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An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().

apparent wind speed only


true wind speed and true wind direction


true wind speed only


apparent wind speed and true wind direction


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().A apparent wind speed onlyB true wind speed and true wind directionC true wind speed onlyD apparent wind speed and true wind direction” 相关考题
考题 MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines ______.A.Dredging ( of anchor )B.Dragging ( of anchor )C.Weighing anchorD.Walking out anchor

考题 MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM INVOLUNTARILY BECAUSE IT IS NO LONGER PREVENTING THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines ______.A.Dredging ( of anchor )B.Dragging ( of anchor )C.Weighing anchorD.Walking out anchor

考题 Lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines ______.A.LeewayB.LeesideC.LeewardD.Lee moving

考题 The Master of a vessel berthed,moored or anchored within the area of jurisdiction and who wishes to move his vessel to another berth,mooring or anchorage within that area ______ from‘Bahrain Port Control’prior to moving.A.shall not request permissionB.shall request permissionC.shall,if in convenience,request permissionD.shall send his permission to the Harbour Master

考题 According to the advice of the surveyor from the Commodity Inspection and Testing Bureau,the cargo holds of my vessel must undergo ______ measures before loading grain goods.A.free from insectsB.clearC.cleanD.sanitary

考题 材料:During the morning of 2 August 1999 the supply vessel Putford Worker was working cargo at installations in the North Sea. She had completed operations at one installation without incident.At 1110 she approached the second installation and carried out precautionary engine and steering tests.These were satisfactory,and at 1115 the vessel was in position to work cargo.The master was on the bridge at the joystick control;the weather was fine and the sea calm. The first lift was a 10 x 8 container.The deck crew attached the hook of the installations crane to the container,and moved forward to a safe position.The master then noticed that the vessel was moving forward out of position and moved the joystick to counteract the ahead movement.He then saw that the port propeller was indicating full ahead pitch,so changed from joystick to manual pitch controls and promptly put them to full astern.This did not prevent the vessel moving ahead so far that the attached container be dragged over the stern and into the sea. Placing the manual pitch controls to zero then caused both propellers to return to neutral.Control of the vessel was regained,and the problem did not immediately re-occur.Later tests and inspections by specialist control engineers and the propeller manufacturers showed no fault with the control systems or the port propeller.However,some wear was found in the feedback linkages on the control system of the starboard propeller.This was rectified,and manoeuvring tests completed satisfactorily.问题:In this passage the supply vessel is ________.A.one that supplies fuel oils to other deep sea vesselsB.one that supplies stores to other deep sea vesselsC.a tug boatD.smaller container vesselThe joystick is a device ________.A.controlling ruddersB.controlling shore cranesC.controlling the operation of cargoesD.controlling the propellersOn noticing that the vessel was moving forward out of position,the master ________.A.moved the joystick forward to go together with the ahead movementB.moved the shore crane to go aftwardC.made the container move aftward by operating the joystickD.operated the joystick to control the vessel and move her aftwardIt is clearly demonstrated that ________.A.the testing of engines and steering before working cargo at an installation is an important precautionB.the testing of engines and steering before working cargo at an installation was not followed by Putford WorkerC.there is no value of moving the deck crew clear once a lift is attachedD.had the deck crew not bothered to move clear from,the consequences could have been avoided请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 材料:Immediately upon receipt of advice of any accident or loss to the insured vessel,it is the duty of the Insured to give notice to the Insurer within 48 hours,and if the vessel is abroad,to the Insurers nearest agent immediately,and to take all reasonable measures for the purpose of averting or minimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance. Measures taken by the Insured or the Insurer with the object of averting or minimizing a loss which would be recoverable under this insurance shall not be considered as waiver or acceptance of abandonment or otherwise prejudice the rights of either party.The Insured shall obtain prior agreement of the Insurer in determining the liabilities and expenses in respect of the insured vessel.In submitting a claim for loss,the Insured shall transfer to the Insurer all necessary documents,and assist him in pursuing recovery against the third party in case of third party liabilities or expenses being involved.问题:Which are the duties of the Insured upon receipt of advice of any accident or loss to the insured vessel ___________.I.To take all reasonable measures for the purpose of averting or minimizing a loss insured against;II.To give notice to the Insurer within 48 hours;III.To obtain prior agreement of the Insurer in determining the measures to be taken for the purpose of minimizing a loss insured against.A.I,II and IIIB.I and IIC.I and IIID.II and IIIThe word“abandonment”in the second paragraph of this passage means ______.A.“giving up the hope to rescue the insured ship”B.“leaving the sinking ship”C.“discharging the Insurer's liability for the insured ship”D.“giving the ownership of the insured vessel to the Insurer”If third party liabilities or expenses is involved in a claim for loss,the Insured shall ______.A.transfer all necessary documents to the third partyB.assist the Insurer in pursuing recovery against the third partyC.obtain prior agreement of the third party in determining the liabilities and expenses in respect of the insured vesselD.ask the third party to accept abandonment“Third party”in the last paragraph of this passage refers to ______.A.the InsurerB.the InsuredC.any party other than the Insurer and the InsuredD.either the Insurer or the Insured请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 A mooring line that prevents a vessel from moving sideways away from the dock is a ___.A.bow lineB.breast lineC.stern lineD.spring line

考题 An anemometer on a moving vessel measures ______.A.apparent wind speed onlyB.true wind speed and true wind directionC.true wind speed onlyD.apparent wind speed and true wind direction

考题 Before personnel are lifted from a vessel in a personnel basket, the vessel should be ______.A.directly under the boomB.moving away from the boomC.stopped dead in the waterD.tied ti the boom

考题 I was busy with my paper when I heard someone()in the room above.A、moving onB、moving offC、moving upD、move about

考题 风速传感器24V熔丝/Fuse 24V anemometer()A、ERR211;B、ERR029;C、ERR026;D、ERR033

考题 英译汉:anemometer

考题 单选题Which vessel is NOT to be regarded as restricted in her ability to maneuver().A A vessel transferring provisions while underwayB A pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed when connected in a composite unitC A vessel servicing a navigation markD A vessel launching aircraft

考题 单选题On open waters,a vessel fishing is in a crossing situation with a vessel sailing located on the fishing vessel’s starboard side. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?().A The fishing vessel because it is to port of the sailing vesselB The fishing vessel because it is fishingC The sailing vessel because it is to starboard of the fishing vesselD The sailing vessel because it is sailing

考题 单选题MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM INVOLUNTARILY BECAUSE IT IS NO LONGER PREVENTING THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines().A Dredging (of anchor)B Dragging (of anchor)C Weighing anchorD Walking out anchor

考题 单选题A mooring line that prevents a vessel from moving sideways away from the dock is a().A bow lineB breast lineC stern lineD spring line

考题 单选题When running before a heavy sea,moving weights aft will affect the handling of a vessel by ().A reducing rollingB increasing rollingC reducing yawingD increasing yawing

考题 单选题When taking a Pilot from a pilot vessel in a seaway,which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side().A Bow to the sea and no way on your vesselB Sea on the lee quarter with ship moving ahead slowlyC Sea on the weather bow and ship moving ahead slowlyD Sea on the quarter with sternway on the ship

考题 单选题Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel defines().A dredging ( of anchor )B dragging ( of anchor )C weighing anchorD walking out anchor

考题 单选题A vessel is proceeding downstream in a narrow channel on the Western Rivers when another vessel is sighted moving upstream. Which vessel has the right of way? ()A The vessel moving upstream against the currentB The vessel moving downstream with a following currentC The vessel located more towards the channel centerlineD The vessel with the least amount of maneuverability

考题 单选题In selecting a tug for moving a vessel,consideration should be given to its().A indicated horsepower,bollard pull,and displacementB indicated horsepower,maneuverability,and displacementC indicated horsepower,bollard pull,and maneuverabilityD bollard pull,displacement,and maneuverability

考题 单选题A stream of water immediately surrounding a moving vessel’s hull,flowing in the same direction as the vessel is known as().A directional currentB forward currentC propeller currentD wake current

考题 单选题A vessel constrained by her draft shall, when she overtakes a sailing vessel in a fairway,the sailing vessel is().A priviledged vessel and keep her course and speedB burdened vessel and give way to othersC burdened vessel and keep course nad speedD priviledged vessel and give way to others

考题 名词解释题英译汉:anemometer

考题 单选题Lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines ().A LeewayB LeesideC LeewardD Lee moving

考题 单选题An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().A apparent wind speed onlyB true wind speed and true wind directionC true wind speed onlyD apparent wind speed and true wind direction

考题 单选题The Plimsoll mark on a vessel is used to().A align the vessel's tailshaftB determine the vessel's trimC determine the vessel's freeboardD locate the vessel's centerline