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Their handshake should be firm, and they ’ve both()their names and jobs.






更多 “ Their handshake should be firm, and they ’ve both()their names and jobs. A、mentionedB、askedC、talkedD、remembered ” 相关考题
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考题 I ()have been here, but I()not find the time.A. could; couldB. might; couldC. should; couldD. should; would

考题 A、comfortB、fenceC、shockD、firm

考题 下面哪一个是错误的? A.使用len(列表名)测量元素的个数names_list=["zhangsan","lisi","wangwu"]print(len(names_list))B.使用列表名[下标]获取列表的某个元素,例如:names_list=["zhangsan","lisi","wangwu"]print(names_list[2])C.向列表中添加新元素有三个方法:append、extend、insert,例如:names_list=["zhangsan","lisi","wangwu"]names_list.append("zhaoliu")names_list.extend(["zhaoliu","liqi"])names_list.insert(1,"zhaoliu")print(names_list)D.已有列表nums=[11,22,33,44,55],使用while循环遍历列表nums=[11,22,33,44,55]i=0 whileiprint(nums[i])i+=1

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