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Which statement can be an inference from the output?()

  • A、The FRA disk group has an asynchronous I/O bottleneck
  • B、The least number of I/Os are performed on the last data file in the list
  • C、The number of times that the backup or restore process directed the OS to wait until an I/O was complete is the highest for the last data file in the list
  • D、The number of times that the backup or restore process made an OS call to poll for I/O completion in Nonblocking mode is the least for the FRA disk group


更多 “Which statement can be an inference from the output?()A、The FRA disk group has an asynchronous I/O bottleneckB、The least number of I/Os are performed on the last data file in the listC、The number of times that the backup or restore process directed the OS to wait until an I/O was complete is the highest for the last data file in the listD、The number of times that the backup or restore process made an OS call to poll for I/O completion in Nonblocking mode is the least for the FRA disk group” 相关考题
考题 Which statement is true about IBGP routers? () A. They must be fully meshedB. They can be in a different ASC . They do not need to be directly connectedD. They must be directly connected

考题 Which statements concerning the switch construct are true?()  A、All switch statements must have a default label.B、There must be exactly one label for each code segment in a switch statement.C、The keyword continue can never occur within the body of a switch statement.D、No case label may follow a default label within a single switch statement.E、A character literal can be used as a value for a case label.

考题 Which two statements about views are true? ()A、A view can be created as read only.B、A view can be created as a join on two or more tables.C、A view cannot have an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement.D、A view cannot be created with a GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement.E、A view must have aliases defined for the column names in the SELECT statement.

考题 Which three statements are true about terms in a policy?()A、The order of the terms in a policy is irrelevant.B、The action is specified in a then statement.C、Terms are optional in a policy.D、The match condition can be identified with a from statement.E、A from statement is mandatory in a term.

考题 Which statement is true about IBGP routers? ()A、They must be fully meshedB、They can be in a different ASC、They must be directly connected

考题 Which statement is true about The QoS Class Fibre Channel?()A、 Cannot be disabledB、 Cannot have the CoS changedC、 Can have "Packet Drop" enabledD、 Is multicast optimizedE、 Can have the MTU changed

考题 Which statement is false?() A、 custom URL categories cannot contain IP addressesB、 custom URL categories cannot override predefined URL categoriesC、 custom URL categories can contain domain namesD、 custom URL categories can use regular expressions

考题 Which statement about WSA user authentication is true?() A、 a single WSA can have multiple LDAP realmsB、 WSA supports LDAP but not NTLMC、 WSA supports NTLM but not LDAPD、 a single WSA can have up to two authentication realms: one for LDAP and for NTLM

考题 Which four types of object can be thrown using the throw statement?()A、 ErrorB、 EventC、 ObjectD、 ExceptionE、 ThrowableF、 Runtime Exception

考题 Which statement is correct about a Routing Policy term?()A、A term must contain a "from" statement.B、A term acts like "if" and "then" statements.C、The most specific term has precedence.D、Terms can be written in any order to achieve the same behavior.

考题 Which two statements are true regarding the SQL Repair Advisor?() A、 The SQL Repair Advisor can be invoked to tune the performance of the regressed SQL statements.B、 The SQL Repair Advisor can be invoked even when the incident is not active for a SQL statement crash.C、 The SQL Repair Advisor is invoked by the Health Monitor when it encounters the problematic SQL statement.D、 The DBA can invoke the SQL Repair Advisor when he or she receives an alert generated when a SQL statement crashes and an incident is created in the ADR.

考题 Which three are true?()A、A MERGE statement is used to merge the data of one table with data from another.B、A MERGE statement replaces the data of one table with that of another.C、A MERGE statement can be used to insert new rows into a table.D、A MERGE statement can be used to update existing rows in a table.

考题 Evaluate the SQL statement:TRUNCATE TABLE DEPT;Which three are true about the SQL statement? ()A、It releases the storage space used by the table.B、It does not release the storage space used by the table.C、You can roll back the deletion of rows after the statement executes.D、You can NOT roll back the deletion of rows after the statement executes.E、An attempt to use DESCRIBE on the DEPT table after the TRUNCATE statement executes will display an error.F、You must be the owner of the table or have DELETE ANY TABLE system privileges to truncate the DEPT table

考题 多选题You have enabled resumable space allocation in your database by setting the RESUMABLE_TIMEOUTparameter set to a nonzero value.Which three statements about resumable space allocation are true? ()(Choose three.)AEven with resumable space allocation enabled for your database, you can disable resumable space allocation for a single session.BA resumable statement is suspended only if an out of space error occurs.CWhen a resumable statement is suspended, the transaction that contains the statement is also suspended.DA resumable statement can only be suspended and resumed once during the execution of the statement.EYou can query the V$SESSION_WAIT dynamic performance view to identify the statements that are suspended for a session

考题 单选题Which statement about firefighting foam is TRUE?()A Foam conducts electricityB To be most effective,foam should be directed at the base of the fireC Foam is most effective on burning liquids which are flowingD Foam can ONLY be used to extinguish class A fires

考题 单选题Which of the following resources can be referenced in the LOCK statement?()A RowB TableC ColumnD Table space

考题 多选题An administrator account is granted the CREATE SESSION and SET CONTAINER system privileges. A multitenant container database (CDB) instant has the following parameter set: THREADED_EXECUTION = FALSE Which four statements are true about this administrator establishing connections to root in a CDB that has been opened in read only mode?()AYou can conned as a common user by using the connect statement.BYou can connect as a local user by using the connect statement.CYou can connect by using easy connect.DYou can connect by using OS authentication.EYou can connect by using a Net Service name.FYou can connect as a local user by using the SET CONTAINER statement.

考题 多选题Which two statements are true regarding the SQL Repair Advisor?()AThe SQL Repair Advisor can be invoked to tune the performance of the regressed SQL statements.BThe SQL Repair Advisor can be invoked even when the incident is not active for a SQL statement crash.CThe SQL Repair Advisor is invoked by the Health Monitor when it encounters the problematic SQL statement.DThe DBA can invoke the SQL Repair Advisor when he or she receives an alert generated when a SQL statement crashes and an incident is created in the ADR.

考题 单选题Which statement is true about IBGP routers? ()A They must be fully meshedB They can be in a different ASC They must be directly connected

考题 单选题Which statements concerning the switch construct are true?()A All switch statements must have a default label.B There must be exactly one label for each code segment in a switch statement.C The keyword continue can never occur within the body of a switch statement.D No case label may follow a default label within a single switch statement.E A character literal can be used as a value for a case label.

考题 多选题Which two statements about views are true?()AA view can be created as read only.BA view can be created as a join on two or more tables.CA view cannot have an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement.DA view cannot be created with a GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement.EA view must have aliases defined for the column names in the SELECT statement.

考题 多选题Which three are true?()AA MERGE statement is used to merge the data of one table with data from another.BA MERGE statement replaces the data of one table with that of another.CA MERGE statement can be used to insert new rows into a table.DA MERGE statement can be used to update existing rows in a table.

考题 单选题Which statement is true regarding synonyms?()A Synonyms can be created only for a table B Synonyms are used to reference only those tables that are owned by another user C A public synonym and a private synonym can exist with the same name for the same table D The DROP SYNONYM statement removes the synonym, and the table on which the synonym has been created becomes invalid

考题 多选题Which four types of object can be thrown using the throw statement?()AErrorBEventCObjectDExceptionEThrowableFRuntime Exception

考题 多选题Which three statements are true about terms in a policy?()AThe order of the terms in a policy is irrelevant.BThe action is specified in a then statement.CTerms are optional in a policy.DThe match condition can be identified with a from statement.EA from statement is mandatory in a term.

考题 多选题Which four can be thrown using the throw statement?()AErrorBEventCObjectDThrowableEExceptionFRuntimeException

考题 多选题Which four types of objects can be thrown using the throw statement?()AErrorBEventCObjectDExceptionEThrowableFRuntimeException

考题 单选题Which statement is true about The QoS Class Fibre Channel?()A  Cannot be disabledB  Cannot have the CoS changedC  Can have Packet Drop enabledD  Is multicast optimizedE  Can have the MTU changed