threshold)

考题 单选题View the Exhibit that sets the threshold for the Current Open Cursors Count metric.Why is the Significance Level threshold type not available in the threshold setting?()A because AWR baseline is not enabledB because Current Open Cursors Count is not a basic metricC because the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to BASICD because the AWR baseline is a system-defined moving window baseline

考题 单选题While setting up the threshold for tablespace space usage metrics for one of your tablespaces, you define the critical threshold as 60% and warning threshold as 75%. What would be the result of this setting?()A  It would result in an error because the warning threshold cannot be more than the critical threshold.B  The warning threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the critical threshold.C  The critical threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the warning threshold.D  Both threshold values are used and alerts are generated when space usage exceeds the respective threshold values.

考题 单选题View the Exhibit to examine the metrics with a threshold.Which statement is true regarding the Number of Transactions (per second) metric?()A Oracle uses statistical relevance to determine when an adaptive threshold has been breached for the metric.B The statistics for the metric values observed over the baseline time period are not examined to determine threshold values.C Oracle determines when an adaptive threshold has been breached based on the maximum value captured by the baseline.D The total concurrent number of threshold violations, which must occur before an alert is raised for the metric, has been set to zero.

考题 名词解释题经济阈值(economic threshold)

考题 单选题The warning and critical threshold values have been set to 85% and 97%, respectively, for one of the tablespaces. The current tablespace space usage is 54%. You modify the warning threshold to be 50% and critical threshold to be 53% in Database Control. Which statement is true?()A The new setting would be applied but no alerts would be raised immediately.B The new setting would be applied and an alert would be raised immediately.C The new setting would be ignored because the tablespace space usage is more than the specified threshold value.D The new setting would cause an error because the tablespace space usage is more than the specified threshold value.

考题 单选题While setting up the thresholds for tablespace space usage metrics for one of your tablespaces, you define the critical threshold as 60% and warning threshold as 75%. What would be the result of this setting?()A It would result in an error because the warning threshold cannot be more than the critical threshold.B The warning threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the critical threshold.C The critical threshold is ignored and alerts would be generated when space usage exceeds the warning threshold.D Both threshold values are used and alerts are generated when space usage exceeds the respective threshold values.

考题 单选题When optimizing a standalone point-to-multipoint bridge installation with eight non-root bridges,which of the following RTS threshold and CWmin settings would be correct for the non-root bridges?()A RTS threshold = 4000, CWmin = 3B RTS threshold = 1, CWmin = 4C RTS threshold = 4000, CWmin = 5D RTS threshold = 1, CWmin = 5

考题 名词解释题多基因病阈值(threshold of ultifactorial disease)