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What are the two stages of PPP over Ethernet?()

  • A、PPP Session stage
  • B、PPPoE Search Stage
  • C、PPPoE Discovery Stage
  • D、PPP Confirmation stage


更多 “What are the two stages of PPP over Ethernet?()A、PPP Session stageB、PPPoE Search StageC、PPPoE Discovery StageD、PPP Confirmation stage” 相关考题
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考题 What are the two stages of PPP over Ethernet?() A.PPP Session stageB.PPPoE Search StageC.PPPoE Discovery StageD.PPP Confirmation stage

考题 The PPP over Ethernet Discovery Stage determines which two parameters? ()(Choose two.) A. session IDB. authentication serverC. IP address of the clientD. MAC address of the ERX router

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