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—Which month of the year do you like?—July, the ______ month because summer vacation begins in this month.







更多 “单选题—Which month of the year do you like?—July, the ______ month because summer vacation begins in this month.A secondB seventhC ninth” 相关考题
考题 有以下程序: Class Date { public: Date(int y,int m,mt d); { year=y; month=m; day=d; } Date(int y=2000) { year=y; month=10; day=1; } Date(Date D) { year=d.year; month=d.month; day=d.day; } Void prinA.2B.3C.4D.5

考题 在下面程序的横线处填上______,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。 include using nam 在下面程序的横线处填上______,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。include<iostream.h>using namespace std;class Date{Public:Date(int m=1,int y=0): month(m),year(y){}void Print(){cout<<month<<"/"<<year<<end1;}______operator+(const Dated1,const Dated2);private:int month, year;};Date operator+(const Dated1,const Dated2){int year,month;year=d1.year+d2.year;month=d1.month+d2.month;year+=(month-1)/12;month=(month-1)%12+1;return Date(month,year);}void main(){Date d1(3,2004),d2,d3(10);d2=d3+d1;d2.Print();}

考题 已知学生记录描述为 struct student { int no; char name[20]; char sex; struct { int year; int month; int day; } birth; }; struct student s;变量s中的“生日”应是“1985年4月4日”,下列对“生日”的正确赋值方式是______。A.year=1985;month=4;day=4;B.birth.year=1985;birth.month=4;birth.day=4;C.s.year=1985;s.month=4;s.day=4;D.s.birth.year=1985;s.birth.month=4;s.birth,day=4;

考题 有以下程序:class Date{public:Date(int y,int m,int d);{year=y;month=mday=d;}Date(int y=2000){year=y;month=10;day=1;}Date(Date d){year=d.year;month=d.month;day=d.day;}void print( ){cout<<year<<"."<<month<<"."<<day<<endl;}private:int year,month,day;};Date fun(Date d){Date temp;temp=d;return temp;}int main( ){Date datel(2000,1,1),date2(0,0,0);Date date3(datel);date2=fun(date3);return 0;}程序执行时,Date类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是A.2B.3C.4D.5

考题 What starting salary do you expect? ()A. I'd like to start on Monday next week.B. I expect to get a salary increase.C. I'd like to start at ¥5,000 a month.

考题 Xiaoyan: I`ve got my fitness programme from the gym for this month,Mary.Mary: _____1_____class do you have tomorrow , Xiaoyan?Xiaoyan; Tomorrow-Tuesday-I haven`t got a class. I do gym.Mary: __2___ do you do gym with?Xiaoyan: Nobody, I do two gym sessions on my own a week.Mary: So, ___3____ are your classes?Xiaoyan: This month, I do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Mondays.Mary: And_____4____do you do next month ?Xiaoyan: I do three gym sessions, but I don`t do Tai Chi-the class is cancelled.Mary: _____5____isn't there a classXiaoyan: The trainer is on holiday. But it starts again the month after next. So, the month after next, I do two gym sessions again and I do Tai Chi.Mary: Well. Good luck! Enjoy yourself!

考题 阅读下列说明,回答问题1至问题3。【说明】以下代码由C语言书写,能根据指定的年、月计算当月所含天数。int GetMaxDay( int year, int month ){int maxday = 0;if ( month >= 1 month <= 12 ){if ( month == 2 ){if ( year % 4 == 0 ){if ( year % 100 == 0 ){if ( year % 400 == 0 )maxday = 29;elsemaxday = 28;}elsemaxday = 29;}elsemaxday = 28;}else{if ( month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == || )maxday = 30;elsemaxday = 31;}}return maxday; }请画出以上代码的控制流图。请计算上述控制流图的环路复杂度V(G)。假设year的取值范围是1000<year<2001,请使用基本路径测试法为变量year、 month设计测试用例(写出year取值、month取值、maxday预期结果),使之满足基本路径覆盖要求。请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 The more popular sequence of dating today is ________. A.date-month-yearB.year-date-monthC.month-year-dateD.date-year-month

考题 英式标准的日期写法应为()A、day-month-yearB、mouth-day-yearC、year-month-dayD、year-day-month

考题 对话理解听力原文:W: Since I have some spare cash in my account, I would like to open a time deposit account here. Can you give me some information please?M: With pleasure. We have many kinds of time deposit accounts: 1 month, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year.Q: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?(11)A.Customs officer and travelers.B.Employer and employee.C.Business associates.D.Bank clerk and customer.

考题 下面结构体的定义语句中,不正确的是______。A.structdate { int month; int day; int year; } Struct date datel;B.stmctdate { intmonth; int day; int year; } datel;C.struct { int month; int day; int year; } date 1;D.#define DATE stmct date DATE { int month; int day; int year; }datel;

考题 给定日期DD,可以计算该日期当月最大天数的正确表达式是( )。A.Day(DD)B.Day(DateSerial(Year(DD), Month(DD), day(DD)))C.Day(DateSerial(Year(DD), Month(DD), 0))D.Day(DateSerial(Year(DD), Month(DD)+1, 0))

考题 阅读以下说明和C++抖程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】下面程序的功能是计算并输出某年某月的天数。【C++程序】include<iostream>using namespace std;(1) Month{Jan,Feb,Mar,Art,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec};class Date{public:Date(int year,Month m_month){(2) =year;if (m_month<Jan‖m_month>Dec) month=Jan;else month=m_month;};~Date(){};bool IsLeapYear(){return ((year%4==0 year%1001!=0)‖year%400==0);};int CaculateDays(){switch( (3) ){case Feb:{if( (4) )return29;e1Se return 28;}case Jan:case Mar:case May:case Jul:case AUg:case Oct:case Dec:retllrn 31;case Apr:case Jun:Case Sep:case Nov:roturu30;}};private:int year;Month month;};void main(){Date day(2000,Feb);tout<<day. (5) ();}

考题 阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面程序的功能是计算并输出某年某月的天数,函数IsLeap Year()能够判断是否是闰年。【C++程序】include < iostream >using namespace std;(1) Month {Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec };class Date {public:Date( int year, Month m_ month) {this→year = year;if( (2) ) month: Jan;else month = m_ month;};~Date(){};bool IsLeap Year( ) {return ((year%4= =0 year% 100 ! =0)|| year%400= =0);};int CaculateDays( ) {switch(m_month ) {case (3) ;{if (4) return 29;else return 28;}case Jan: case Mar: case May: case Jul: case Aug: case Oct: case Dec: return 31;case Apr: case Jun: case Sop: case Nov: return 30;}}private:int year;Month month;};void main( ) {Date day(2000,Feb);cout < <day. (5) ( );}

考题 有以下程序: Class Date {public: Date(int y,int m,int d); {year=y; month=m; day=d;} Date(int y=2000) {year=y; month=10; day=1;) Date(Date D) {year=d.year; month=d.month; day=d.day;} void print() {cout<<year<<“.”<<moA.2B.3C.4D.5

考题 有以下程序: classDate { public: Date(inty,intm,intd); { year=Y: month=m; day=d; } Date(inty=2000) { year=y; month=10; day=1; } Date(Date&d){ year=d.year; month=d.month; day=d.day; } voidprint( ) { coutyear"."(month"."dayendl; } private: intyear,month,day; }; Datefun(Dated) { Datetemp; temp=d; returntemp; } intmain( ) { Datedatel(2000,1,1),date2(0,0,0); Datedate3(datel); date2=fun(date3); return0; } 程序执行时,Date类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是( )。A.2B.3C.4D.5

考题 Do you often write to your father ________ (one) a month?

考题 F______ is the second month of a year.

考题 It is a question__the book will be published this month or next month.A.if B.whether C.that D.which

考题 给定日期DD,可以计算该日期当月最大天数的正确表达式是()。A、Day(DD)B、Day(DateSerial(Year(DD),Month(DD),Day(DD))C、Day(DateSerial(Year(DD),Month(DD),0))D、Day(DateSerial(Year(DD),Month(DD)+1,0))

考题 程序:  class MyDate{   private int year; private int month; private int day;  public MyDate(int year,int month,int day){  this.year=year;  this.month=month;      this.day=day; }  //Override Method }  为了让new MyDate(1980,11,9)==new MyDate(1980,11,9) 返回true,必须在Override Method处覆盖哪个方法?() A、 hashCodeB、 equalsC、 toStringD、 notify

考题 单选题程序:   class MyDate{   private int year;   private int month;   private int day;   public MyDate( int year, int month,int day){   this.year=year;   this.month=month;   this.day=day;  }   //Override Method  }   为了让new MyDate(1980,11,9)==(判断是否相等)new MyDate(1980,11,9) 返 回true,必须在Override Method处覆盖哪个方法?()A  hashCodeB  equalsC  toStringD  notify

考题 单选题程序:  class MyDate{   private int year; private int month; private int day;  public MyDate(int year,int month,int day){  this.year=year;  this.month=month;      this.day=day; }  //Override Method }  为了让new MyDate(1980,11,9)==new MyDate(1980,11,9) 返回true,必须在Override Method处覆盖哪个方法?()A  hashCodeB  equalsC  toStringD  notify

考题 单选题—______pocket money do you usually get every month?—Fifty yuan. What about you?A How oftenB How longC How manyD How much

考题 问答题The hottest month is July in Yangzhou and the coldest one is January.

考题 单选题You would like to display the system date in the format "Monday, 01 June, 2001". Which SELECT statement should you use? ()A SELECT TO_DATE(SYSDATE, 'FMDAY, DD Month, YYYY') FROM dual;B SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'FMDD, DY Month, 'YYYY') FROM dual;C SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'FMDay, DD Month, YYYY') FROM dual;D SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'FMDY, DDD Month, YYYY') FROM dual;E SELECT TO_DATE(SYSDATE, 'FMDY, DDD Month, YYYY') FROM dual;

考题 单选题You need to ensure the Order Control team is able to track the number of orders that reach the production department. What should you do?()A Create a new Time dimension based on the Holiday table. Use derived columns for the month and the year.B Create a Server Time dimension. Within this dimension, enable the time periods year, month, and date. Select the Additional Manufacturing calendar option.C Create a new Time dimension based on the date values within the ProductOrderStatus table. Flag those days on which no orders were received as Holiday.D Create a new Time dimension based on a data source view named query. Derive the data for this data source view from unique dates within the ProductOrderStatus table. Use a subquery to identify the holidays and derived columns for the month and the year.