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To mark this special occasion, an opening discount of 50% will be allowed on all purchases made by the first hundred customers.


更多 “ To mark this special occasion, an opening discount of 50% will be allowed on all purchases made by the first hundred customers. ” 相关考题
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考题 Because Web servers are platform. and application (1), they can send or request data from legacy or external applications including databases. All replies, once convened into (2) mark-up language, can then be transmitted to a (3) . Used in this way, Intranets can (4) lower desktop support costs, easy links with legacy applications and databases and, (5) all, ease of use.A.coupledB.dependentC.independentD.related

考题 Because Web servers are platform. and application(66), they can send or request data from legacy or external applications including databases. All replies, once converted into(67)mark - up language, can then be transmitted to a(68). Used in this way, Intranets can(69)lower desktop support costs, easy links with legacy applications and databases and,(70)all, ease of use.A.coupledB.dependentC.independentD.related

考题 Because Web servers are platform. and application(71)they can send or request data from legacy or external applications including databases. All replies, once converted into(72)mark-up language, can then be transmitted to a(73). Used in this way, Intranets can(74)lower desktop support costs, easy links with legacy applications and databases and,(75)all, ease of use.A.relatedB.dependentC.coupledD.independent

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