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When a ship is fully loaded, it needs to prevent the main engine to be().While a ship is fully empty, it needs to prevent the main engine to be().





over mechanical load;over thermal load


over torque;overspeed


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更多 “单选题When a ship is fully loaded, it needs to prevent the main engine to be().While a ship is fully empty, it needs to prevent the main engine to be().A overspeed;overloadB overload;overspeedC over mechanical load;over thermal loadD over torque;overspeed” 相关考题
考题 We regret being unable to accept your claim because the cases were in perfect condition when the goods were loaded on board the ship.(英译中)

考题 When the ship, its main propulsion device equipped with clutch, arrived at the port and finished with the engine, the correct operation should be______.A.disengaging the clutch firstly, then stopping the main engineB.stopping the main engine firstly, then disengaging the clutchC.stopping the cooling water pump firstly, then stopping the main engineD.stopping the main engine and disengaging the clutch at the same time

考题 The pilot embarked the ship at 1830 hours.A.boardedB.leftC.pilotedD.loaded

考题 The phrase VESSEL IN BALLAST usually means________.A.the ship is fully loadedB.the ship loaded with waterC.a ship with cargoD.a ship with no cargo

考题 ______ covers the period from the time when the goods are loaded on to the time they are discharged from the ship.A.Carriage of goodsB.Taking cargo on boardC.Care for cargoD.Taking delivery of

考题 ______is the number of millimeters by which the mean draft changes when a ship passes from salt water to fresh water,or vice versa,whilst floating at the loaded draft.A.TPCB.The Fresh Water AllowanceC.Parallel sinking of the shipD.UKC

考题 船舶需要装卸货。()A、The ship needs loading.B、The ship needs discharging.C、The ship needs unloading.D、The ship needs loading and discharging.

考题 Topside paint is applied to the area of the ship’s ()which is out of water when the ship is loaded.A、hullB、cabinC、cargo holdD、deck

考题 单选题If keep the fuel injection of main engine unchanged when ship is fouled, that will causeⅠ.The speed of main engine to be reduced Ⅱ.Ship speed to be reduced Ⅲ.The resistance torque of propeller to be increased Ⅳ.Trim at stern to increase()A Ⅰ + ⅡB Ⅰ ~ ⅢC Ⅰ ~ ⅣD Ⅰ + Ⅱ + Ⅳ

考题 单选题While a ship with twin screw is making a turn, in order to prevent overload, the duty engineer should ()A reduce the fuel feeding of main engine of inner propellerB reduce the fuel feeding of main engine of outer propellerC firstly reduce the fuel of main engine of inner propeller, then reduce the fuel feeding of engine of outer propellerD reduce fuel feeding of two engines at the same time

考题 单选题Hydraulically, servo-operated, automatic, change over valves, utilized in a two ram hydraulic steering gear, serve to()A allow an alternate main pump to start in the fully loaded condition thus developing immediate full torqueB prevent either main pump from being hydraulically motored when idle by cross pressure flowC prevent both units from operating simultaneously which could result in doubling the flow of oil and pressure leading to over pressurization of the systemD all of the above

考题 单选题When ship is fouled, increasing the fuel injection for keeping the normal speed will cause the main engine ()A to work as overload characteristicB overspeedC over mechanical load onlyD over thermal load only

考题 单选题When a ship is fully loaded, it needs to prevent the main engine to be().While a ship is fully empty, it needs to prevent the main engine to be().A overspeed;overloadB overload;overspeedC over mechanical load;over thermal loadD over torque;overspeed

考题 单选题When ship navigating in rough sea, the first measure taken by the chief engineer to prevent the overload should be()A cleaning fuel oil, lubricating oil and seawater filterB reducing fuel feeding of the main engine appropriately or reducing the pitch angle of propellerC using low sea chestD closing the skylight and the ventilation opening, which doesn’t affect the normal work of equipments

考题 单选题The displacement of a ship is to the total weight, all told, of the relevant loaded ship()A largerB equalC smallerD equivalent

考题 单选题Whether a ship is sailing before the wind or sailing in the rough sea, we must reduce the fuel injection of the main engine.For the former one, it aims to prevent the main engine being(), while for the later one, it aims to prevent the main engine being().A overspeed;overloadB overload;overspeedC over torque;overspeedD low mechanical efficiency;overload

考题 单选题The load limitation of governor should be reduced when ship navigating at sea, the main reason is to()A prevent the diesel engine surgingB prevent governor from being damaged because of swingC reduce the probability of the crank shaft being torsional vibrated and resonatedD prevent the main engine being overload or overspeed

考题 单选题The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().A only when the cargo is within its railB during the time when loading or ynloading is going onC after the cargo is checked by tallymenD as soon as loading or discharging begins

考题 单选题The additional cargo is to be loaded()board our ship.A onB inC fromD to

考题 单选题When a ship in loaded condition floats at arbitrary water line, its displacement is to the relevant mass of water displaced by the ship()A equalB largerC smallerD equivalent

考题 单选题The most important principle in the stowage is().A to ensure the safety of the ship and protect the cargo from being damagedB to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardC to reject the damaged cargo during loadingD to prevent the spontaneous combustion of coal and grain

考题 单选题When the ship is under attack by pirates,or terrorists,()needs to be activated.A AISB SSASC SSPD SART

考题 单选题To ensure the ship’s general stability,().A she's loaded a little deeper forwardB she's loaded a little deeper aftC she has not any ballast at allD the cargo is properly distributed throughout the ship

考题 单选题When the ship, its main propulsion device equipped with clutch, arrived at the port and finished with the engine, the correct operation should be()A disengaging the clutch firstly, then stopping the main engineB stopping the main engine firstly, then disengaging the clutchC stopping the cooling water pump firstly, then stopping the main engineD stopping the main engine and disengaging the clutch at the same time

考题 单选题The most important principle in the cargo stowage is().A to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardB to ensure the safety of the ship and cargoC to reject the damaged cargo during loading operationD to prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain

考题 单选题船舶需要装卸货。()A The ship needs loading.B The ship needs discharging.C The ship needs unloading.D The ship needs loading and discharging.

考题 单选题When a ship is entering to narrow waterway and the fuel feeding of the main engine is keeping unchanged, which of the following is the wrong conclusion?()A the power of main engine will be reducedB exhaust temperature will be increasedC the speed of the ship will be reducedD the propulsion characteristic of propeller will keep unchanged

考题 单选题Which statement concerning the handling characteristics of a fully loaded vessel as compared with those of a light vessel is FALSE?()A A fully loaded vessel will be slower to respond to the enginesB A fully loaded vessel will maintain her headway furtherC A light vessel will be more affected by the windD A light vessel lose more rudder effect in shallow water