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港区车场 port area yard


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更多 “名词解释题港区车场 port area yard” 相关考题
考题 We often ______ in the yard.A、playsB、playC、playingD、played

考题 根据《重庆港总体规划》,核心港区包括( ) A.主城港区B.江津港区C.涪陵港区D.万州港区

考题 The authority to grant an alternate procedure for oil transfer operations rests with the ______.A.nearest Coast Guard officeB.Officer-in-Charge,Marine InspectionC.Area CommanderD.Captain of the Port

考题 The Master of a vessel berthed,moored or anchored within the area of jurisdiction and who wishes to move his vessel to another berth,mooring or anchorage within that area ______ from‘Bahrain Port Control’prior to moving.A.shall not request permissionB.shall request permissionC.shall,if in convenience,request permissionD.shall send his permission to the Harbour Master

考题 During the period of your employment,if an area is designated as a war zone,you will,whilst in this area,receive such allowance ______.A.as may be decided upon by the CompanyB.as decided upon by yourselfC.as necessary to cover all your expensesD.as necessary to cover the expenses for your repatriation your home port

考题 Which statement comparing a shipboard crane to conventional gear is TRUE ________.A.Cranes are more difficult to secure for seaB.The spotting area of the conventional gear is largerC.A crane operator requires more training than the winch operator of a yard and stay rigD.The yard and stay rig is more flexible in its ability to handle a wider variety of cargoes

考题 苏州港有三个港区:()港区、()港区和()港区。

考题 贵港拥有()。A、中心港区B、桂平港区C、深良港区D、平南港区

考题 ()自东向西主要港区有7个,分别是瓦尔-埃姆港区(Waal-Eemhaven)、梅尔沃港区(Merwehaven)、维尔港区(Vierhavens)、波利斯港区(Pernis)、博特莱克港区(Botlek)、欧罗波特港区(Europoort)和马斯莱可迪港区(Maasvlakte)。

考题 ()由青岛老港区、黄岛油港区、前湾港区和董家口港区等四大港区组成。

考题 堆场 storage yard

考题 港区车场 port area yard

考题 港区控制性详细规划应当包括港区主要功能布局、港区陆域布置、港区水域布置、港区港界划分及相应的港区配套设施规划。

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考题 危险货物货场 dangerous freight yard

考题 出发场 departure yard

考题 交换车场 transferred yard

考题 车场 yard

考题 单选题Which statement comparing a shipboard crane to conventional gear is TRUE().A Cranes are more difficult to secure for seaB The spotting area of the conventional gear is largerC A crane operator requires more training than the winch operator of a yard and stay rigD The yard and stay rig is more flexible in its ability to handle a wider variety of cargoes

考题 名词解释题交换车场 transferred yard

考题 名词解释题辅助调车场 auxiliary yard

考题 名词解释题车场 yard

考题 名词解释题后方堆场(container-yard)

考题 填空题()自东向西主要港区有7个,分别是瓦尔-埃姆港区(Waal-Eemhaven)、梅尔沃港区(Merwehaven)、维尔港区(Vierhavens)、波利斯港区(Pernis)、博特莱克港区(Botlek)、欧罗波特港区(Europoort)和马斯莱可迪港区(Maasvlakte)。

考题 填空题苏州港有三个港区:()港区、()港区和()港区。

考题 单选题The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are().A untrueB impossibleC suspectfulD unimportant

考题 名词解释题堆场 storage yard