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护照项目中date of birth表示()。

  • A、出生日期
  • B、出生地
  • C、有效期
  • D、生效日期


更多 “护照项目中date of birth表示()。A、出生日期B、出生地C、有效期D、生效日期” 相关考题
考题 Passage OneThe exact year of Christ's birth is not recorded, but the calendar began on the supposed date divides time into B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (in the year of our Lord). Nor was the exact day of his birth known. For the first 300 years his birthday was celebrated on different days. It was not until the year 354 that December25thwas chosen.Christmas music is loved by all who hear and sing it every year. Carols, bells, and merry music have been a part of Christmas for centuries. Every Christmas Eve the bells ring to call people to church services. The most famous sleigh bells in the world belong to Santa Claus.Christmas is a family festival. In the United States, no distance seems too great if it enables one to join the family circle for the holiday. All schools close for two weeks, parents welcome home their children and grandchildren and often open their doors to friends and strangers.31. The calendar began ______.A. in the exact year of Christ' birthB. on the exact date which divides time into B. C. and A. D.C. on December 25thD. on the chosen date

考题 已知学生记录描述为:struct student{ int no;char name[20],sex;struct{ int year,month,day;} birth;};struct student s;设变量s中的"生日"是"1984年11月12日",对"birth"正确赋值的程序段是A.year=1984;month=11;day=12;B.s.year=1984;s.month=11;s.day=12;C.birth.year=1984;birth.month=11;birth.day=12;D.s.birth.year=1984;s.birth.month=11;s.birth.day=12;

考题 date函数的第三参数表示哪一项()。 A、季度B、年份C、月份D、日期

考题 DOS的英文表示是()。 A、Disk、Operating、SystemB、Daily、Operating、SystemC、Disk、Open、SystemD、Date、Open、System

考题 what’s your date of birth?

考题 查询全体主管的姓名(m name)、出生年份(birth)和所在部门(dept),要求用小写字母表示所有部门名,数据表名为manager实现该功能的语句为________。A.select"m_name",出生年份:,birth,islower(dept)from managerB.select m_name,"出生年份:",birth,islower(dept)from managerC.select m_name,"出生年份:",birth,dept from managerD.select m_name,"出生年份:",birth,upper(dept)from manager

考题 May I ask the date of your birth?

考题 下列关于javA.util.Date类的描述中,错误的是?() A.无参的构造方法Date(),用来创建当前日期时间的Date对象B.在JDK的javA.util包中提供了一个Date类用于表示日期和时间C.推荐使用Date(int year,int month,int date)构造方法来创建Date对象D.接收一个long型参数date的构造方法Date(long date),用于创建指定时间的Date对象

考题 UNIX中,()表示显示date的帮助文件。 A.helpdateB.mandateC.supportdateD.aiddate

考题 When I am confronted with such questions,my mind goes,and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.A.Faint B.blank C.Dark D.blind

考题 护照首页性别栏英文“M”表示为()A、“男”B、“女”

考题 下列关于护照的说法正确的一项是()A、我国护照分为外交护照、公务护照、因公普通护照三种B、我国护照分为外交护照、公务护照、因公普通护照,还包括因私普通护照四种C、我国现行护照各项目使用中、英、法、德四种文字

考题 硬盘故障时显示“Date error”是表示数据出错。

考题 Datedate=newDate()表示提取系统时间并把值赋给Date型变量date

考题 普通护照与外交护照、公务护照相比,在登记项目中多了()项。A、护照持有人出生地B、护照的签发日期C、护照的有效期D、护照的签发地点

考题 表达式DateAdd("d",10,Date)是表示当前日期的十天后。()

考题 持联合国护照入住的境外人员可在住宿登记信息国家/地区项目中填写联合国。

考题 UNIX中,()表示显示date的帮助文件。A、helpdateB、mandateC、supportdateD、aiddate

考题 A user attempts to login to a bookmarked site but is prompted for their social security number,mother’s maiden name and date of birth. Which of the following has MOST likely happened?()A、The website has updated the security policies.B、The user’s identity has been stolen.C、The browser has been hijacked.D、The user typed the website address incorrectly.

考题 You are building a dating web site. The client’s date of birth is collected along with lots of other information.The Person class has a derived method, getAge():int, which returns the person’s age calculated from thedate of birth and today’s date. In one of your JSPs you need to print a special message to clients within theage group of 25 through 35. Which two EL code snippets will return true for this condition? ()A、${client.age in [25,35]}B、${client.age between [25,35]}C、${client.age between 25 and 35}D、${client.age = 35  client.age = 25}E、${client.age le 35 and client.age ge 25}

考题 护照资料页中用()表示女性。A、NB、FC、1D、B

考题 单选题A user attempts to login to a bookmarked site but is prompted for their social security number,mother’s maiden name and date of birth. Which of the following has MOST likely happened?()A The website has updated the security policies.B The user’s identity has been stolen.C The browser has been hijacked.D The user typed the website address incorrectly.

考题 单选题When confronted ______ such questions, my mind goes ______, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.A at;dimB with;blankC for;vainD to;faint

考题 多选题You are building a dating web site. The client’s date of birth is collected along with lots of other information.The Person class has a derived method, getAge():int, which returns the person’s age calculated from thedate of birth and today’s date. In one of your JSPs you need to print a special message to clients within theage group of 25 through 35. Which two EL code snippets will return true for this condition? ()A${client.age in [25,35]}B${client.age between [25,35]}C${client.age between 25 and 35}D${client.age = 35  client.age = 25}E${client.age le 35 and client.age ge 25}

考题 判断题硬盘故障时显示“Date error”是表示数据出错。A 对B 错

考题 单选题护照项目中date of birth表示()。A 出生日期B 出生地C 有效期D 生效日期

考题 单选题有如下定义:struct{  int num;  char name[10];  struct {  int y;  int m;  int d; }birth; }s,*ps=s;以下对内嵌结构体成员的引用形式错误的是(  )。A ps.birth.yB s.birth.yC ps-birth.yD (*ps).birth.y