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更多 “平原(plain)” 相关考题
考题 When the tube was empty, he reverted ______ plain water. A. to useB. in usingC. to usingD. use

考题 Among these new student, some like milk chocolate,prefer plain one. A.othersD.anotherD.the othersD.the other

考题 He _______ his wife a beauty, though others found her plain. A.countedB.consideredC.regardedD.reckoned

考题 Vingo sat in front of the young people, _____ in a plain, ill-fitting suit.A. dressB. dressingC. to be dressedD. dressed

考题 下面哪两个设置一个jsp页的contenttype?() A、%@contentType“text/plain“%B、jsp:contentType“text/plain“C、%@pagecontentType=“text/plain“%D、%response.setContentType(“text/plain“);%

考题 WhichensuresthataJSPresponseisoftype"text/plain"?() A.%@pagemimeType=text/plain%B.%@pagecontentType=text/plain%C.%@pagepageEncoding=text/plain%D.%@pagecontentEncoding=text/plain%E.%response.setEncoding(text/plain);%

考题 我国三大平原是指( )。A.华中平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原B.东北平原、华北平原、长江中上游平原C.东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原D.东北平原、华北平原、华中平原

考题 Which ensures that a JSP response is of type "text/plain"?()A、%@ page mimeType="text/plain" %B、%@ page contentType="text/plain" %C、%@ page pageEncoding="text/plain" %D、%@ page contentEncoding="text/plain" %E、% response.setEncoding("text/plain"); %

考题 河漫滩沉积物(flood plain deposit)

考题 冲积平原(alluvial plain)

考题 河漫滩(flood plain)

考题 我国三大平原是指()。A、华中平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原B、东北平原、华北平原、长江中上游平原C、东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原D、东北平原、华北平原、华中平原

考题 我国松嫩平原、黄淮海平原、江汉平原等属于()A、山前平原B、冲积平原C、湖积平原D、滨海平原

考题 福建最大的平原是()A、福州平原B、漳州平原C、兴化平原D、泉州平原

考题 POJO是()A、Plain Old Java ObjectB、Programming Object Java ObjectC、Page Old Java ObjectD、Plain Object Java Old

考题 Regarding constructing a good encryption algorithm, what does creating an avalanche effect indicate?()A、Altering the key length causes the ciphertext to be completely differentB、Changing only a few bits of a ciphertext message causes the plain text to be completely differentC、Altering the key length causes the plain text to be completely differentD、Changing only a few bits of a plain-text message causes the ciphertext to be completely different

考题 名词解释题平原(plain)

考题 名词解释题冲积平原(alluvial plain)

考题 单选题Plain language is usually used on marine weather().A forecastsB observationsC analysesD reports

考题 单选题我国松嫩平原、黄淮海平原、江汉平原等属于()A 山前平原B 冲积平原C 湖积平原D 滨海平原

考题 名词解释题河漫滩沉积物(flood plain deposit)

考题 单选题东北平原是我国面积最大的平原,包括()A 松嫩平原、辽河平原B 三江平原、辽河平原C 三江平原、松嫩平原D 松嫩平原、辽河平原、三江平原

考题 单选题中国最大的平原——东北平原位于中国东北部,其主要组成部分包括( )。A 三江平原、松嫩平原、辽河平原B江汉平原、松嫩平原、辽河平原B 三江平原、江淮平原、辽河平原C 三江平原、松嫩平原、江汉平原

考题 单选题Which ensures that a JSP response is of type "text/plain"?()A %@ page mimeType=text/plain %B %@ page contentType=text/plain %C %@ page pageEncoding=text/plain %D %@ page contentEncoding=text/plain %E % response.setEncoding(text/plain); %

考题 单选题福建省的四大平原按面积从大到小排列依次是(  )。A 泉州平原、兴化平原、福州平原、漳州平原B 漳州平原、福州平原、兴化平原、泉州平原C 漳州平原、兴化平原、福州平原、泉州平原D 福州平原、泉州平原、漳州平原、兴化平原

考题 单选题A Evil.B Palatable.C Plain.D Notorious.

考题 单选题黄河在干旱、半干旱地区塑造的两个平原是()。A 成都平原、渭河平原B 宁夏平原、河套平原C 渭河平原、华北平原D 银川平原、华北平原