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纵横比(Aspect ratio)


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更多 “名词解释题纵横比(Aspect ratio)” 相关考题
考题 If a firm has a quick ratio of 1, the subsequent payment of an account payable will cause the ratio to increase.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The distinctive view of the nature of content for language pedagogy introduced two important elements to syllabus design, namely, __________. A.Structural aspect and functional aspectB.Useful aspect and functional aspectC.Notional aspect and conceptual aspectD.Notional aspect and functional aspect

考题 ADR(Advance Decline Ratio,涨跌比指标)取值不小于( )。A:O B:1 C:2 D:10

考题 纵横比(Aspect ratio)

考题 儿童妇女比(child-women ratio)

考题 Which of the following is the standard aspect ratio for HDTV?()A、2.35:1B、4:3C、1.33:1D、1.78:1

考题 良性乳腺肿瘤纵横比通常();恶性乳腺肿瘤纵横比通常()。

考题 温比(temperature ratio)

考题 关于给素材添加旋转,移动,缩放等运动效果,下列选项中正确说法是?()A、执行Clip/Video/Maintain Aspect Ratio命令B、执行Clip/Video/Aspect Color命令C、执行Clip/Video/Frame Hild命令D、在影片的Motion控制面板中进行设置

考题 DNB比 DNB ratio(DNBR)

考题 P/O比(P/O ratio)

考题 Which of the following is the definition of CAS latency?()A、 CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the clock cycle time.B、 CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the clock cycle time.C、 CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the data burst transfer time.D、 CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the data burst transfer time.

考题 问答题If there are only red, blue, and green marbles in a jar, what is the ratio of red to blue marbles?  (1) The ratio of red to green marbles is 2:3.  (2) The ratio of green to blue marbles is 6:5.

考题 名词解释题矢跨比(shi kua bi)rise-span ratio

考题 名词解释题性比(sex ratio)

考题 填空题良性乳腺肿瘤纵横比通常();恶性乳腺肿瘤纵横比通常()。

考题 单选题The passage proceeds by ______.A presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting why one solution was dismissed, and then looking at a specific example to support this dismissalB presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting why one solution was dismissed, and then offering evidence to support a new theoryC presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting that another theory is superior, and then showing why this second theory should be acceptedD presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting a new theory to explain the evidence, and then offering evidence that the dismissal was too hastyE presenting a difficulty in one aspect of understanding a theory, suggesting why one solution was dismissed, and then offering evidence that the dismissal was too hasty Questions

考题 单选题If the compression ratio is increased on any diesel engine, ()A the expansion ratio will decreaseB combustion will be slowed downC thermal efficiency will decreaseD thermal efficiency will increase

考题 单选题关于舵叶纵横比对舵力产生影响,哪种说法正确()?A 舵叶纵横比越大,小舵角时舵叶升力也大B 舵叶纵横比越小,小舵角时舵叶升力也大C 舵叶纵横比越大,小舵角时舵叶升力也小D 舵叶纵横比越小,小舵角保向性越高

考题 单选题关于给素材添加旋转,移动,缩放等运动效果,下列选项中正确说法是?()A 执行Clip/Video/Maintain Aspect Ratio命令B 执行Clip/Video/Aspect Color命令C 执行Clip/Video/Frame Hild命令D 在影片的Motion控制面板中进行设置

考题 单选题Which of the following is the standard aspect ratio for HDTV?()A 2.35:1B 4:3C 1.33:1D 1.78:1

考题 单选题For a given fuel, a change in the compression ratio will affect the ignition lag by which of the listed means?()A An increase in compression ratio will increase the ignition lagB An increase in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lagC A decrease in compression ratio will decrease the ignition lagD A decrease in ignition lag will increase the compression ratio

考题 单选题The ratio of the height of a vessel’s rudder to its width is referred to as the().A aspect ratioB constriction ratioC rudder ratioD steering ratio

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考题 单选题The ratio of r to s is 3 to 4. The ratio of s to t is 2 to 9. What is the ratio of r to t?A 1 to 3B 1 to 6C 2 to 9D 3to10E 4 to 5

考题 填空题The ratio of a to b is the same as the ratio of 1.4 to 7. If a=14, what is the value of b?____

考题 单选题关于舵叶纵横比对舵力产生影响,哪种说法正确?()A 舵叶纵横比越大,小舵角时舵叶升力小、保向性越高B 舵叶纵横比越小,小舵角时舵叶升力也大C 舵叶纵横比越大,小舵角时舵叶升力大、保向性越高D 舵叶纵横比越小,小舵角保向性越高