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Suppose two dimensional array A[0..8,0..9](with element length of 2 bytes) is stored using row major order,and the base address is 400.Then the address of the element A[8,5]is






更多 “ Suppose two dimensional array A[0..8,0..9](with element length of 2 bytes) is stored using row major order,and the base address is 400.Then the address of the element A[8,5]isA.570B.506C.410D.482 ” 相关考题
考题 Suppose two dimensional array A[0..8, 0..9] (with element length of 2 bytes) is stored using row major order, and the base address is 400.Then the address of element A[8, 5] isA.570B.506C.410D.482

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