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If a vessel list to port,the center of buoyancy will().

move to port


move to starboard


move directly down


stay in the position


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更多 “单选题If a vessel list to port,the center of buoyancy will().A move to portB move to starboardC move directly downD stay in the position” 相关考题
考题 In the absence of external forces,adding weight on one side of a floating vessel causes the vessel to ().A.heel until the angle of loll is reachedB.list until the center of buoyancy is aligned vertically with the center of gravityC.trim to the side opposite TCG until all moments are equalD.decrease draft at the center of flotation

考题 Jettisoning weight from topside ______.A.returns the vessel to an even keelB.reduces free surface effectC.lowers the center of gravityD.raises the center of buoyancy

考题 A vessel may acquire a list if the center of gravity is ______. ① Off the centerline. ② Too high in the vessel.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Either ① or ②D.Neither ① nor ②

考题 For a floating vessel, the center of buoyancy and the metacenter are in the line of action of the buoyant force ______.A.only when there is positive stabilityB.only when there is negative stabilityC.only when there is neutral stabilityD.at all times

考题 If a vessel lists to port, the center of buoyancy will ______.A.move to portB.move to starboardC.move directly downD.stay in the same position

考题 In the presence of external forces, the center of buoyancy of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the ______.A.center of gravityB.metacenterC.center of flotationD.Keel

考题 单选题Which of the following will increase the height of the center of buoyancy for your vessel?().A Discharging weight from lower decksB Loading weight in upper decksC Shifting weight from lower to upper decksD Shifting weight from upper to lower decks

考题 单选题What is the definition of transverse metacenter?()A The distance between the actual center of gravity and the maximum center of gravity that will still allow a positive stabilityB The point to which G may rise and still permit the vessel to possess positive stabilityC The sum of the center of buoyancy and the center of gravityD The transverse shift of the center of buoyancy as a vessel rolls

考题 单选题In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any particular draft,which of the following would you compare?().A Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravityB Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravityC Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancyD Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity

考题 单选题In the absence of external forces,the center of buoyancy of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned directly below the().A center of gravityB amidships stationC center of flotationD geometric center of the waterplane area

考题 单选题The center of flotation of a vessel is().A the center of volume of the immersed portion of the vesselB the center of gravity of the water planeC that point at which all the vertical downward forces of weight are considered to be concentratedD that point at which all the vertical upward forces of buoyancy are considered to be concentrated

考题 单选题If your vessel has a list to port due to negative GM and off-center weight,the first corrective measure you should take is to().A move port-side main-deck cargo to the starboard sideB fill the starboard double-bottomC pump water from the port double-bottom to the starboard double-bottomD pump water from the port double-bottom over the side

考题 单选题When a vessel is inclined by an external force,the().A shape of the vessel's underwater hull remains the sameB vessel's center of gravity shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hullC vessel's center of buoyancy shifts to the center of the vessel's underwater hullD vessel's mean draft increases

考题 单选题The vessel cleared the port means().A the vessel left the port properlyB the vessel was clear of the port shortlyC the vessel departed from the port slowlyD the vessel was clear out the port suddenly

考题 单选题Your vessel has just finished bunkering and has a small list due to improper distribution of the fuel oil. This list will cause().A a decrease in reserve buoyancyB a decrease in the maximum draftC the vessel to flop to port or starboardD None of the above

考题 单选题If a vessel lists to port,the center of buoyancy will().A move to portB move to starboardC move directly downD stay in the same position

考题 单选题If a vessel list to port,the center of buoyancy will().A move to portB move to starboardC move directly downD stay in the position

考题 单选题A vessel has a strong wind on the port beam. This has the same affect on stability as().A weight that is off-center to starboardB increasing the draftC reducing the freeboardD increasing the trim

考题 单选题The center of buoyancy is located at the().A geometric center of the waterplane areaB intersection of the vertical centerline and line of action of the buoyant forceC center of gravity of the vessel corrected for free surface effectsD geometric center of the displaced volume

考题 单选题In the presence of external forces,the center of buoyancy of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the().A center of gravityB metacenterC center of flotationD keel

考题 单选题Stability is determined principally by the location of two points in a vessel: the center of buoyancy and the().A metacenterB geometric center of the waterplane areaC center of gravityD center of flotation

考题 单选题When cargo is shifted from the main deck into the lower hold of a vessel,().A The metacenter will move downwardB The GM will increaseC The center of buoyancy will move upwardD The list of the vessel will become great

考题 单选题A document which has a list of names,birthplaces,and residences of persons employed on a merchant vessel bound from a PRC port on a foreign voyage and is required at every port is called the ().A Certified Crew ListB Crew ManifestC Shipping ArticlesD Station Bill

考题 单选题A vessel continually lists to one side and has a normal rolling period. Which statement is TRUE?().A The vessel has negative GMB The center of gravity is on the centerlineC The list can be corrected by reducing KMD The vessel has asymmetrical weight distribution

考题 单选题Before counterflooding to correct a list,you must be sure the list is due to().A negative GMB floodingC off-center weightD reserve buoyancy

考题 单选题For a floating vessel, the center of buoyancy and the metacenter are in the line of action of the buoyant force().A only when there is positive stabilityB only when there is negative stabilityC only when there is neutral stabilityD at all times

考题 单选题In the absence of external forces,adding weight on one side of a floating vessel causes the vessel to().A heel until the angle of loll is reachedB list until the center of buoyancy is aligned vertically with the center of gravityC trim to the side opposite TCG until all moments are equalD decrease draft at the center of flotation

考题 单选题When cargo is shifted from the main deck into the lower hold of a vessel,().A The metacenter will move downwardB The GM will increaseC The center of buoyancy will move upwardD The list of the vesel will become great