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更多 “Kahlua与Maria属同一类利口酒。” 相关考题
考题 简述种属认定与同一认定的关系。

考题 Maria wants _________(play)ping-pong.

考题 节流阀的结构与()属同一类别,主要区别是阀芯的形状不同。 A、调压阀B、止回阀C、截止阀D、减压阀

考题 John: Hello, Maria!______.Maria: Yes, I'm pretty busy lately. How about your studies?

考题 下列作品属同一类型同一朝代的有()。A、《三国演义》B、《红楼梦》C、《水浒传》D、《金瓶梅》

考题 插床的结构原理与普通牛头刨床属同一类型,只是在结构形式上有区别。

考题 与“Cointreau”属同一类型利口酒的是()A、TripleB、BaileyC、Tia MariaD、Kahlua

考题 甲型肝炎病毒与哪种病的病毒属同一类()。A、肺结核B、乙肝C、破伤风D、脊髓灰质炎和手足口病

考题 对研究资料分类的“互斥性原则”是指分类的()应当互斥,以使同一条资料只能归于一类;不能既属()又属彼类。

考题 利口酒

考题 利口酒分为()类利口酒。A、柑橘类B、樱桃C、桃子D、香草E、咖啡F、奶油G、其他

考题 利口酒采用兑饮法品饮时,先将利口酒倒入平底杯中,再加满苏打水或矿泉水即可,其中利口酒数量约为杯子容量的()。A、40%B、45%C、50%D、60%

考题 Ig恒定区的特点是()A、机体内Ig恒定区的氨基酸种类与排列顺序是相同的B、同一种属动物中,同一类别Ig分子其C区氨基酸组成及排列顺序比较恒定C、同一种属动物的H链氨基酸种类及排列顺序比较恒定D、同一种属动物的L链氨基酸种类及排列顺序比较恒定E、以上都不是

考题 You recently upgraded all Windows NT Workstation 4.0 computers to Windows 2000 Professional. You want to give a new employee named Maria the ability to back up files, share resources, and install programs on a client computer that she shares with other users. You do not want Maria to be able to read other users' files.  What should you do to accomplish these goals?()A、Add Maria’s user account to the System group.B、Add Maria’s user account to the Interactive group.C、Add Maria’s user account to the Power Users group.D、Add Maria’s user account to the Administrators group.E、Add Maria’s user account to the Backup Operators group.

考题 酒吧中常见的冰镇饮料有()、果蔬类饮料等。A、白葡萄酒、利口酒、啤酒B、利口酒、啤酒、碳酸类饮料C、白葡萄酒、红葡萄酒、啤酒D、白葡萄酒、啤酒、碳酸类饮料

考题 You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer. A user named Maria assists you in performing some administrative tasks. Maria is a member of local Administrators group. Users report that Maria has been viewing and changing their files.  You want Maria to be able to install programs, perform backups and manage printers, but not to view, change or read other users’ files for which permission has not been granted. You want to set up Maria’s account to have minimal rights and permission. You want to accomplish this with least amount of administrative effort.  What should you do?  ()A、 Leave Maria in the local Administrators group.  Limit her rights by using Local Policies.B、 Leave Maria in the local Administrators group. Change the NTFS provision on other users’ files to deny Maria’s request.C、 Remove Maria from the local Administrators group. Add her to both the Power Users group and Backup Operators group.D、 Remove Maria from local Administrators group.  Add her to Power User group.  Then grant her NTFS Read permission on the files to be backed up.

考题 All of the client computers in your company network are Windows 2000 portable computers. A user named Maria stores Sales files in her My Documents folder. She uses these files when she travels. Maria informs you that when she takes her portable computer to trade shows, she can access some of the Sales files but not all of them. When her portable computer is connected to the network at the office, she can access all of the files. You need to enable Maria to access all of the files in her My Documents folder when she is working remotely. What should you do?()A、 Allow Maria full control permissions on the %systemroot%/documents and settings/Maria/MyDocuments folderB、 Allow Maria full control permissions on the %systemroot%/documents and settings/all  users/My Documents folderC、 Configure Maria’s computer to automatically copy the entire contents of her network My  Documents folder to her offline files folder.D、 Configure Maria’s computer to automatically copy the entire contents of her network My  Documents folder to her local My Documents folder. 

考题 配制酒包括()。A、味美思、甜食酒、利口酒B、开胃酒、比特酒、味美思酒C、葡萄酒、利口酒、茴香酒D、开胃酒、甜食酒、利口酒

考题 西餐服务,强调酒水与菜品的搭配。西餐的汤类一般不用酒,但也可以配()。A、白兰地B、利口酒C、雪利酒D、玛德拉酒

考题 多选题西餐服务,强调酒水与菜品的搭配。西餐的汤类一般不用酒,但也可以配()。A白兰地B利口酒C雪利酒D玛德拉酒

考题 单选题甲型肝炎病毒与()的病毒属同一类。A 肺结核B 乙肝C 破伤风D 脊髓灰质炎和手足口病

考题 单选题You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer. A user named Maria assists you in performing some administrative tasks. Maria is a member of local Administrators group. Users report that Maria has been viewing and changing their files.  You want Maria to be able to install programs, perform backups and manage printers, but not to view, change or read other users’ files for which permission has not been granted. You want to set up Maria’s account to have minimal rights and permission. You want to accomplish this with least amount of administrative effort.  What should you do?  ()A  Leave Maria in the local Administrators group.  Limit her rights by using Local Policies.B  Leave Maria in the local Administrators group. Change the NTFS provision on other users’ files to deny Maria’s request.C  Remove Maria from the local Administrators group. Add her to both the Power Users group and Backup Operators group.D  Remove Maria from local Administrators group.  Add her to Power User group.  Then grant her NTFS Read permission on the files to be backed up.

考题 单选题甲型肝炎病毒与哪种病的病毒属同一类()。A 肺结核B 乙肝C 破伤风D 脊髓灰质炎和手足口病

考题 填空题对研究资料分类的“互斥性原则”是指分类的()应当互斥,以使同一条资料只能归于一类;不能既属()又属彼类。

考题 单选题配制酒包括()。A 味美思、甜食酒、利口酒B 开胃酒、比特酒、味美思酒C 葡萄酒、利口酒、茴香酒D 开胃酒、甜食酒、利口酒

考题 多选题利口酒分为()类利口酒。A柑橘类B樱桃C桃子D香草E咖啡F奶油G其他

考题 问答题利口酒