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Explain Route Aggregation in BGP.


更多 “Explain Route Aggregation in BGP.” 相关考题
考题 关于route命令,选项正确的是()。A.route-eeB.route–hostC.route-netD.route-n

考题 Which attribute allows a VRF to accept VPN routes from another VRF?() A. route listB. route originC. route targetD. route distinguisher

考题 What happens to the 66.66.66/24 route when it is evaluated by this policy? () A. The route does not match this policy.B. The route is rejected.C. The route is accepted.D. The route is accepted, then rejected.

考题 Given the following policy, what happens when the 1.1/17 route is evaluated?()[edit policy-options] policy-statement test{ from { route-filter 0/0 orlonger accept; route-filter 1.1/17 upto /24 reject; route-filter 1.1/18 exact; }then { metric 6; accept; }A. The route does not match this policy.B. The route is accepted.C. The route is rejected.D. The route is accepted with a metric of 6.

考题 What happens when a route does not match any user configured policies?() A.The route is rejected.B.The route is accepted.C.The route is given a lower priority.D.The route is sent to the default policy.

考题 When you display the routing table by entering the show route command, what does the* indicate?() A.The route is a direct route.B.The route was selected as active.C.The route is a default route.D.The route was learned using a dynamic routing protocol.

考题 Which attribute must exist in the BGP update packet?() A. LOCAL_ PREFB. AGGREG ATORC. AS_PathD. Weight

考题 在windowsServer2003中,下述()命令用于显示本机路由表。A、route printB、route showC、route viewD、route display

考题 下面哪个是正确的默认路由(default route)?()。A、route ip、ip route、ip route、route ip

考题 Which type of EIGRP route entry describes a feasible successor?()A、a primary route,stored in the routing tableB、a backup route,stored in the routing tableC、a backup route,stored in the topology tableD、a primary route,stored in the topology table

考题 In BGP routing,what does the rule of synchronization mean?()A、A BGP router can only advertise an EBGP learned route,provided that the route is an IGP route in the routing table.B、A BGP router can only advertise an IBGP learned route,provided that the route is an IGP route in the routing table.C、A BGP router can only advertise an IBGP learned route,provided that the route is an IGP route that is not in the routing table.D、A BGP router can only advertise an EBGP learned route,provided that the route is a metric of 0 in the BGP table.

考题 Which of the following commands should be used to make permanent static route entries that will persist across reboots?()A、chrootB、route staticC、route addD、smitty route

考题 What happens when a route does not match any user configured policies?()A、The route is rejected.B、The route is accepted.C、The route is given a lower priority.D、The route is sent to the default policy.

考题 When you display the routing table by entering the show route command, what does the* indicate?()A、The route is a direct route.B、The route was selected as active.C、The route is a default route.D、The route was learned using a dynamic routing protocol.

考题 下面哪个是正确的默认路由(default route)()A、route ip172.0.0.0255.0.0.0s0B、ip route0.、ip route0.0.0.0255.255.255.255172.16.20.1D、route ip0.0.0.0255.255.255.0172.16.10.1150

考题 Which of the following commands will enable you to see the contents of the IP routing table andsend the output to a TFTP server at the same time?()A、show ip route ∣ to tftp://、show ip route ∣ tee tftp://、show ip route ∣ include tftp://、show ip route ft include tJtp://19Z168.1.1/route.txtE、show ip route ∣ redirect tftp://

考题 Which of the following events would not explain excessive CPU utilization?()A、A large number of BGP sessionsB、A large BGP tableC、A router is configured with the following command: ip route fa 0/1D、All interface buffers are continually in useE、A flapping interfaceF、The router sends a large number of ARP requests

考题 Which attribute must exist in the BGP update packet?()A、LOCAL_ PREFB、AGGREG ATORC、AS_PathD、Weight

考题 Which attribute allows a VRF to accept VPN routes from another VRF?()A、route listB、route originC、route targetD、route distinguisher

考题 单选题When you display the routing table by entering the show route command, what does the* indicate?()A The route is a direct route.B The route was selected as active.C The route is a default route.D The route was learned using a dynamic routing protocol.

考题 单选题In BGP routing,what does the rule of synchronization mean?()A A BGP router can only advertise an EBGP learned route,provided that the route is an IGP route in the routing table.B A BGP router can only advertise an IBGP learned route,provided that the route is an IGP route in the routing table.C A BGP router can only advertise an IBGP learned route,provided that the route is an IGP route that is not in the routing table.D A BGP router can only advertise an EBGP learned route,provided that the route is a metric of 0 in the BGP table.

考题 单选题Which of the following commands will enable you to see the contents of the IP routing table andsend the output to a TFTP server at the same time?()A show ip route ∣ to tftp:// show ip route ∣ tee tftp:// show ip route ∣ include tftp:// show ip route ft include tJtp://19Z168.1.1/route.txtE show ip route ∣ redirect tftp://

考题 问答题Explain Route Aggregation in BGP.

考题 单选题What happens when a route does not match any user configured policies?()A The route is rejected.B The route is accepted.C The route is given a lower priority.D The route is sent to the default policy.

考题 单选题Given the following policy: Which action occurs when the static route is evaluated by the policy main-policy?()A The route is not advertised into BGP.A.The route is not advertised into BGP.B The route is advertised into BGP with metric 10.B.The route is advertised into BGP with metric 10.C The route is advertised into BGP with metric 20.C.The route is advertised into BGP with metric 20.D The route is advertised into BGP with default metric.D.The route is advertised into BGP with default metric.

考题 单选题Which command is used to configure a default route?()A ip route ip route ip route ip route

考题 单选题Which of the following events would not explain excessive CPU utilization?()A A large number of BGP sessionsB A large BGP tableC A router is configured with the following command: ip route fa 0/1D All interface buffers are continually in useE A flapping interfaceF The router sends a large number of ARP requests