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Wi-Fi的全称为“Wireless Fidelity”,即()。

  • A、有线隐藏技术
  • B、无线相容性认证
  • C、无线可靠性认证
  • D、无线局域网技术


更多 “Wi-Fi的全称为“Wireless Fidelity”,即()。A、有线隐藏技术B、无线相容性认证C、无线可靠性认证D、无线局域网技术” 相关考题
考题 In addition to insurance, firms can also use fidelity and surety bonds to protect themselves.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Wi-Fi(WirelessFidelity即无线保真)是一种主流中程移动通讯技术。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 在宽带新装场景中,'问'步骤中以下话术哪个不恰当()。 A.XX先生/女士,您的宽带已经安装好了。公司现在提供免费的全屋Wi-Fi信号检测服务,能够检测家中Wi-Fi信号覆盖为否存在盲区,会耽误您一点时间,能够吗B.X先生/女士,您的宽带已经安装好了。您的家庭网关放在弱电箱里(家庭网关位置不理想),能够能够会导致手机Wi-Fi上网速度慢(Wi-Fi信号差、游戏掉线、视频卡顿)问题。公司现在提供免费的全屋Wi-Fi信号检测服务,能够检测家中Wi-Fi信号覆盖为否存在盲区,会耽误您一点时间,能够吗C.嫌贵,就别买!谁卖给您,您找谁去。不会用就别用。您买的时候怎么不挑好。现在才说,干嘛不早说D.X先生/女士,我判断您上网速度慢(无法上网)的原因为您路由器的问题。我给您测试一下每个房间Wi-Fi上网速度,会耽误您一点时间,能够吗

考题 Which of the following desdription is WRONG .about Wi-Fi? ( ).A.Any standard Wi~Fi device. will work anywhere in the world with global operative set of standaedsB.Now most laptops are built with wireless network adapters insideC.One can connect Wi-Fi devices in ad-hoc mode for client-to-client connections without a routerD.Communications between two devices need the involvement of an access point with Wi-Fi

考题 Wi-Fi的全称为“Wireless Fidelity”,即()。 A.有线隐藏技术B.无线相容性认证C.无线可靠性认证D.无线局域网技术

考题 在通信系统中,SDN 是网络虚拟化的一种实现方式,其英文全称是 ( )。当前接入互联网的重要手段之 WiFi 的英文全称是 ( ) 。A.Software Defined Network B.Sun Developer Network C.Specially Designated Network D.Switched Digital Network A.Wireless Fidelity B.Wire Fidelity C.Wireless Find D.Wireless Fine

考题 Wi-Fi所指的是()。 A.Wireless FiberB.WireleInteroperability ForumInstitutionC.Wireless FrequencyIndustryD.Wireless Fidelity

考题 Which of the following description is WRONG about Wi-Fi? ( ).A.Any standard Wi-Fi device.will work anywhere in the world with global operative set of standards B.Now most laptops are built with wireless network adapters inside C.One can connect Wi-Fi devices in ad-hoc mode for client-to-client connections without a router D.Communications between two devices need the involvement of an access point with Wi-Fi

考题 Wi-Fi是什么()A、Wi-Fi是一种能够将个人电脑、手持设备(如Pad、手机)等终端以无线方式互相连接的技术。B、Wi-Fi是一个无线网路通信技术的品牌,由Wi-Fi联盟(Wi-FiAlliancE.所持有。C、使用IEEE802.11系列协议的局域网就称为Wi-FiD、Wi-Fi等同于无线网际网路

考题 Wi-Fi是一种可以将个人电脑、手持设备(如PDA、手机)等终端以无线方式互相连接的网络技术。以下表述正确的是()。A、使用Wi-Fi技术上网不需要付费B、Wi-Fi技术给人们带来了更为便捷的上网方式C、使用Wi-Fi技术的唯一优点是上网速度快D、Wi-Fi是唯一的无线连接技术

考题 下列关于Wi-Fi的叙述,正确的是()A、Wi-Fi能够将计算机手机等终端设备以无线方式互相连接B、Wi-Fi终将取代有线网络C、Wi-Fi信号就是移动通讯信号D、Wi-Fi泛指无线网络技术

考题 作物生育期:作物从出苗到成熟之间的总天数,即(),称为作物的全生育时间。

考题 无线客户端STA接入到Wi-Fi无线网络的过程,称为()过程。A、关联B、接入C、连接D、登记

考题 下列关于Wi-Fi的叙述,错误的是()A、Wi-Fi是一种能够将个人电脑、手持设备等终端以无线方式互相连接的技术B、Wi-Fi是有线网的补充和延伸C、Wi-Fi信号就是移动通讯信号D、Wi-Fi泛指符合IEEE 802.11标准的无线网络

考题 Which two statements about the implementation of WLAN QoS are true?()A、The 802.11e standard is the IEEE 802.11 OoS WLAN standard.B、The Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard decreases the eight priority levels to four access categories.C、The Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard is a Wi-Fi Alliance standard that increases the four priority levels to eight access categories.D、The Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard is an IEEE standard that increases the four priority levels to eight access categories.E、Wireless 802.11 deploys Distributed Coordination Function (DCF), carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD), interframe spacing, and random wait timers to avoid collisions.F、Wireless OoS designs and implementations commonly use Layer 3 differentiated services code point (DSCP) or Layer 2 802.1 p to ensure priority

考题 Which two statements about the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard are true?()A、 Lower-priority traffic is assigned short interframe wait-timers to allow higher-priority traffic access to the wireless network first.B、 Packets that are not assigned to a specific access category are categorized by default as the background access category.C、 The WMM standard was implemented after the 802.11e standard was approved to provide support for non 802.11e devices.D、 WMM is a Wi-Fi Alliance standard that was implemented before the 802.11e standard was approved.E、 WMM uses Enhanced DCF (EDCF) to stipulate fixed and random wait times for the different access classes.

考题 Which two of these statements best describe the benefits of the Cisco Compatible Extensions Program? (Choose two.)()A、 offers a feature-rich implementation alternative to Wi-Fi certificationB、 accelerates the availability of innovative features while maintaining interoperabilityC、 provides innovative features only on Cisco’s wireless client adaptersD、 provides an evolving set of specifications for interoperabilityE、 eliminates the need for testing by providing innovative features to wireless client vendors through a one-time license fee

考题 Which statement best describes the Cisco 2700 Location Appliance collection of location information for wireless devices?()A、all Wi-Fi devices on the WLAN send directly received signal strength indication (RSSI) information to the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance through SNMPB、an AP collects RSSI information which is forwarded to wireless controllers through LWAPP. Wireless controllers forward aggregated RSSI to the location appliance through SNMPC、the APs collect received signal strength indication (RSSI) information from all Wi-Fi devices and forward the information to the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance through the LWAPPD、the Cisco WLAN controllers bypass the received signal strength indication (RSSI) information from all Wi-Fi devices to the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance through the LWAPP

考题 Which of the following improves wireless performance by allowing only one wireless transmissionon the network at a time?()A、CSMA/CAB、CSMA/CDC、Wireless encryptionD、Wireless bonding

考题 Which of the following wireless security techniques is the MOST secure?()A、Enable Wired Equivalent PrivacyB、Disable SSID broadcastC、Enable Wi-Fi Protected AccessD、Enable MAC filtering

考题 迅弛技术包括()A、PENTIUM-M处理器(代号BANIAS)B、855芯片组系列C、INTELPRO/WIRELESS2100无线网络连接D、WI-FI认证

考题 旋转零部件端面沿轴向的跳动,即轴向晃动称为()A、弯曲B、飘偏C、晃动D、全跳

考题 Wi-Fi所指的是()。A、Wireless FiberB、WireleInteroperability ForumInstitutionC、Wireless FrequencyIndustryD、Wireless Fidelity

考题 单选题Wi-Fi所指的是()。A Wireless FiberB WireleInteroperability ForumInstitutionC Wireless FrequencyIndustryD Wireless Fidelity

考题 填空题WiFi:英文全称为Wireless Fidelity (无线保真),也称其为IEEE 802.11协议。它是一种()技术。

考题 单选题Scalability: with the cisco wireless location appliance, 2500 devices including wireless clients or wi-fi tags can be tracked simultaneously, helping ensure that location services can be applied to an entire enterprise environment. Which of the following functions on the wireless lan controller is used to determine whether or not a rogue access point is connected to the same layer 2 network?()A rogue detectorB rogue containmentC rldpD ridp

考题 单选题Wi-Fi的全称为“Wireless Fidelity”,即()。A 有线隐藏技术B 无线相容性认证C 无线可靠性认证D 无线局域网技术