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更多 “单选题_____A divedB headedC droveD walked” 相关考题
考题 Those stories pointed out clearly that children who conducted misdeeds ___________bad ends. A. arrived inB. came toC. droveD. expelled

考题 He _______ his tie as soon as he walked out of the office building. A. unfoldB. undidC. unloadedD. undo

考题 He was worried about his mother and walked( )in the room. A. up and downB. down and upC. here and thereD. there and here

考题 She walked across the meeting room__ everyone looking at her. A.withB.asC.whileD.when

考题 “Where is the telephone box” I aske “Around the corner." a man answere Then I walked ( ) the direction of his pointing finger. A、withB、toC、onD、in

考题 He walked()south()the river and stopped for a rest. A、as far,asB、so much,asC、so,asD、such,as

考题 () we had enough time, we walked to the exhibition. A、IfB、WhenC、SinceD、While

考题 ()his head high,the manager walked into the room to attend the meeting()then. A、Holding...being heldB、Held...holdingC、Having held...heldD、Held⋯ be held

考题 It was raining outside, I ( ) one umbrella and walked out.A.picked upB.take upC.haveD.make

考题 The children lined up and walked out__________. A.in person B.in private C.in order D.in progress

考题 A large crowd assembled outside the American embassy.A: gatheredB: watchedC: shoutedD: walked

考题 They walked()the woods.AupBdownCthroughDover

考题 More and more people in China now()to work regularly.A、driveB、drivesC、droveD、have drive

考题 They()for hours.A、have been drivingB、have been drivenC、droveD、drive

考题 They walked()the woods.A、upB、downC、throughD、over

考题 单选题After walking for half an hour, she realized that she _____ in the wrong direction.A had been walkingB has been walkingC walkedD would have walked

考题 单选题_____ in the fields on a March afternoon, I could feel the warmth of spring, feeling good.A To walkB WalkingC WalkedD Having walked

考题 单选题She walked into the room carefully because she () waking her husband up。A was keen onB was afraid ofC was eager toD was careful with

考题 单选题Mary _____ in the garden when it began to rain.A was walkingB walkedC walkingD had walked

考题 单选题A person suffering from possible broken bones and internal injuries should().A be assisted in walking aroundB be examined then walked to a bunkC not be moved but made comfortable until medical assistance arrivesD not be allowed to lie down where injured but moved to a chair or bunk

考题 单选题They walked()the woods.A upB downC throughD over

考题 单选题The little pupil took his grandma _______the arm and walked her across the street.A withB inC onD by

考题 单选题W: ______?  M: My girl friend Mary just walked right by me in the street and didn’t even say hello.A What forB What’s itC What elseD What’s the matter

考题 单选题I ______ ride a bike to school. But this morning, I walked to school.A neverB hardlyC seldomD usually

考题 单选题Why did the Frenchman decide to follow the young man?A Because the young man walked so fast.B Because he found the young man was out of sight.C Because he wanted to catch the young man.

考题 单选题The little girl _____ walked over the broken glass so that she would not get hurt.A confidentlyB stealthilyC warilyD secretively

考题 单选题When _____ why he walked in without permission, he just stared at us and saidnothing.A askingB askedC being askedD to be asked

考题 单选题We wouldn’t have missed the train if we ______ to the station.A didn’t walk B wouldn’t run C hadn’t walked D weren’t running