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Slot A


更多 “ Slot A” 相关考题
考题 关于NR slot结构,描述是正确的有哪些?( ) A、下行slot可以传上行数据B、slot中的符号可能包含下行,上行和灵活配置三种C、无论子载波带宽如何配置,1个slot的符号数固定为14个D、下行slot只能传下行数据

考题 在一个BSC中,BSP应该在下列哪个缺省位置?() A.Slot25,Slot26B.Slot20,Slot24C.Slot18,Slot20D.Slot20,Slot21

考题 osn6800下面哪些槽位没有电层交叉背板总线?() A.Slot1B.Slot2C.Slot16D.Slot17

考题 BBU5900和3910相比,哪个槽位的Slot编号对应的实际位置没有发生变化?() A、Slot2B、Slot7C、Slot1D、Slot6

考题 Write a script. in PHP and Javascript. to accept two textarea's, slot and alternative by the name.+ slot can contain many a lines, each line includes many words and is ended by a number+ the chars in the slot can only be either alpha-numeric chars or squares or underlines+ if a word in the slot is surrounded by underlines, it must start a new line in the alternatives,followed by the detailed definition of the word+ the square brackets should come in pairsfor example, the following is legal slot and alternative:SLOT ALTERNATIVE---------------------- --------------------------| this is 1 | | _this_ th ee s || the is 1 | | || this's 2 | | || _this_ 2 | | |---------------------- --------------------------

考题 在PTN 3900中,如果要实现1:N的TPS保护,保护单板需要安装在哪个槽位( )? A.Slot1B.Slot5C.Slot8D.Slot12

考题 AFastTHostFC-2busadapter,aU320SCSIadapter,andthree10/100MbEthernetadaptershavetobeinstalledasoptimallyaspossible.Thisisgoingtobea24X7system.TheadditionofextraPCI-cardsisamajorconsiderationaswell.Basedonthefollowing,whatisthebestconfiguration?()(1)Slot166MHzBus1(2)Slot266MHzBus1(3)Slot3100MHzBus2(4)Slot4100MhzBus2(5)Slot5133MhzBus3(6)Slot6133MhzBus3

考题 A、SLOT2,3可以用于安装基带板B、SLOT16,用于安装风扇模块FANC、SLOT19,用于安装电源模块UPEUD、SLOT6,6,7可以用于安装主控板

考题 TDS-TDL双模E频段改造时,RRU从()出光口 A. slot1B. slot2C. slot4D. slot5

考题 A customer wants to create a 1:1 protection group with a DS3N-12 card. Which card slots would allow for a 1:1 protection?() A. Slot 2 and Slot 4B. Slot 4 and Slot 6C. Slots 5 or 13 onlyD. Slot 16 and Slot 17

考题 Userdefinedlocalefilescanbestoredinwhichtwolocations?() A.DRAMB.SDRAMC.CMEflash,slot0D.CUEflash,slot0E.TFTPdirectoryspecifiedbycnf-filelocationcommand

考题 OSN6800中哪个槽位没有电层交叉背板总线?() A.Slot1B.Slot2C.Slot16D.Slot17

考题 CPA/SPA/NPA占用交换机的槽位为()A、slot1B、slot2C、slot12

考题 武广高铁传输系统中OSN2000设备AUX可插槽位是()。A、slot11B、slot12C、slot17D、slot18

考题 Where should you install the spare line module in a redundancy group?()A、last slot in the chassisB、first slot in the chassisC、lowest numbered slot in thegroupD、highest numbered slot in the group

考题 CPU的接口分为Socket型和Slot型,Slot型又称为ZIF插座。

考题 MS上中央控制板都在()槽位。A、SLOT8-13B、SLOT18C、SLOT17D、SLOT14-16

考题 华为OSN500设备如果需要安插额外的以太网单板FES进行业务开放,可在()槽位安插。A、SLOT1B、SLOT2C、SLOT3D、SLOT4

考题 以下关于OSN1500处理板和接口板的对应关系错误的是()。A、子架拆分前,处理板位Slot12对应接口区Slot14、Slot15,处理板位Slot13对应接口区Slot16、Slot17;B、子架拆分后,Slot2对应接口区Slot14,Slot12对应Slot15,Slot3对应接口区Slot16,Slot13对应Slot17;C、处理板位Slot7对应接口区Slot15,处理板位Slot8对应接口区Slot17;D、如果Slot12插了SEP1单板,则Slot7板位不可以插PD1单板。

考题 组环形复用段时,东西向光板一般要求放在对偶槽位,OSN3500slot7的对偶槽位为()。A、slot10B、slot11C、slot12D、slot13

考题 在一个BSC中,BSP应该在下列哪个缺省位置?()A、Slot25,Slot26B、Slot20,Slot24C、Slot18,Slot20D、Slot20,Slot21

考题 OSN6800中哪个槽位没有电层交叉背板总线?()A、Slot1B、Slot2C、Slot16D、Slot17

考题 A customer wants to create a 1:1 protection group with a DS3N-12 card. Which card slots would allow for a 1:1 protection?()A、Slot 2 and Slot 4B、Slot 4 and Slot 6C、Slots 5 or 13 onlyD、Slot 16 and Slot 17

考题 使用LMT添加UAP3300单板数据时,主控板可以插到哪些槽位()。A、slot0和slot1B、slot2和slot4C、slot2~slot9中任意槽位D、任意槽位

考题 A FastT Host FC-2 bus adapter, a U320 SCSI adapter, and three 10/100Mb Ethernet adapters have to be installed as optimally as possible.  This is going to be a 24X7 system.  The addition of extra PCI-cards is a major consideration as well.  Based on the following, what is the best configuration?() (1)Slot 1  66MHz  Bus 1       (2)Slot 2  66MHz  Bus 1       (3)Slot 3 100MHz  Bus 2       (4)Slot 4 100Mhz  Bus 2       (5)Slot 5 133Mhz  Bus 3       (6)Slot 6 133Mhz  Bus 3A、Put the Ethernet adapters in slots 1, 2 and 3. Put the FastT HBA in slot 5. Put the U320 adapter in slot 6.B、Put the Ethernet adapters in slots 1, 4 and 6. Put the FastT HBA in slot 5. Put the U320 adapter in slot 3.C、Put the Ethernet adapters in slots 1, 2 and 4. Put the FastT HBA in slot 3. Put the U320 adapter in slot 5.D、Put the Ethernet adapters in slots 1, 2 and 3. Put the FastT HBA in slot 5. Put the U320 adapter in slot 4

考题 A server has two PCI-X buses with four Active PCI-X slots.  Slots 1 and 2 are on the first PCI-X bus (100MHz) and slots 3 and 4 are on the second PCI-X bus (133MHz). The customer requires you to install adapter A and adapter B on day one.  After the server has been installed and configured, the server must  be running 24 by 7 with no downtime. Three months later, adapter C needs to be hot added. All the adapters are 64-bit and capable of speeds up to 133MHz.  The customer’s priority is to have no downtime, and performance is secondary.   Based on the information provided, into which slots should adapters A and B be installed in and later into which slot would adapter C be hot-added?()A、Adapter A in slot 1, adapter B in slot 4 and hot-add adapter C in slot 3B、Adapter A in slot 1, adapter B in slot 3 and hot-add adapter C in slot 2C、Adapter A in slot 2, adapter B in slot 4 and hot-add adapter C in slot 3D、Adapter A in slot 3, adapter B in slot 1 and hot-add adapter C in slot 4

考题 How are the slot groups arranged in the ERX 700 Series Edge Router?()A、Group1-Slots 0 1 Group 2 - Slot 2 Group 3- Slot 3 Group 4 - Slot 4B、Group1-Slots 2 3Group 2- Slot 4 Group 3-Slot 5 Group 4 - Slot 6C、Group1-Slot 2 Group 2- Slot 3 Group 3 - Slot 4 Group 4 - Slot 5 6D、Group1-Slot 3 Group 2 - Slot 4 Group 3 -Slot 5 Group 4 - Slots 6 7

考题 单选题在一个BSC中,BSP应该在下列哪个缺省位置?()A Slot25,Slot26B Slot20,Slot24C Slot18,Slot20D Slot20,Slot21