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更多 “单选题_____A forB inC atD on” 相关考题
考题 I little understood the pressure __________ her. A.onB.inC.atD.against

考题 The old lady is said to be generous ____her money . A. forB. toC. atD. with

考题 The frightened man reached ____ the telephone and quickly dialed a number. A.forB.toC.atD.on

考题 We ______ thrifty and simple life. A. call forB. call inC. call onD. call to

考题 19.A.onB.inC.atD.to

考题 41_________.A.forB.withC.atD.in

考题 The child has no understanding of problems, according ____ the doctor.A. forB. inC. onD. to

考题 Out classroom is selected ______ the place for meeting.A. forB. inC. asD. on

考题 In return____your help, I invite you tospend the weekend with my family. A.forB.byC.atD.in

考题 The king permitted himself to be entertained ___ music and a football match. A、forB、withC、atD、by

考题 I have lived here () 1997. A、forB、sinceC、atD、from

考题 This rule only applies __ people above 60. A、forB、inC、toD、at

考题 Mark is responsible ()the international market. A.forB.inC.of

考题 Please inform. us ()the tendency of your market.A、forB、inC、ofD、with

考题 We will stay in the city ____two days. A. forB. inC. atD. /

考题 A) overB) inC) atD) about

考题 By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ________ 选择 By1929,MickeyMousewasaspopular________childrenasCoca-Cola.A)forB)inC)toD)with

考题 6. Chinese is different __________ English.A.fromB.inC.atD.on

考题 14.A.forB.inC.at "D.with

考题 32. We traveled all night to London and got there ________ Sunday morning.A. forB. onC. atD. to

考题 13.A. communicate withB. take part inC. look atD. worry about

考题 The damage was caused ______ the stevedores.A.forB.byC.atD.in

考题 Tickets to special exhibits at the botanical gardens may be reserved __________ advance.A.of B.in C.at D.for

考题 Can you take care of Polly when we are away?A:wait for B:look afterC:laugh at D:take to

考题 Sales are up dramatically____percentage terms compared with a year ago.A.by B.in C.at D.for

考题 Contrary ( ) the popular opinion, higher taxes end up benefiting the citizens more than lower ones.A.for B.in C.to D.with

考题 I'm leaving for New York()three days' time.A、forB、inC、atD、on

考题 My father is leaving()Shanghai tomorrow.A、forB、inC、intoD、to