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从文章的第二处要点“Pay regular fares on weekdays…Pay reduced fares at all other times”可知,周末打折出售。此处应该填写reduced。
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 填空题____

考题 填空题The new university graduate is confident of (win) ____ the post as the assistant to the managing director.

考题 单选题_____A To the hospital.B To the beach.C To his university.D To his hometown.

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is TRUE?A Tour guides are supposed to arrange dinner outside the hotel.B Tour guides’ recommendations on food are unreliable.C Tourists must have lunch in the hotels they stay in.D Tourists may taste local dishes during dinner time.

考题 填空题Although you may not (success) ____ in the beginning, you should keep on trying.

考题 填空题(____)半价票;(____)售票处

考题 单选题_____A $5.B $10.C $15.D $20.

考题 填空题If you smoke in this non-smoking area, you will (fine) ____ $50.

考题 填空题How did she find her new job a few months later?She felt it was very ____.

考题 单选题_____A She was tired of reading it.B She liked it very much.C She didn’t think much of it.D She wasn’t interested in it.

考题 填空题(____)医疗费用;(____)行程延误

考题 问答题Practice 16  Now people have a choice about where they work and what kind of work they’ll do. They are faced with the challenge of deciding where to go. They need to know what standard to use in making their decisions. This book provides them with practical advice for making their choices. Meanwhile, they will know what questions to ask, what jobs to look for, and how to make their final decisions.

考题 填空题(____)测谎;(____)工薪调查

考题 填空题What’s Mike Smith’s present job?He’s working as a ____.

考题 填空题(____)文件资料;(____)邮政编码

考题 问答题Practice 10  We learned from your advertisement in Globe Boston that you are an exporter of glass art works and we are availing ourselves of this opportunity to ask you to send us some samples of the advertised products. Our firm is a company engaged in import/ export of arts and crafts. Recent years we have put more interest in glass art works. We are thinking of expanding our business to the US and hope we will establish business relations with you soon.

考题 单选题If you are taking care of an aging parent or know someone who is, this 30-Page booklet, may be of great help to you.A 假如你注意的话,你会知道这本小册子有30页,会对你的父母和你认识的人很有用。B 如果你所照顾的父母或认识的亲人年事已高,这本30页的小册子会对你有很大的帮助。C 若你在照看年迈父母或知道有人在这样做,这本30页的小册子会对你们有很大帮助。

考题 单选题What can help us to keep refreshed throughout the day?A Doing some physical exercise.B Taking a short nap in the afternoon.C Rushing through some assignments.D Playing a game of chess with a friend.

考题 单选题_____A Mr. Smith.B Miss White.C Miss Smith.D Mr. Brown.

考题 单选题_____A To fax the report.B To write the report.C To copy the report.D To email the report.

考题 单选题Many economists believe that advertising helps increase competition, which leads to lower prices, thus benefiting consumers and the economy as a whole.A 许多经济学家相信,广告加剧了竞争,又降低了商品的价格,所以消费者和整个经济都会从中得到好处。B 许多经济学家坚信,广告会加剧竞争,过度的竞争致使商品质量低劣,从而影响消费者整体的经济利益。C 许多经济学家认为,广告有助于竞争,而竞争的加剧会降低商品价格,从而使消费者和经济在整体上受益。

考题 填空题What service does CashPlus offer?It offers a ____ of credit.

考题 填空题How long does the tour last?It lasts about ____.

考题 单选题The first textbook _____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A writingB writtenC to writeD to be written

考题 单选题In his report of the accident he _____ some important details.A missedB wastedC escapedD failed

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题According to the advertisement, $ 99 is the rate offered for _____.A traveling a limited distanceB renting a car for seven daysC hiring a driving guideD driving within a state

考题 单选题_____A He’s trying to get out of the window.B He’s helping Freud.C He’s breaking into a house.D He’s leaving by the front door.