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更多 “单选题_____A someB othersC onesD fellows” 相关考题

考题 Here is the dessert.()? A、Do you like someB、Would you like someC、Do you like thatD、Would you like that

考题 The problem is so difficult that() of us can work it out. A. someB. onC. a fewD. few

考题 17.A.Other 'B.OthersC.AnotherD.The other

考题 Theteacheraskedtheboymanyquestions,butheonlyanswered______ofthem.A.someB.lotsC.eachD.few

考题 10. Would you like ________ milk,please?A. someB. anyC. manyD.little

考题 17.A.someB.anyC. otherD. another

考题 The wood o[ some trees is ( ). A、harder than that of others’B、harder than that of othersC、harder than othersD、harder than of others’

考题 Have you got__lychees?A. someB.anyC./

考题 Are those your books? I want to borrow some good _____.A. oneB. onceC. onesD. one’s

考题 The photographer gave me a number of photos to use with this story, but__________of them is quite right.A. allC. someB. manyD. none

考题 I have four brothers. One is in Japan, ________are in Shanghai. A.anotherB.othersC.the otherD.the others

考题 We expected about 20 girls but there were ______ people there.A、anotherB、othersC、someD、more

考题 It is said that ____ birds are better fed, more healthy, and live longer than their fellows in the wild. A、downtownB、installedC、operatedD、caged

考题 SQL中,与NOT IN等价的操作符是______。A.=SOMEB.<>SOMEC.=ALLD.<>ALL

考题 20.A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.else

考题 3. Not all students like playing sports. Some like watching TV, and _____like sleeping.A.otherB.othersC.the othersD.the other

考题 In some cases, when a predator approaches, fishes escape on hearing ______.A. the sounds of other speciesB. the sounds of their preyC. the sounds of the approaching enemyD. the sounds of their fellows

考题 19.A.anotherB.othersC.the othersD.the other

考题 The street in a small town is as crowded on market days as( )in a large city.A.one B.that C.ones D.these

考题 Even though they are young,these students are equal in knowledge to,if not more deep than,( ) at the other university . A. everyone B. the others C. the ones D. All

考题 We have ample money for the journey.A: some B: little C: enough D: extra

考题 We shall never be able to fulfill ourselves truly unless we are working for the welfare of our fellows.A:realize B:accomplish C:complete D:finish

考题 Of my three students, one is from England,( ) are from London. A. the other B. the others C. another D. others

考题 The writer thinks the failure of a building_______.A.means nothing B.concerns others C.concerns only the artist D.concerns all the people in the world

考题 of them knew about the plan because it was secret.A.Some B.Any C.No one D.None

考题 Have you got()lychees?A、someB、anyC、/

考题 The red flower goes from one to()in the class.A、the otherB、othersC、anotherD、other