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Active Cache is the integration of Coherence and WebLogic Server. Which component is NOT part of this integration?()

  • A、Coherence*Web
  • B、Coherence*Extend
  • C、TopLink Grid with Coherence
  • D、Coherence cluster lifecycle management in WebLogic Server
  • E、Named cache dependency Injection


更多 “Active Cache is the integration of Coherence and WebLogic Server. Which component is NOT part of this integration?()A、Coherence*WebB、Coherence*ExtendC、TopLink Grid with CoherenceD、Coherence cluster lifecycle management in WebLogic ServerE、Named cache dependency Injection” 相关考题
考题 下面有关存储器存取速度快慢的表述中正确的是。()A、RAM>Cache>硬盘>软盘B、Cache>RAM>硬盘>软盘C、Cache>硬盘>RAM>软盘D、硬盘>RAM>软盘>Cache

考题 常用的虚拟存储寻址系统由( )两级存储器组成。A.主存—外存B.Cache—主存C.Cache—外存D.Cache—Cache

考题 下列有关存储器读写速度的排列,正确的是( )。A.RAM>Cache>硬盘B.Cache>RAM>硬盘C.Cache>硬盘>RAMD.RAM>硬盘>Cache

考题 常用的虚拟存储器寻址系统由( )组成。A)主存和外存B)Cache和内存C)Cache和外存D)Cache和Cache

考题 常用的虚拟存储寻址系统由( )两级存储器组成。A.主存一外存B.Cache—主存C.Cache—外存D.Cache—Cache

考题 YouhaveincludedthefollowingparametersettingsinyourSPFILE:SGA_MAX_SIZE=8GSGA_TARGET=6GDB_CACHE_SIZE=2GSHARED_POOL_SIZE=1GLOG_BUFFER=64MDB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZE=960MWhichstatementistrueifyoumodifytheSGA_TARGETinitializationparameter?()A.TheSGA_TARGETinitializationparametercannotbesettoavaluegreaterthan8GB.TheDB_CACHE_SIZEinitializationparametercannotbesettoavaluelessthan2GC.TheDB_CACHE_SIZEinitializationparametercannotbesettoavaluegreaterthan2GD.TheDB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZEinitializationparametercannotbesettoavaluegreaterthan960ME.TheDB_KEEP_CACHE_SIZEinitializationparametercannotbesettoavaluelessthan960M

考题 Thedatabasehasthedatablocksizesetto8KB.Youneedtoimportatablespacewitha4KBblocksizeintothedatabase.Whichadditionalmemoryparameter(s)shouldbeconfiguredtoperformatransportabletablespaceimport?() A.DB_4K_CACHE_SIZEonlyB.DB_8K_CACHE_SIZEonlyC.DB_BLOCK_SIZEandDB_4K_CACHE_SIZED.DB_BLOCK_SIZEandDB_8K_CACHE_SIZEE.SGA_TARGETandDB_4K_CACHE_SIZEF.DB_CACHE_SIZEonly

考题 PC中CPU执行MOV指令从存储器读取数据时,数据搜索的顺序是( )A.L1 cache、12 cache、DRAM和外设B.L2 cache、L1 cache、DRAM和外设C.DRAM、外设、L2cache和L1 cacheD.外设、DRAM、L1 cache和L2 cache

考题 You are the network administrator for The network consists of a sing Active Directory domain named All domain controllers run Windows Server 2003. All client computers run Windows XP Professional with default settings. Some users have portable computers, and the rest have desktop computers.You need to ensure that all users are authenticated by a domain controller whenthey log on.How should you modify the local security policy?()A. Require authentication by a domain controller to unlock the client computer.B. Cache zero interactive logons.C. Cache 50 interactive logons.D. Grant the Log on locally user right to the Users group.

考题 中国移动Cache系统的组网架构分为哪几个层次? A.一级Cache系统B.三级Cache系统C.省级Cache系统D.区域Cache系统

考题 如果应用程序需要的数据已经在内存中,称作()。A、Cache ReadB、Cache HitC、Cache MissD、Cache Latch

考题 互联网内容管理平台对接CACHE黑白名单后,主要实现的功能是()A、监测CACHE服务流量B、监测CACHE负荷C、监测CACHE服务域名

考题 虚存系统所用的cache称为虚拟Cache。

考题 对于两级Cache来说,离CPU近的Cache相比第二级Cache,容量(),速度()。

考题 虚拟Cache中,CPU使用虚拟地址访问Cache。

考题 在一个计算机系统中,下列说法正确的是()。A、主存的容量远大于Cache的容量,主存的速度比Cache快B、主存的容量远小于Cache的容量,主存的速度比Cache快C、主存的容量远大于Cache的容量,主存的速度比Cache慢D、主存的容量远小于Cache的容量,主存的速度比Cache慢

考题 Cache的命中率是指命中Cache的次数与访问Cache的次数之比。

考题 使用Cache可以提高计算机运行速度,这是因为()。A、Cache增大了内存的容量B、Cache扩大了硬盘的容量C、Cache缩短了CPU的等待时间D、Cache可以存放程序和数据

考题 下列存储器按读写速度由高到低排列,正确的是()A、RAM、cache、硬盘、光盘B、cache、RAM、硬盘、光盘C、RAM、硬盘、cache、光盘D、cache、RAM、光盘、硬盘

考题 中国移动Cache系统的组网架构分为哪几个层次?A、一级Cache系统B、三级Cache系统C、省级Cache系统D、区域Cache系统

考题 Which of the following statements is true about L1 cache?()A、 L1 cache operates faster than the processor.B、 L1 cache is directly connected to the processor.C、 L1 cache can deliver data in 5ns.D、 L1 cache is located on the system board.

考题 To use Active Cache features in WebLogic 12C, which three libraries are needed from the WebLogic Server installation to be deployed in WebLogic Server?()A、coherence-work.jarB、coherence.jarC、active-cache-1.0.jarD、coherence-web-spi.war

考题 单选题Records from the data dictionary information are stored in which of the following database memory areas?()A Library cache B Row cache C Session UGA D Buffer cache

考题 多选题To use Active Cache features in WebLogic 12C, which three libraries are needed from the WebLogic Server installation to be deployed in WebLogic Server?()Acoherence-work.jarBcoherence.jarCactive-cache-1.0.jarDcoherence-web-spi.war

考题 多选题Which four steps are involved to use Active Cache Dependency Injection in a WebLogic Java EE application?()ADeploy Active Cache shared libraryBDeclare dependency on the shared libraryCDeclare all dependency injection entriesDPackage tangosol-coherence-override.xml in modules classpathEPackage coherence-cache-config.xml in modules classpath

考题 单选题Active Cache is the integration of Coherence and WebLogic Server. Which component is NOT part of this integration?()A Coherence*WebB Coherence*ExtendC TopLink Grid with CoherenceD Coherence cluster lifecycle management in WebLogic ServerE Named cache dependency Injection

考题 单选题Which Coherence caching pattern matches the sequence of events ?()  1. Data is requested from cache  2. The requested data does not exist in the cache (cache miss)  3. The Coherence cache store is used to red data from the back-end persistent data source, and placed in ther cache  4. Data requested from the cache is returned to the callerA  read throughB  write throughC  refresh aheadD  write behind