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According to the fifth paragraph, we can infer that______.

the total number of cops in Cerritos is no less than 53.


gang members of nearby cities enjoy immunity in Cerritos.


the crime rates in Cerritos are relatively low.


Los Angeles country sheriff is responsible for the expense of policing Cerritos.


更多 “单选题According to the fifth paragraph, we can infer that______.A the total number of cops in Cerritos is no less than 53.B gang members of nearby cities enjoy immunity in Cerritos.C the crime rates in Cerritos are relatively low.D Los Angeles country sheriff is responsible for the expense of policing Cerritos.” 相关考题
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考题 We can infer from the third paragraph that .[A] rich people are more interested in cloning humans than animals[B] cloning of animal pets is becoming a prosperous industry[C] there is no distinction between a cloned and a natural dog[D] Missy’s master pays a lot in a hope to revive the dog

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考题 What can we infer from the underlineed sentence in Paragraph 3?A.People are fra less familiar with the world of fantasy.B.The world around us could serve as a sound of wonder.C.The world of fantasy can be mirred by a small and lively pond.D.Modern technology prevents us from developing our sense of wonder.

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考题 What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?A.people are far less familiar witn the world of fantasyB.the world around us could serve as a source of wonderC.the world of fantasy can be mirrored by a small and lively pond.D.Modern technology prevents us from developing our sense of wonder

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考题 单选题What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A Chairperson or chair is the neutral term of chairman or chairwoman.B It is not necessary to replace chairman with chairperson.C Chairman can express the same meaning as the word chairwoman.D People are very sensitive to the use of chairman in the past.

考题 单选题According to the fifth paragraph, we can infer that _____.A the total number of cops in Cerritos is no less than 53B gang members of nearby cities enjoy immunity in CerritosC the crime rates in Cerritos are relatively lowD Los Angeles country sheriff is responsible for the expense of policing Cerritos

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考题 单选题From Paragraph 4 we can infer that _____.A the increasing concentration is certain to hurt consumersB World Corn serves as a good example of both benefits and costsC the costs of the globalization process are enormousD the Standard Oil trust might have threatened competition

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