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()tankers over 100 meters long must not proceed beyond Dongbei buoy.









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更多 “单选题()tankers over 100 meters long must not proceed beyond Dongbei buoy.A LoadingB LoadC LadeD Laden” 相关考题
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考题 When the writer says,"This is not going to be put right overnight", he means_________.A. we must solve the problem very quicklyB. there is no completely fair thing all over the worldC. we need a long time to change the unfair realityD. the problem that women lose will be solved soon

考题 The boat is as long as 20 feet in ________ and 6 meters in width. A. deepB. lengthC. longD. square

考题 Which of the following is the MAXIMUM cable length for 802.3 Ethernet?() A. 33 Feet (10 meters)B. 100 Feet (30 meters)C. 328 Feet (100 meters)D. 1200 Feet (366 meters)

考题 [A]go beyond [B]set out [C]come around [D]spread over

考题 Once vessel has been cleared by Port Health or Immigration ______ must proceed to appropriate berth or anchorage.A.ItB.sheC.heD.the vessel

考题 Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when ______.A.vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptB.vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptC.even you have not received the distressD.even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service

考题 Which statement is TRUE concerning buoyant work vests aboard tankers ________.A.They may be worn while working on deck but not while working over the sideB.They must be used only under supervision of a designated ship's officerC.They will be accepted for up to 10% of the required life preserversD.They may be worn during drills

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考题 Finding a job in such a big company hasalways been ______ his wildest dreams.A.under B.above C.over D.beyond

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考题 Which of the following is the MAXIMUM cable length for 802.3 Ethernet?()A、33 Feet (10 meters)B、100 Feet (30 meters)C、328 Feet (100 meters)D、1200 Feet (366 meters)

考题 1000BaseT has a MAXIMUM run distance of:()A、25 meters (82 feet)B、100 meters (328 feet)C、500 meters (1640 feet)D、1000 meters (3280 feet)

考题 What is the recommended distance between controller-based access points for support ofroaming?()A、50 feet [15 meters]B、200 feet [60 meters]C、150 feet [45 meters]D、100 feet [30 meters]

考题 单选题Once vessel has been cleared by Port Health or Immigration ()must proceed to appropriate berth or anchorage.A ItB sheC heD the vessel

考题 单选题Under International Rules().A all vessels must carry an after range lightB vessels less than 50 meters in length need not carry an after range lightC vessels stopped dead in the water should turn off their range lightsD vessels over 20 meters in length must carry both range lights from sunset to sunrise

考题 单选题Which type and age of the ships has a higher potential for PSC inspection and a large percentage of subsequent PSC detentions?()A Bulk carriers and general cargo ships over 15 years oldB Bulk carriers and oil tankers over 15 years oldC Passenger liner and ro-ro ships over 10 years oldD Container ships and general ships over 10 years old

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考题 单选题—How long is the bridge?—It’s ______.A 300-meter-longB 300-meters longC 300 meters longD 300 meter long

考题 单选题Several merchant ships are arriving at the scene of a distress incident. One of the them must assume the duties of the Coordinator Surface Search (CSS). Which of the following statements is TRUE?().A CSS duties are always assumed by passenger vessels,dry cargo vessels,or tankers in that order of precedenceB The CSS must be established by mutual agreement between the ships concernedC A tanker should never be assigned CSS duties unless only tankers are presentD The first vessel to arrive at the distress incident is designated as the CSS

考题 单选题A vessel must proceed at a safe speed().A in restricted visibilityB in congested watersC during darknessD at all times

考题 单选题1000BaseT has a MAXIMUM run distance of:()A 25 meters (82 feet)B 100 meters (328 feet)C 500 meters (1640 feet)D 1000 meters (3280 feet)

考题 单选题Which of the following is the MAXIMUM cable length for 802.3 Ethernet?()A 33 Feet (10 meters)B 100 Feet (30 meters)C 328 Feet (100 meters)D 1200 Feet (366 meters)

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考题 单选题The old woman has just been ______ by the car. A moment ago she was still very much alive. It is ______ my understanding.A run over; beyond B run down; withoutC run away; offD run off; beyond

考题 单选题Notwithstanding the provisions of this Regulation,the segregated ballast conditions for oil tankers less than 150 meters in length shall be to the()of the Administration.A contractB charter partyC satisfactionD agreement

考题 单选题Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when().A Vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptB Vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptC Even you have not reveived the distressD Even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service