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You need to write a multicast delegate that accepts a DateTime argument.Which code segment should you use?()

  • A、public delegate int PowerDeviceOn(bool result,DateTime autoPowerOff);
  • B、public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(object sender,EventArgs autoPowerOff);
  • C、public delegate void PowerDeviceOn(DateTime autoPowerOff);
  • D、public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(DateTime autoPowerOff);


更多 “You need to write a multicast delegate that accepts a DateTime argument.Which code segment should you use?()A、public delegate int PowerDeviceOn(bool result,DateTime autoPowerOff);B、public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(object sender,EventArgs autoPowerOff);C、public delegate void PowerDeviceOn(DateTime autoPowerOff);D、public delegate bool PowerDeviceOn(DateTime autoPowerOff);” 相关考题
考题 你们需要安保专家对场馆做安全评估吗?A.Do you need a security expert to value the potential danger of the region?B.Do you need a security expert to calculate the potential adventure of the area?C.Do you need a security expert to account the potential risks of the region?D.Do you need a security expert to evaluate the potential risks of the place?

考题 —Need we fill in the application form? —() A.Yes, you must.B.Yes, you need.C.Yes, you do.

考题 According to Carol Goman, why seven seconds are all you need to leave a lasting first impression?A.That’s the time your nerves can get controlled.B.That’s the time you need to introduce yourself.C.That’s the time your traits can grab attention.D.That’s the time you need to think about what you say.

考题 I want to go to the cinema, but you _____ with me.A. need not to goB. do not need goC. need not goD. need go not

考题 If you need a computer, I’ll lend you ( ). A、anotherB、oneC、the oneD、some

考题 you ________ a pass to enter that building. A. need getB. need gettingC. need gotD. need to get

考题 “请问您还需要点什么 ”用英语最妥当的表述是( )。A.Do you need anything moreB.Do you need something elseC.Would you like something moreD.Would you like anything more

考题 I want to go to the dentist, but you ______ with me.A、need not to goB、do not need goC、need not goD、need go not

考题 You need to back up the existing data on a computer before you install a new application. You also need to ensure that you are able to recover individual user files that are replaced or deleted during the installation.What should you do?()A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 You send a remote assistance invitation for help.You need to open a personal document without allowing the help desk to view the document. You also need to ensure that the remote assistance session remains connected.What should you do?()A.AB.BC.CD.D

考题 You- re _s___________ out ,you need to relax.

考题 You′d better take these documents with you?you need them for the meeting.A.unless B.in case C.until D.so that

考题 If you want to take photographs, you will need to apply for a____.A.permissible B.permission C.permitting D.permit

考题 What kind of knowledge do you need to have if you say you know a word?

考题 语句type wr is(wr0,wr1,wr2,wr3,wr4,wr5);定义了一个状态机变量wr,可以直接对wr赋值。

考题 最早发现的辐射防护剂是()A、半胱氨酸B、WR638C、WR2721D、WR1607E、WR1608

考题 You are running Linux 2.0.36 and you need to add a USB mouse to your system. Which of the following statements is true?()A、 You need to rebuild the kernel.B、 You need to upgrade the kernelC、 You need to load the USB modules for your existing modular kernel.D、 USB support is not available in Linux.

考题 You are using Oracle Database 10g. Which statement regarding an incomplete recovery is true?()A、 You do not need to restore all the data files.B、 You do not need to open the database with the RESETLOGS operationC、 You do not need to perform a full backup after the RESETLOGS operation.D、 You do not need to recover all the data files to the same system change number (SCN).

考题 Windows NT 4.0 is currently on the system you are using, and you want to install Windows 2000 Professional. Windows NT 4.0 is currently on an NFTS partition.  For some reason you have decided that you are not going to upgrade, but rather, you are going to run this in a dual boot fashion.  What do you need to do? ()A、Can’t be done.B、You need to put Windows 2000 on a separate partition from Windows NT 4.0C、You need to put Windows 2000 on the same partition as Windows NT 4.0.D、You need to upgrade Windows NT 4.0 to SP4.

考题 单选题You are running Linux 2.0.36 and you need to add a USB mouse to your system. Which of the following statements is true?()A  You need to rebuild the kernel.B  You need to upgrade the kernelC  You need to load the USB modules for your existing modular kernel.D  USB support is not available in Linux.

考题 多选题In which scenarios would you rebuild an index?()Awhen you need to disable the index usageBwhen you need to change storage optionsCwhen you need to enable index monitoringDwhen you need to move the index to another tablespace

考题 单选题You()to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A needn't to comeB don't need comeC don't need comingD needn't come

考题 单选题You are using Oracle Database 10g. Which statement regarding an incomplete recovery is true?()A  You do not need to restore all the data files.B  You do not need to open the database with the RESETLOGS operationC  You do not need to perform a full backup after the RESETLOGS operation.D  You do not need to recover all the data files to the same system change number (SCN).

考题 单选题Windows NT 4.0 is currently on the system you are using, and you want to install Windows 2000 Professional. Windows NT 4.0 is currently on an NFTS partition.  For some reason you have decided that you are not going to upgrade, but rather, you are going to run this in a dual boot fashion.  What do you need to do? ()A Can’t be done.B You need to put Windows 2000 on a separate partition from Windows NT 4.0C You need to put Windows 2000 on the same partition as Windows NT 4.0.D You need to upgrade Windows NT 4.0 to SP4.

考题 判断题语句type wr is(wr0,wr1,wr2,wr3,wr4,wr5);定义了一个状态机变量wr,可以直接对wr赋值。A 对B 错

考题 单选题—Would you like me to go to the dentist with you?  —No, you ______ with me.A need not to goB need not goC do not need go D not need go

考题 单选题class Wrench {  public static void main(String [] args) {  Wrench w = new Wrench(); Wrench w2 = new Wrench();  w2 = go(w,w2);  System.out.print(w2 == w);  }  static Wrench go(Wrench wr1, Wrench wr2) {  Wrench wr3 = wr1; wr1 = wr2; wr2 = wr3;  return wr3; }  }  结果是什么?()A trueB falseC 编译失败D 输出不可预期

考题 问答题What kind of knowledge do you need to have if you say you know a word?