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Which of the following WAN technologies modulates 24 channels into a 1 5Mbps signal?()

  • A、ISDN
  • B、PSTN
  • C、OC-2
  • D、T1


更多 “Which of the following WAN technologies modulates 24 channels into a 1 5Mbps signal?()A、ISDNB、PSTNC、OC-2D、T1” 相关考题
考题 A Next Generation Network(NGN) is a () network ,which is able to provide Telecomunication Services ti users and to make use of multiple broadband, QoS-enable transport technologies and in which service-related functions are (下题选择) of the underlying transport-related technologies.A.ISDNB.ATMC.circuit-basedD.packet-based

考题 Which of the following channels operation in bit-stealing mode?() A.SDCCHB.SACCHC.FACCH

考题 Which of the following WAN technologies modulates 24 channels into a 1 5Mbps signal?() A.ISDNB.PSTNC.OC-2D.T1

考题 Which of the following WAN technologies has the GREATEST latency and is not recommended for VoIP?() A. ISDNB. DSLC. SatelliteD. Cable

考题 Which of the following WAN protocols is a circuit switching technology?() A. ISDNB. SONETC. Frame RelayD. ATM

考题 Which of the following WAN technologies uses a telephone cable?() A.POTSB.FDDIC.SONETD.Cable modem

考题 Which WAN service utilizes two different encapsulation types (one for data and one for signaling) on its data link layer?() A. ISDNB. Frame RelayC. ATMD. FDDI

考题 TestKing has five regional offices that are located in different cities. The IT staff is evaluating WAN technologies to interconnect the regional offices to corporate headquarters. Each of the regional offices should be connected to the corporate headquarters in a hub and spoke arrangement using a packet-switched technology.Which of the following WAN technologies will fulfill these requirements?()A. Frame RelayB. ISDNC. T1 leased linesD. Wireless

考题 The Testking Corporation consists of the head office in New York with its regional offices in: Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Toronto, and Atlanta. These offices need to be connected in a WAN, and Testking wishes to do this via a hub and spoke arrangement that will utilize packet-switched technology.Which one of the WAN technologies below would be the best choice for Testking?()A. ISDNB. WirelessC. Frame RelayD. T1 leased lineE. ATMF. VPN

考题 Which two characteristics apply to a CAS T1 interface?()A、signaling travels in-band B、up to 24 voice channels C、up to 32 voice channels D、signaling travels in time slot 17 E、uses Q.931 signaling protocol in a common channel

考题 The Testking Corporation consists of the head office in New York with its regional offices in: Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Toronto, and Atlanta. These offices need to be connected in a WAN, and Testking wishes to do this via a hub and spoke arrangement that will utilize packet-switched technology.Which one of the WAN technologies below would be the best choice for Testking?()A、ISDNB、WirelessC、Frame RelayD、T1 leased lineE、ATMF、VPN

考题 WAN data link encapsulation types include which of the following?()A、T1B、Frame RelayC、DSLD、PPPE、ISDNF、IPX

考题 Which WAN service utilizes two different encapsulation types (one for data and one for signaling) on its data link layer?()A、ISDNB、Frame RelayC、ATMD、FDDI

考题 Which three WAN technologies does the Cisco SR 500 Family support?()A、 ADSLB、 SIP trunkingC、 Fibre ChannelD、 IPv6E、 Fast EthernetF、 T1

考题 Which of the following WAN technologies uses a telephone cable?()A、POTSB、FDDIC、SONETD、Cable modem

考题 TestKing has five regional offices that are located in different cities. The IT staff is evaluating WAN technologies to interconnect the regional offices to corporate headquarters. Each of the regional offices should be connected to the corporate headquarters in a hub and spoke arrangement using a packet-switched technology. Which of the following WAN technologies will fulfill these requirements?()A、Frame RelayB、ISDNC、T1 leased linesD、Wireless

考题 Which of the following are considered plug and play technologies in a laptop?()A、SATAB、RAIDC、USBD、EIDE

考题 Which of the following channels air flow through a server chassis?()A、FansB、DuctsC、Heat sinksD、Condensers

考题 Which of the following WAN technologies has the GREATEST latency and is not recommended for VoIP?()A、ISDNB、DSLC、SatelliteD、Cable

考题 A network technician is installing a series of three access points to cover the entire wing of a building. Each access point has a wired connection and 802.11g is being used for the wireless transmission. Which of the following channels should be used for the access points?()A、Channels 1-6-11B、Channels 1-3-5C、Channels 7-11-1D、Channels 2-4-6

考题 Which of the following transmits a digital signal?()A、VGAB、XGAC、Component videoD、DisplayPort

考题 Which of the following WAN protocols is a circuit switching technology?()A、ISDNB、SONETC、Frame RelayD、ATM

考题 单选题Which of the following WAN technologies modulates 24 channels into a 1 5Mbps signal?()A ISDNB PSTNC OC-2D T1

考题 单选题Which one of the following is the safety signal?().A SSSB TTTC XXXD FFF

考题 单选题TestKing has five regional offices that are located in different cities. The IT staff is evaluating WAN technologies to interconnect the regional offices to corporate headquarters. Each of the regional offices should be connected to the corporate headquarters in a hub and spoke arrangement using a packet-switched technology. Which of the following WAN technologies will fulfill these requirements?()A Frame RelayB ISDNC T1 leased linesD Wireless

考题 多选题WAN data link encapsulation types include which of the following?()AT1BFrame RelayCDSLDPPPEISDNFIPX

考题 多选题Which three WAN technologies does the Cisco SR 500 Family support?()AADSLBSIP trunkingCFibre ChannelDIPv6EFast EthernetFT1