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Eap-fast provides a secure tunnel during phase one to protect the user’s authentication credentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()

  • A、x.509 certificate
  • B、generic token card
  • C、pre shared key
  • D、protected access credential


更多 “ Eap-fast provides a secure tunnel during phase one to protect the user’s authentication credentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()A、x.509 certificateB、generic token cardC、pre shared keyD、protected access credential” 相关考题
考题 Which encryption type is used to secure user data in an IPsec tunnel?() A. symmetric key encryptionB. asymmetric key encryptionC. RSAD. digital certificates

考题 When configuring a multipoint GRE (mGRE) tunnel interface, which one of the following is NOT a valid configuration option:()A、 tunnel sourceB、 tunnel destinationC、 tunnel keyD、 ip addressE、 tunnelvrf

考题 Cisco provides two enhancements to 802.11 security which protect a WEP key from exploits. Which two technologies provide these security enhancements? ()A、802.1XB、Cisco Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (CKIP)C、Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST)D、Cisco Message Integrity Check (CMIC)E、One-Time Passwords (OTP)F、Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

考题 EAP-FAST provides a secure tunnel during Phase One to protect the user’s authentication credentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()A、generic token cardB、x.509 certificateC、preshared keyD、Protected Access Credential

考题 You want to dynamically assign users to an 802.1Q VLAN as a result of their authentication. In order toaccomplish this,which two IETF RADIUS attributes should you configure on the Cisco Secure ACS?()A、064 Tunnel-TypeB、066 Tunnel-Client-EndpointC、067 Tunnel-Server-EndpointD、081 Tunnel-Private-Group-IDE、082 Tunnel-Assignment-ID

考题 What is not a difference between VPN tunnel authentication and per-user authentication?()A、VPN tunnel authentication is part of the IKE specification. B、VPN tunnel authentication does not control which end user can use the IPSec SA (VPN tunnel).C、User authentication is used to control access for a specific user ID, and can be used with or without a VPN tunnel for network access authorization. D、802.1X with EAP-TLS (X.509 certificates) can be used to authenticate an IPSec tunnel.

考题 EAP-FAST provides a secure tunnel during Phase One to protect the user’s authenticationcredentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()A、x.509 certificateB、generic token cardC、preshared keyD、Protected Access Credential

考题 Which two configuration elements are required for a policy-based VPN?()A、IKE gatewayB、secure tunnel interfaceC、security policy to permit the IKE trafficD、security policy referencing the IPsec VPN tunnel

考题 To implement the optional phase zero when using EAP-FAST for authentication, which of the following parameters must be set on the Cisco Secure ACS?()A、EAP-FAST master serverB、Allow automatic PAC provisioningC、client initial messageD、authority ID info

考题 EAP-FAST provides a secure tunnel during Phase One to protect the user’s authentication credentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()A、x.509 certificateB、generic token cardC、preshared keyD、Protected Access Credential

考题 For the following items ,which one can be used to authenticate the IPsec peers during IKE Phase 1?()A、pre-shared keyB、integrity check valueC、XAUTHD、Diffie-Hellman Nonce

考题 Which protocol does the RADIUS server use inside the secure tunnel of EAP-FAST to authenticatethe client when one-time passwords are in use?()A、MS-CHAP v2B、PAPC、GTCD、MD5

考题 You want to dynamically assign users to an 802.1Q VLAN as a result of their authentication.  Inorder to accomplish this, which two IETF RADIUS attributes should you configure on the Cisco Secure ACS?()A、083 Tunnel-PreferenceB、066 Tunnel-Client-EndpointC、064 Tunnel-TypeD、082 Tunnel-Assignment-IDE、081 Tunnel-Private-Group-IDF、067 Tunnel-Server-Endpoint

考题 Which protocol does the radius server use inside the secure tunnel of eap-fast to authenticate the client when one-time passwords are in use?()A、gtcB、md5C、ms-chap v2D、pap

考题 Which of the following methods of user authentication is the MOST secure?()A、CHAPB、KerberosC、TACACSD、EAP

考题 Which encryption type is used to secure user data in an IPsec tunnel?()A、symmetric key encryptionB、asymmetric key encryptionC、RSAD、digital certificates

考题 What are two use cases enabled by IF-MAP Federation?()A、Users authenticated to one Junos Pulse Access Control Service can transparently access resources protected by another Junos Pulse Access Control Service.B、Users authenticated to a Junos Pulse Access Control Service can transparently access resources protected by a Junos Pulse Secure Access Service.C、Remote access users authenticated to a Junos Pulse Secure Access Service can transparently access resources protected by a Junos Pulse Access Control Service.D、Remote access users authenticated to one Junos Pulse Secure Access Service can transparently access resources protected by another Junos Pulse Secure Access Service.

考题 单选题Which protocol does the RADIUS server use inside the secure tunnel of EAP-FAST to authenticate the client when one-time passwords are in use?()A MS-CHAP v2B PAPC GTCD MD5

考题 单选题EAP-FAST provides a secure tunnel during Phase One to protect the user’s authenticationcredentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()A x.509 certificateB generic token cardC preshared keyD Protected Access Credential

考题 单选题Eap-fast provides a secure tunnel during phase one to protect the user’s authentication credentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()A x.509 certificateB generic token cardC pre shared keyD protected access credential

考题 单选题EAP-FAST provides a secure tunnel during Phase One to protect the user’s authentication credentials. Which of these entities initializes the secure tunnel?()A generic token cardB x.509 certificateC preshared keyD Protected Access Credential

考题 单选题To implement the optional phase zero when using eap-fast for authentication, which of the following parameters must be set on the cisco secure acs?()A eap-fast master serverB allow automatic pac provisioningC client initial messageD authority id info

考题 单选题When configuring a multipoint GRE (mGRE) tunnel interface, which one of the following is NOT a valid configuration option:()A  tunnel sourceB  tunnel destinationC  tunnel keyD  ip addressE  tunnelvrf

考题 多选题Cisco provides two enhancements to 802.11 security which protect a WEP key from exploits. Which two technologies provide these security enhancements? ()A802.1XBCisco Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (CKIP)CExtensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST)DCisco Message Integrity Check (CMIC)EOne-Time Passwords (OTP)FAdvanced Encryption Standard (AES)

考题 单选题What is not a difference between VPN tunnel authentication and per-user authentication?()A VPN tunnel authentication is part of the IKE specification. B VPN tunnel authentication does not control which end user can use the IPSec SA (VPN tunnel).C User authentication is used to control access for a specific user ID, and can be used with or without a VPN tunnel for network access authorization. D 802.1X with EAP-TLS (X.509 certificates) can be used to authenticate an IPSec tunnel.

考题 多选题You want to dynamically assign users to an 802.1Q VLAN as a result of their authentication. In order toaccomplish this,which two IETF RADIUS attributes should you configure on the Cisco Secure ACS?()A064 Tunnel-TypeB066 Tunnel-Client-EndpointC067 Tunnel-Server-EndpointD081 Tunnel-Private-Group-IDE082 Tunnel-Assignment-ID

考题 多选题You want to dynamically assign users to an 802.1q vlan as a result of their authentication. In order to accomplish this,which two ietf radius attributes should you configure on the cisco secure acs?()A083 tunnel-preferenceB066 tunnel-client-endpointC064 tunnel-typeD082 tunnel-assignment-idE081 tunnel-private-group-idF067 tunnel-server-endpoint