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I don't know how we can make()on the timetable for any more courses.









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更多 “单选题I don't know how we can make()on the timetable for any more courses.A scheduleB placeC planD room” 相关考题
考题 Don’t you know how ______ it can be out here in the mist? (A) dangerous(B) danger(C) big(D) heavy

考题 –We are going to have another heat wave. –()! (A) Oh, no(B) I don’t(C) No, we don’t(D) No, you can’t

考题 – It’s so hot today. I simply can’t work. –() (A) So do I(B) I would like it very much(C) I don’t know(D) I don’t like it at all

考题 We've already sent out the invitation cards, but we don't know how many people_________. A.comeB.are comingC.cameD.have come

考题 Water is the __46___ of all the things we eat and drink . Not many people understand this but __47____ quite true . The human body can go without ___48___ for a long time . We’ve got many examples for this . Yet two __49___ three days without water can usually make people __50____ . Man can’t live __51____ water .Many people don’t understand how ___52__ water the human body needs __53___ work well , and many people , especially young people , do not drink enough , ___54__ in very hot weather . Our body has mostly water , about 65% to 75% . That is to say about two thirds of our body is water . When we do sports , some of the water will get away from our body . __55 _ we don’t drink some water , we won’t have enough water. And if we don’t have enough water , we’ll feel tired and many of us will get ill . So you know how important water is to us .46.___________( )46. A. importantB. most importantC. more importantD. different

考题 Joe: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week? Nancy: I'm pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today? ______. Joe: OK. Wednesday in two weeks.A.I can reach it on that WednesdayB.I can make it on that WednesdayC.I can get it on that WednesdayD.I can assure it on that Wednesday

考题 一Shall we have something to eat before we go?--- ____?A.Nice to meet youB.I don’t think I know youC.Good idea

考题 --- Shall we have something to eat before we go?--- __________.A. Nice to meet youB. I don’t think I know youC. Good idea

考题 How can I get legal advice for free?()A. You can get nothing for free.B. To be frank, I don't know for sure.C. You can go to a law firm and ask about that.

考题 —Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —() A、No, I can’t.B、Yes, you’re right.C、I don’t know either.D、Sorry, I don’t know.

考题 –– Frank: We haven't got together for a long time. How about lunch next week?–– Nick: I' m pretty tied up all next week. How about we plan on two weeks from today?____.–– Frank: OK Wednesday in two weeks.A: I can reach it on that WednesdayB: I can get it on that WednesdayC: I can assure it on that WednesdayD: I can make it on that Wednesday

考题 I don’t have any more of it.(改为同义句)I have________ ________ ________it.

考题 27.If we travel by car ,we_________.A. can't travel fifty or one hundred miles a dayB. can-t stop at a hotel to spend the nightC. can make our own timetable 'D. can travel to a very far place in several minutes

考题 In Money Everything I don’t think money is everything,but we can’t do without it.Fox example,money can’t buy us happiness and a good education.And for another example,money can’t buy us good health and a long life.But we can not live without money.We need it for our daily necessities such as food,clothes and transportation.What’s more,we need it to live a better life.In short,we should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages.

考题 We can’t_______another 100 kilometers any more.A.have B.turn C.make D.reach

考题 She′s such an irritating woman,and I don′t know how you can__________her.A.put up B.put up with C.stand up with D.stand with

考题 —Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()ANo, I can’t.BYes, you’re right.CI don’t know either.DSorry, I don’t know.

考题 — Can you help me? —()A、No, I don’t know.B、Don’t mention it.C、Sure, What is itD、That’s it

考题 Can you help me?()A、No, I don't know.B、Sure. What is it?C、Don't mention it.D、That's it

考题 I don't want you to make any trouble,(), I urge you to solve the problem.A、thusB、consequentlyC、on the contraryD、just as

考题 How many tons does the cargo 737 carry?()A、100 tonsB、Not clearC、More than 100 tonsD、I don’t know

考题 单选题I don’t know ______ that you will stay here.A how long it isB how long is itC it is how longD is it how long

考题 单选题Father: I’d like to talk to both of you about the money situation in our family.  Bette: ______  Mother: But, Bette...  Father: I make good money, and you two spend it all.  Bette: Look, Dad, I really think this is ridiculous. You make so much money, but you don’t know how to spend it. ______ I don’t see what difference it makes.A What’s the matter? ; There must be something unusual.B Oh, here he goes again. ; I don’t know why you are complaining.C It’s no need for you to say so. ; Business is business.D We all know that. ; Every dog has his day.

考题 单选题I don’t know()there’s any shortage or not.A ifB howC whyD unless

考题 单选题Mike: You know, I'm a little uncomfortable with speaking English to foreigners.  Jane: Why? How're you ever going to become fluent if you don't try to use the language?  Mike: ______  Jane: Don't worry. You can become good at English if you learn to be a little more active.A But I always feel that people are watching me!B You must develop a feeling of being more comfortable.C I will try to practice pronunciation more.D I want to visit my English teacher.

考题 单选题—Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()A No, I can’t.B Yes, you’re right.C I don’t know either.D Sorry, I don’t know.

考题 单选题——______ there any living things on other planets?——I have no ideas. Maybe we can know more about that in the future.A IsB AreC HasD Have