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A System p administrator needs to run the annualreval.sh script, directing standard error to /var/log/reval.err, and appending standard out to /var/log/reval.log.  How can this be accomplished ()

  • A、annualreval.sh 2>&1 /var/log/reval.log 2> /var/log/reval.err
  • B、annualreval.sh 1>/var/log/reval.log 2>/var/log/reval.err
  • C、annualreval.sh 2>>&1 /var/log/reval.log /var/log/reval.err
  • D、annualreval.sh 1>>/var/log/reval.log 2>/var/log/reval.err


更多 “ A System p administrator needs to run the annualreval.sh script, directing standard error to /var/log/reval.err, and appending standard out to /var/log/reval.log.  How can this be accomplished ()A、annualreval.sh 21 /var/log/reval.log 2 /var/log/reval.errB、annualreval.sh 1/var/log/reval.log 2/var/log/reval.errC、annualreval.sh 21 /var/log/reval.log /var/log/reval.errD、annualreval.sh 1/var/log/reval.log 2/var/log/reval.err” 相关考题
考题 记录用户错误登录情况的日志文件是()。 A、/var/log/lastlogB、/var/log/wtmpC、/var/log/btmpD、/var/run/utmp

考题 What is the primary syslog file?() A./var/syslog-fileB./var/syslogC./var/log/messagesD./log-file

考题 ASystempadministratorneedstoruntheannualreval.shscript,directingstandarderrorto/var/log/reval.err,andappendingstandardoutto/var/log/reval.log.Howcanthisbeaccomplished() A.annualreval.sh21/var/log/reval.log2/var/log/reval.errB.annualreval.sh1/var/log/reval.log2/var/log/reval.errC.annualreval.sh21/var/log/reval.log/var/log/reval.errD.annualreval.sh1/var/log/reval.log2/var/log/reval.err

考题 Anadministratorneedstodocumentsystemchangesthathaveoccurredrecently.Thecompanyhasapolicyofmakingallpossiblechangesviathesmitinterface.Whichfilewouldshowthecommandsthathavebeenperformedfromwithinsmitandtheirresultingoutput?()A./smit.logB./smit.scriptC./var/log/smit.logD./var/log/smit.script

考题 An operator needs to run a script which will write standard output and standard error to different files. Which of the following commands will successfully perform this task?() A. myscript.ksh 1/tmp/log/script.log 2/tmp/log/script.errB. myscript.ksh $1/tmp/log/script.log $2/tmp/log/script.errC. myscript.ksh 1/tmp/log/script.log 21 /tmp/log/script/errD. myscript.ksh 21 /tmp/log/script.log 2 /tmp/log/script.err

考题 在RHEL5系统中,对于没有使用独立日志文件的一些服务程序,通常会将日志消息发送到公共日志文件( )中。 A. /var/log/dmesgB. /var/log/messagesC. /var/log/publicD. /var/run/utmp

考题 如何查看Linux系统的启动后,所产生的Kernel日志信息()。A、dmesgB、cat/var/log/messagesC、cat/var/log/boot.logD、cat/var/log/secure

考题 命令“grep’error’/var/log/messages”的作用是()A、在/var/log/messages文件中搜索并显示带有字符串“error”B、在/var/log/messages目录下搜索状态为error的文件C、修复/var/log/messages文件中包含的错误D、以root用户身份强行打开当前状态为error的/var/log/secure文件

考题 Which log file shows previous installation information? ()A、 /var/adm/ras/bosinstlog B、 /var/adm/ras/devinst.log C、 /var/adm/rshlog D、 /var/adm/sulog

考题 A system administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down. Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location?()A、/tmp/conslogB、/etc/console.logC、/var/adm/ras/conslogD、/var/ras/console.log

考题 An administrator needs to document system changes that have occurred recently. The company has a policy of making all possible changes via the smit interface. Which file would show the commands that have been performed from within smit and their resulting output?()A、/smit.logB、/smit.scriptC、/var/log/smit.logD、/var/log/smit.script

考题 DNS的日志文件存放于哪个目录下?()A、/etc/log/B、/var/log/C、/var/adm/syslog/D、/etc/adm/log/

考题 下列哪些日志记录了系统的警告信息()。A、/var/log/vsftp.logB、/var/log/messagesC、/var/log/http.logD、/var/log/boot.log

考题 A System p administrator suspects they are receiving an error from one of their nightly cron jobs. The  job is: 0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/nightlycheck.pl Where should the administrator first look for errors reported by  this cron job()A、/var/log/syslog.outB、var/log/cron.logC、/var/spool/cron/logsD、mail

考题 An operator needs to run a script which will write standard output and standard error to different files. Which of the following commands will successfully perform this task?()A、myscript.ksh 1/tmp/log/script.log 2/tmp/log/script.errB、myscript.ksh $1/tmp/log/script.log $2/tmp/log/script.errC、myscript.ksh 1/tmp/log/script.log 21 /tmp/log/script/errD、myscript.ksh 21 /tmp/log/script.log 2 /tmp/log/script.err

考题 Which of the following statements best describes error logging?()A、Syslogd creates error log entries in the system error log. B、The default error log is stored in /var/adm/ras/error.log. C、All entries in the error log are related to software problems. D、Error logging is automatically enabled during system initialization.

考题 A System p administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down.  Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location()A、/var/log/conslogB、/var/log/console.logC、/var/adm/ras/conslogD、/var/ras/console.log

考题 What is the primary syslog file?()A、/var/syslog-fileB、/var/syslogC、/var/log/messagesD、/log-file

考题 单选题下列哪些日志记录了系统的警告信息()。A /var/log/vsftp.logB /var/log/messagesC /var/log/http.logD /var/log/boot.log

考题 单选题A System p administrator suspects they are receiving an error from one of their nightly cron jobs. Thejob is: 0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/nightlycheck.pl Where should the administrator first look for errors reported by this cron job()A /var/log/syslog.outB /var/log/cron.logC /var/spool/cron/logsD mail

考题 单选题A System p administrator needs to run the annualreval.sh script, directing standard error to /var/log/reval.err, and appending standard out to /var/log/reval.log.  How can this be accomplished ()A annualreval.sh 21 /var/log/reval.log 2 /var/log/reval.errB annualreval.sh 1/var/log/reval.log 2/var/log/reval.errC annualreval.sh 21 /var/log/reval.log /var/log/reval.errD annualreval.sh 1/var/log/reval.log 2/var/log/reval.err

考题 单选题Which log file shows previous installation information? ()A  /var/adm/ras/bosinstlog B  /var/adm/ras/devinst.log C  /var/adm/rshlog D  /var/adm/sulog

考题 单选题A system administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down. Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location?()A /tmp/conslogB /etc/console.logC /var/adm/ras/conslogD /var/ras/console.log

考题 单选题A System p administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down.  Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location()A /var/log/conslogB /var/log/console.logC /var/adm/ras/conslogD /var/ras/console.log

考题 单选题An administrator needs to document system changes that have occurred recently. The company has a policy of making all possible changes via the smit interface. Which file would show the commands that have been performed from within smit and their resulting output?()A /smit.logB /smit.scriptC /var/log/smit.logD /var/log/smit.script

考题 单选题A System p administrator suspects they are receiving an error from one of their nightly cron jobs. The  job is: 0 1 * * * /usr/local/bin/nightlycheck.pl Where should the administrator first look for errors reported by  this cron job()A /var/log/syslog.outB var/log/cron.logC /var/spool/cron/logsD mail

考题 单选题Which of the following statements best describes error logging?()A Syslogd creates error log entries in the system error log. B The default error log is stored in /var/adm/ras/error.log. C All entries in the error log are related to software problems. D Error logging is automatically enabled during system initialization.