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The depth over a shallow patch,()about 1.5 miles southeastward of Nanshan Tou lighthouse,reduces to 8 meters.





being lain




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更多 “单选题The depth over a shallow patch,()about 1.5 miles southeastward of Nanshan Tou lighthouse,reduces to 8 meters.A layB liesC being lainD lying” 相关考题
考题 Which is true about over-thinking? () A、Men are far more inclined to ruminate about the stressors and disappointments they encounter.B、All ruminations are abnormal.C、Over-thinkers go over and over what happened in future.D、Both the brain and experience are the factors in overthinking.

考题 He was () about his new job. A、over the moonB、on the moonC、above the moon

考题 It's about 10 miles away.(对划线部分提问)__________ __________ __________ __________to get there?

考题 [A] over [B] along [C] on [D] about

考题 The depth over a shallow patch, ______ about 1.5 miles southeastward of Nanshan Tou lighthouse reduces to about 8 meters.A.layB.liesC.being lainD.Lying

考题 In the navigation,_______cause the shafting over load most easilyA.stopping the main engine suddenlyB.changing the main engine running direction suddenlyC.the sailing from the shallow water area to the deep water areaD.the ship's trim too much

考题 When visibility is reduced to about 5 miles, we say that visibility is________.A.very goodB.goodC.poorD.moderate

考题 A documented vessel operating over 50 miles offshore must carry an inflatable liferaft with a ______.A.SOLAS A packB.SOLAS B packC.coastal packD.small vessel pack

考题 A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the ______.A.velocity of the currentB.bottom characteristicsC.depth of the waterD.speed over the ground

考题 The island measures about 30 miles__________ 20 miles. A.by B.with C.to D.upon

考题 Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an hour ______ originate over tropical ocean waters.A.which B.who C.where D.how to

考题 共用题干 第一篇Water Resources on the EarthThe second most important constituent(构成成分)of the biosphere(生物圈)is liquid water. This can only exist in a very narrow range of temperatures,since water freezes at 0℃and boils a 100℃.Life as we know it would only be possible on the surface of a planet which had temperature: somewhere within this narrow range.The earth's supply of water probably remains fairly constant in quantity.The total quantity of water is not known very accurately,but it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe to a depth of about two and three-quarter kilometers.Most of it is in the form of the salt water of the oceans一about 97 percent. The rest is fresh.But three-quarters of this is in the form of ice at the poles and or mountains and cannot be used by living systems until melted.Of the remaining fraction,which h somewhat less than one percent of the whole.There is 10—20 times as much stored underground water as there is actually on the surface.There is also a tiny,but extremely important fraction of the water supply which is present as water vapour in the atmosphere.Water vapour in the atmosphere is the channel through which the whole water circulation(循环) of the biosphere has to pass.Water evaporated(蒸发)from the surface of the oceans,from lakes and rivers and from moist(潮湿的)earth is added to it. From it the water comes out again as rain or snow,falling on either the sea or the land. There is,as might be expected, a more intensive evaporation per unit area over the sea and oceans than over the land,but there is more rainfall over the land than over the oceans and the balance is restored by the run off from the land in the form of rivers.There is more of rainfall________.A:over the mountains than over the riversB:over the rivers than over the mountainsC:over the land than over the oceansD:over the oceans than over the land

考题 Very few of our birds stay with us the year round.Some come to us in the winter from the cold?north.Others come from the south to spend the summer with us.How do they know the way?Suppose?you were told to find your way to a place hundreds of miles away,do you think you could do it? Yet birds travel over mountains,forests,lakes and even across the oceans,and do not stray from?the path.They find their way back in the spring to the same orchard(果园)and the very trees where?they nested the summer before. It is wonderful how quickly birds travel such long distances from their summer homes to their?winter ones.Some birds have been known to fly hundreds of miles in a day.But others travel much?more slowly. Why do birds undertake these long journeys twice a year?Perhaps cold weather and lack of?food drive them from us in the autumn,but we cannot tell why they leave the sunny south to come?back to us in the spring.We know only that many of them like to make their nests and rear their?young in the north. We are sorry to see them go,but we know that when winter is over they will come back to us. How far do birds usually travel from their summer homes to their winter ones?A.About hundreds of miles. B.About thousands of miles. C.The distance that takes a bird to fly the whole morning. D.The passage does not tell us.

考题 Which of the following tools should be used to report in-depth information about file fragments?()A、 defragfsB、 istatC、 filemonD、 fileplace

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考题 单选题NAVTEX transmissions have a designed range of about()nautical miles.A 300B 400C 500D 600

考题 单选题Prior to taking over the deck watch in port,the relieving officer shall not be informed by the officer in charge of the deck watch as to().A the depth of the water at the berthB the ship‟s draughtC the duty of the relieving officerD the arrangement of anchor and the scope of the anchor chain

考题 单选题When visibility is reduced to about 5 miles, we say that visibility is().A very goodB goodC poorD moderate

考题 单选题Which of the following tools should be used to report in-depth information about file fragments?()A  defragfsB  istatC  filemonD  fileplace

考题 单选题In the navigation, cause the shafting over load most easily()A stopping the main engine suddenlyB changing the main engine running direction suddenlyC the sailing from the shallow water area to the deep water areaD the ship’s trim too much

考题 单选题In moderate wind and current what should be the length of chain with a single anchor?()A 5 times the depth of the water in good holding groundB 10 times the depth of the water in shallow waterC 2 times the depth of the water in poor holding groundD 8 times the depth of the water in deep water

考题 单选题A documented vessel operating over 50 miles offshore must carry an inflatable liferaft with a ().A SOLAS A packB SOLAS B packC coastal packD small vessel pack

考题 单选题The depth()a shallow patch,lying about 1.3 miles southeastward of Nanshan Tou lighthouse reduces to about 6.1 meters.A aboveB overC upD upon

考题 单选题The ship()about 1/2 miles southward of the lighthouse.A moorsB moorC is mooredD mooring

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考题 单选题Wildebeests are ______ creatures, often trekking over 1,000 miles in a typical year in search of food resources that shift according to the rainy season.A itinerantB indigenousC subduedD nocturnalE arboreal

考题 填空题Worldwide rainfall over land has increased by about one percent.____