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句意:但是它已经使男性和女性的生活发生了一些重要的变化。and后面是men’s lives,因此为了保持平行结构,用women’s lives。
更多 “单选题_____A livesB worldC societyD position” 相关考题
考题 In many modern countries, children go to school______.A. by free educationB. to be able to marryC. to work for societyD. to rid themselves of "low" work

考题 The aim of President Roosevelt’s New Deal was to “save American _____.” A.economyB.politicsC.societyD.democracy

考题 About 40 ________ of the population of that country ________ on farms. A.percents...livesB.percents...liveC.percent...liveD.percent...lives

考题 在VBA中,下列变量名中不合法的是( )。 A.HelloB.Hello WorldC.3hello 在VBA中,下列变量名中不合法的是( )。A.HelloB.Hello WorldC.3helloD.Hell0—World

考题 Midships refers to rudder to be held ________ .A.in position to starboardB.in position to portC.in position to anywhereD.in position fore and aft

考题 Please mark (out) one of the most important register of shipping in the world. ______.A.HK MARDEPB.COSCOC.Lloyd's SocietyD.Liberia Shipping Registry

考题 In weather report, POSITION GOOD means that ______.A.the position is suitableB.the position is reliableC.the position is changeableD.the position is fixable

考题 Do you know where____now?A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live

考题 He()in Beijing, but his parts()in Hangzhou.A、live:livesB、lives;liveC、live;live

考题 怎样给一个元素相对定位()。A、position:relative;B、position:absolute;C、position:fixedD、position:static

考题 WWW是指()A、World Wide WaitB、Web Wide WorldC、World Wide WebD、World Wade Web

考题 下面哪些标识符是正确的()A、classB、hello worldC、123$tempD、Demo

考题 WWW是指()。 A、World Wide WaitB、Web Wide WorldC、World Wide Web

考题 遥感一词来自英语()A、Remote-SystemB、Remote-SensingC、Remote-SocietyD、Remote-Control

考题 单选题In a weather report, position good means that the position is().A a good oneB reliableC is easy to be fixedD obtainable

考题 单选题In weather report, position good means that().A the position is suitableB the position is reliableC the position is changeableD the position is fixable

考题 单选题A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n)().A running fixB fixC estimated positionD assumed position

考题 单选题A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position,taken at nearly the same time,is a(n)().A estimated positionB fixC running fixD dead-reckoning position

考题 单选题A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n)().A running fixB dead-reckoning positionC fixD estimated position

考题 单选题When the vessel shafting are installed, the slightly inclined of the shaft line should be rectified by()A adjusting the position of the intermediate bearingB changing the position of the main engine installationC adjusting the center line of the propellerD changing the position of the thrust block

考题 单选题You determine your vessel’s position by taking a range and bearing to a buoy.Your position will be plotted as a(n)().A Running fixB FixC Dead-reckoning positionD Estimated position

考题 单选题Which position includes the effects of wind and current().A Dead reckoning positionB Leeway positionC Estimated positionD Set position

考题 单选题Given: What is the result?()A HelloB Hello WorldC Compilation fails.D Hello World 5E The code runs with no output.

考题 单选题A position obtained by applying ONLY your vessel’s course and speed to a known position is a ().A fixB dead-reckoning positionC running fixD probable position

考题 单选题The boom indicator tells the operator at what angle the boom is compared to the().A horizontal position of the boomB vertical position of the boomC horizontal position of the load being liftedD vertical position of the load being lifted

考题 单选题Midships refers to rudder to be held().A in position to starboardB in position to portC in position to anywhereD in position fore and aft

考题 单选题We are pleased to say that we are()to supply you()the goods you want.A of a position,──B at a position,──C in a position,withD at a position,with

考题 单选题下面哪些标识符是正确的()A classB hello worldC 123$tempD Demo