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You write a logging function for a Web Form. You call the logging function from the Page_Unload event handler. You test the Web Form and notice that the Page_Unload event handler does not call the logging function. You need to ensure that the logging function is called. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? ()

Set the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Remove the attribute onunload=Page_Unload from the Web Form element.


Set the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Add the attribute OnUnload=Page_Unload to the Web Form element.


Set the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Add the Web Form attribute autocomplete=on.


Set the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=True.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题You write a logging function for a Web Form. You call the logging function from the Page_Unload event handler. You test the Web Form and notice that the Page_Unload event handler does not call the logging function. You need to ensure that the logging function is called. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? ()ASet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Remove the attribute onunload=Page_Unload from the Web Form element.BSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Add the attribute OnUnload=Page_Unload to the Web Form element.CSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Add the Web Form attribute autocomplete=on.DSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=True.” 相关考题
考题 Part BDirections:Write an essay with the title “Reading Books in Printed Form. or on Computer” in which you should1) analyze the strong points and weak points of each one, and2) tell your own preference and your reasons.You should write 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)

考题 You are working on an existing Web site. You need to secure the Web site by redirecting all users to the logon page, Login.aspx. After logging on, users must be sent back to the page that they originally requested.Which code segment should you use?()A.B.C.D.

考题 You create a Web Form that contains connected Web Parts. You write the following declaration in your Web Form.You need to ensure that your Web Part connection is valid. Which two actions should you perform? ()A. Include a data source identified as WebPartConnection1 on the Web Form.B. Include a Web Part identified as customerPart on the Web Form.C. Include a Web Part identified as ordersPart on the Web Form.D. Ensure that you declare an interface named IOrdersPart.E. Ensure that you declare an interface named ICustomerPart.F. Ensure that each Web Part declares either a GetInterface or ProvideInterface method.

考题 Your team creates a Web site. The Web site needs to be deployed to a staging server for performance testing. You plan to make a number of performance enhancements and then retest. You need to compile and copy the Web site to the staging server. What should you do? ()A、Write a batch file that uses aspnet_compiler.exe.B、Write a batch file that uses InstallUtil.exe.C、Write a batch file that uses Csc.exe.D、Write a batch file that uses aspnet_wp.exe.

考题 You need to design a strategy to log access to the company Web site. What should you do?()A、Enable logging on the company Web site and select the NCSA Common Log File Format. Store the log files on a SQL Server computerB、Use System Monitor to create a counter log that captures network traffic to the Web server by using the Web Service object. Store the log files on a SQL Server computerC、Run the Network Monitor on the Web server. Create a capture filter for the SNA protocol and save the results to a capture file. Store the capture file on a SQL Server computerD、Enable logging on the company Web site and select ODBC Logging. Configure the ODBC logging options by using a nonadministrative SQL account

考题 You are creating a Windows application for graphical image processing by using the .NET Framework 3.5. You create an image processing function and a delegate.You plan to invoke the image processing function by using the delegate.You need to ensure that the calling thread meets the following requirements:  (1)It is not blocked when the delegate is running   (2)It is notified when the delegate is complete What should you do?()A、Call the Invoke method of the delegate.B、Call the BeginInvoke and EndInvoke methods of the delegate in the calling thread.C、Call the BeginInvoke method by specifying a callback method to be executed when the delegate is complete.Call the EndInvoke method in the callback method.D、Call the BeginInvoke method by specifying a callback method to be executed when the delegate is complete.Call the EndInvoke method of the delegate in the calling thread.

考题 You are implementing a Web page that displays text that was typed by a user. You need to display the user input in the Web page so that a cross-site scripting attack will be prevented. What should you do?()A、Call document.write.B、Call Response.Write.C、Call HttpUtility.UrlEncode.D、Call HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

考题 You create a Web Form that contains connected Web Parts. You write the following declaration in your Web Form. You need to ensure that your Web Part connection is valid. Which two actions should you perform? ()A、Include a data source identified as "WebPartConnection1" on the Web Form.B、Include a Web Part identified as "customerPart" on the Web Form.C、Include a Web Part identified as "ordersPart" on the Web Form.D、Ensure that you declare an interface named "IOrdersPart".E、Ensure that you declare an interface named "ICustomerPart".F、Ensure that each Web Part declares either a GetInterface or ProvideInterface method.

考题 You work as a Web Developer at Certkiller.com. You are in the process of creating a Webapplication using Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5.  You need to ensure that the application is able to load staff information from an XML file into aDataSet instance. The XML file contains an inline schema. You have to call a method of theDataSet class in order to load the information.  Identify how you can accomplish this?()A、You should call the ReadXml method with the ReadSchema XML read mode.B、You should call the ReadXml method with the InferTypedSchema XML read mode.C、You should call the ReadXmlSchema method.D、You should call the ReadXml method with the InferSchema XML read mode.

考题 You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5.  You create a Web page to display photos and captions. The caption of each photo in the database can be modified by using the application.  You write the following code fragment.      ’ runat="server"/  | English | Chinese | Japan | Korean | - 124 - Test Information Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.         ’ runat="server" /        When you access the Web page, the application throws an error.  You need to ensure that the application successfully updates each caption and stores it in the database.  What should you do?()A、Add the ID attribute to the Label control.B、Add the ID attribute to the TextBox control.C、Use the Bind function for the Label control instead of the Eval function.D、Use the Eval function for the TextBox control instead of the Bind function.

考题 You create a Web Form. You need to add controls that use adaptive rendering to display content. The type of content rendered must depend on the device that is requesting the page. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? ()A、Add custom controls that emit XHTML to the Web Form.B、Add custom controls that emit WML to the Web Form.C、Add mobile controls to the Web Form.D、Add Web server controls to the Web Form.

考题 You create a Web application. You need to turn on Tracing for a page that is not performing well. You must store the trace information in a database for reporting and trending. Which two actions should you perform? ()A、Add a TraceContextEventHandler to the Trace.TraceFinished event to add the trace records into the database.B、Add a system.diagnostics section to the Web.config file. Then add a listener to the new section.C、Use the System.Diagnostics.Trace object to connect to a database. Then insert the trace records.D、In the Page_Load for the page, place the Trace.Write call into a SQL INSERT statement.

考题 You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .NET Framework 3.5. You create a new form in your application.You add 100 controls at run time in the Load event handler of the form.  Users report that the form takes a long time to get displayed. You need to improve the performance of the form. What should you do?()A、Call the InitLayout method of the form before adding all the controls.Call the PerformLayout method of the form after adding all the controls.B、Call the InitLayout method of the form before adding all the controls.Call the ResumeLayout method of the form after adding all the controls.C、Call the SuspendLayout method of the form before adding all the controls.Call the PerformLayout method of the form after adding all the controls.D、Call the SuspendLayout method of the form before adding all the controls.Call the ResumeLayout method of the form after adding all the controls.

考题 You are implementing an ASP.NET MVC 2 Web application that contains the following class.  Public Class DepartmentControllerInherits Controller   Shared departments As List(Of Department) =  New List(Of Department)   Function Index() As ActionResultReturn View(departments)End Function   Function Details(ByVal id As Integer) As ActionResultReturn View(departments.Find(Function(x) x.ID = id))End Function   Function ListEmployees(ByVal d As Department) As ActionResultDim employees As List(Of Employee) = GetEmployees(d)Return View (employees)End FunctionEnd Class  You create a strongly typed view that displays details for a Department instance. You want the view to also include a listing of department employees.  You need to write a code segment that will call the ListEmployees action method and output the results in place. Which code segment should you use?()A、%= Html.Action("ListEmployees", Model) % B、%= Html.ActionLink("ListEmployees", "Department", "DepartmentController") % C、% Html.RenderPartial("ListEmployees", Model) %D、%= Html.DisplayForModel("ListEmployees") %

考题 多选题You create a Web Form that contains connected Web Parts. You write the following declaration in your Web Form.You need to ensure that your Web Part connection is valid. Which two actions should you perform? ()AInclude a data source identified as WebPartConnection1 on the Web Form.BInclude a Web Part identified as customerPart on the Web Form.CInclude a Web Part identified as ordersPart on the Web Form.DEnsure that you declare an interface named IOrdersPart.EEnsure that you declare an interface named ICustomerPart.FEnsure that each Web Part declares either a GetInterface or ProvideInterface method.

考题 单选题You create a Microsoft ASP.NET application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5. You create a Web page to display photos and captions. The caption of each photo in the database can be modified by using the application. You write the following code fragment:         ’ runat="server"/             ’ runat="server" /             When you access the Web page, the application throws an error.  You need to ensure that the application successfully updates each caption and stores it in the database.  What should you do?()A Add the ID attribute to the Label control. B Add the ID attribute to the TextBox control. C Use the Bind function for the Label control instead of the Eval function. D Use the Eval function for the TextBox control instead of the Bind function.

考题 单选题Which J-Web lab do you use lo add licenses to the device?()A ConfigureB TroubleshootC MonitorD Maintain

考题 单选题You are implementing a Web page that displays text that was typed by a user. You need to display the user input in the Web page so that a cross-site scripting attack will be prevented. What should you do?()A Call document.write.B Call Response.Write.C Call HttpUtility.UrlEncode.D Call HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

考题 单选题You create a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to calculate values and display the results in a label named lblResults. You need to capture all unhandled exceptions on the Web Form through the Error event. The Error event must capture each unhandled exception and display it on the Web Form. Which code segment should you use?()A protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblResults.Text = e.ToString(); e=null;}B protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblResults.Text = Server.GetLastError().ToString(); Server.ClearError();}C protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) Response.Write(e.ToString()); e=null;}D protected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) Response.Write(Server.GetLastError().ToString()); Server.ClearError();}

考题 单选题You create a Web Form that contains a text box named txtDate. You want the text box to allow users to enter any valid date. You need to use an ASP.NET validation control to ensure that only valid date values are submitted to the server. What should you do?()A Add a CompareValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its Operator property to DataTypeCheck.B Add a RangeValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its MinimumValue property to 01/01/1900 and its MaximumValue to the current date.C Add a CustomValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable. Set the CustomValidators ClientValidationFunction to the name of your function.D Add a RegularExpressionValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set the ValidationExpression property to ensure that the users input follows the format of nn-nn-nnnn, where n represents a number from 0 through 9.

考题 多选题You write a logging function for a Web Form. You call the logging function from the Page_Unload event handler. You test the Web Form and notice that the Page_Unload event handler does not call the logging function. You need to ensure that the logging function is called. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? ()ASet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Remove the attribute onunload=Page_Unload from the Web Form element.BSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Add the attribute OnUnload=Page_Unload to the Web Form element.CSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Add the Web Form attribute autocomplete=on.DSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=True.

考题 单选题You are implementing an ASP.NET MVC 2 Web application that contains the following class.  Public Class DepartmentControllerInherits Controller   Shared departments As List(Of Department) =  New List(Of Department)   Function Index() As ActionResultReturn View(departments)End Function   Function Details(ByVal id As Integer) As ActionResultReturn View(departments.Find(Function(x) x.ID = id))End Function   Function ListEmployees(ByVal d As Department) As ActionResultDim employees As List(Of Employee) = GetEmployees(d)Return View (employees)End FunctionEnd Class  You create a strongly typed view that displays details for a Department instance. You want the view to also include a listing of department employees.  You need to write a code segment that will call the ListEmployees action method and output the results in place. Which code segment should you use?()A %= Html.Action(ListEmployees, Model) % B %= Html.ActionLink(ListEmployees, Department, DepartmentController) % C % Html.RenderPartial(ListEmployees, Model) %D %= Html.DisplayForModel(ListEmployees) %

考题 单选题You are creating a Windows Forms application by using the .Net Framework 3.5.You plan to display detailed help instructions for each control in the form.You create a help file.You configure a HelpProvider component on the form. You need to display the help file for the control that is focused when the F1 key is pressed.Which method of the HelpProvider class should you call for each control?()A SetShowHelpB SetHelpStringC SetHelpKeywordD SetHelpNavigator