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He is fond of playing()piano while his brother is interested in listening to()music.









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更多 “单选题He is fond of playing()piano while his brother is interested in listening to()music.A /;theB /;/C the;/D the;the” 相关考题
考题 BPaul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present.On Christmas Eve Paul saw a dirty and poorly-dressed boy walking 26 his shining car.“Is this your car,Paul?”he asked.Paul told him how he got the car and the boy was 27 .“You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing?Boy,I wish…” he said, without 28 his sentence.Paul thought the boy wished he had a 29 like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly. “I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”Paul looked at the boy in surprise. He invited him to take a 30 in his car and the boy agreed happily. After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes 31 ,said,“Paul,would you mind driving in front of my house?”Paul smiled a little.He thought the boy wanted to 32 his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong 33 . The boy ran back into his house, and after a short while came back with his disabled brother in his arms.He 34 him down on the step and pointed to the car. “There she is, Buddy, just like what I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t 35 him a cent. Some day I’m going to give you one just like it.”26. A. inside B. around C. through D. across

考题 —Where is Peter?—He ________ volleyball with his friends in the school gym.A. plays B. played C. is playing

考题 Henry is very talkative, while his twin brother is a man of () words. A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little

考题 BJack is a famous writer now.But he said he was not a good student when he was young.He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching.He didn't understand much, but he always thought he under-stood everything..One day the teacher asked the students a question, "When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother?" Jack answered, "That's easy. His brother is twice as old as John, so he is now thirty. "Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, "When it thunders(打雷) , why do we always see the light before we hear the sound? "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "can't you .see our eyes are in front of our ears?"The third time, the teacher in a biology class asked, "Why can fish swim in the water?" "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "don't you know fish can-t walk on land?"( )26.Jack was not ________. when he was young.A.strongB.lazyC.cleverD.well

考题 Passage FiveBilly Joel was born on Long Island, in New York State. He began taking piano lessons at an early age and joined his first rock band when he was fourteen. After playing in a number of Long Island groups, Billy began concentrating on his song-writing. His first album of completely original songs was Cold Spring Harbor. It was released in 1972. Two years later, after the release of the smash-hit albums Piano Man and Street-life Serenade. Billy was named "Best New Male Vocalist" by Cask Box magazine.51. Billy Joel began taking piano lessons ______.A. when he joined his first rock bandB. after he was named "Best New Male Vocalist"C. at fourteenD. before he was fourteen years old

考题 Wolfgang's father told him he couldn't play the piano yet because______.A. his sister was taking lessonsB. he had to help his motherC. he was too smallD. he had to wait for his sister to finish practising

考题 Not only _______ finish the task, but also he won the prize.A.does his brotherB.his brother willC.did his brotherD.will his brother

考题 John enjoys ________________ while his brother prefers to go skiing.A. joggingB. to jogC. jog

考题 While traveling abroad(在国外), Mr. Jackson Frank ran short of money. So he wrote to his brother, asking for $500. "Send the money by telegram," he wrote, "to the Fisher Bank in P…" After a week he began calling at the Fisher Bank. He showed his passport(护照). "Nothing has come for you," he was told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr. Frank got very worried. He sent a telegram to his brother, asking where the money was. There was no reply, and no money arrived for him.In the fourth week Mr. Frank was arrested for failing to pay hotel bill. His passport was taken from him. He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He was sent to prison for sixty days. When he came out, he went immediately to the Fisher Bank. The Clerk(职员)he spoke to was a new man. "Have you received $500 for me?" he asked, "My name is Jackson Frank." The clerk checked his books. "Yes, Mr. Jackson, it's here. It came by telegram - let me see - oh, more than two months ago."We wondered where you were." He showed Mr. Frank the order. The order(汇单)read: "Pay Mr. Frank Jackson the sum of $500 …""But my name is Jackson Frank, not Frank Jackson.""Oh, that's all right, sir. It was in our books under the letter 'J', but it's your money."The clerk laughed. "A human mistake, sir! We're all human beings, aren't we? And so we all make mistakes. A family name like Frank sounds strange to me."Mr frank was silent. He really wanted to hit somebody. At last he said, "A human mistake - is that what you call it? I think some humans need kicking."1. Jackson didn't just go to his brother and get some money because _____.A. he was afraid to see his brotherB. he was in prison and was not allowed to go anywhereC. he was traveling in a foreign country and was far from his brotherD. he knew that his brother had no money2. A week after he had written to his brother, Jackson began _____.A. telephoning the bankB. visiting the bankC. shouting at the clerks of the bankD. explaining his problem to the clerks of the bank3. Jackson was arrested and sent to prison because _____.A. his brother hadn't sent him any money and he couldn't pay his hotel billB. he had spent almost all his money and couldn't pay his hotel billC. he had lost all his money and couldn't pay his hotel billD. his brother hadn't sent him as much money as he asked for and he couldn't pay his hotel bill4. Which of the following statements is true? _____A. The money did not reach the Fisher Bank.B. The money reached the wrong bank.C. The money reached the bank after he was arrested.D. The money reached the bank before he was arrested.5. The clerks put his name under the wrong letter _____.A. through carelessnessB. because they were human beingsC. because he had a strange nameD. by pronouncing his name incorrectly

考题 My father is a classic music fan.He has bought hundreds of classic music CDs.( ) however, he has changed his taste.He listens to Jazz piano every evening. A、LatterB、LaterC、LatelyD、Late

考题 He said that he would come and _____ he would bring his wife together.A: thatB: whichC: whenD: while

考题 He arrived home just in time to _______ his brother being taken away by the police. A.catchB. witnessC.caughtD. witnessed

考题 It was ten years later____ he knew that the boy was his brother.A、whichB、thatC、whatD、when

考题 Peter liked music very much when he was at school, but when he went to the university,he decided to study medicine instead. After he passed the examinations and became a doctor, he had to work in a hospital for some time. There he discovered that a lot of patients were happier and less worried about their illnesses if they could hear pleasant music. When Peter became a surgeon and began to work for himself, he decided to keep his patients happy by having a tape recorder in his waiting room, playing beautiful music for them. But soon after the tape recorder was put in the waiting room, Peter’s nurse heard a woman who was sitting in the crowded waiting room one morning complain, "Here we’re all waiting to see the doctor, and he’s just playing the piano in his office instead of doing his work!"31. Peter liked music when he was at school.A. T B. F32. Peter had to pass some examinations after he became a doctor.A. T B. F33. Peter decided to play music for his patients because he couldn’t leave music.A. T B. F34. Peter put a recorder in his waiting room.A. T B. F35. The woman complained because she thought Peter wasn’t working.A. T B. F

考题 ( )– Do you know the boy _______ is playing soccer there?– Certainly.He is a friend of my __________.A.who;brother’sB.who;brotherC.whom;brother’sD.whose;brother

考题 She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.A. when B. while C. after D. since

考题 He moved to Philadelphia because______.A.his brother didn’t like himB.he became the editor of the paperC.he wanted to be dependentD.he wanted to live on himself

考题 His brother has become a lawyer, ______ he wanted to be.A. whoB. whatC. thatD. which

考题 He said some harsh words about his brother.A: proper B: normal C: unkind D: unclear

考题 He kept in constant contact with his family while he was in Australia.A: gradualB: regularC: direstD: occasional

考题 He kept in contact with his family while he was in Australia. A: gradualB: regularC: direstD: occasional

考题 He is fond of playing()piano while his brother is interested in listening to()music.A/;theB/;/Cthe;/Dthe;the

考题 单选题She likes playing ______ piano; her brother likes playing basketball.A the; aB a; theC /; theD the; /

考题 单选题According to the passage, if we perceive a person, we are likely to be interested in _____.A what he wearsB how tall he isC how happy he isD what color he dyes his hair

考题 单选题He is fond of playing()piano while his brother is interested in listening to()music.A /;theB /;/C the;/D the;the

考题 单选题He is fond of watching ______ TV while his father is interested in listening to ______ radio.A the; theB ; /C the; /D /; the

考题 单选题He told us that John, as well as his brother, were coming to the party.A toldB JohnC as well asD were

考题 单选题—Where is Jack?—On the playground. He ______ football with his classmates.A playB playedC is playingD was playing