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“ Keep ________ to the beacon,” said the pilot






更多 “ “ Keep ________ to the beacon,” said the pilotA.lineB.directionC.backD.straight ” 相关考题
考题 Please( ) us posted( ) the developments of your market. A.keep, byB.let, ofC.keep, ofD.let, by

考题 What shall I do to ________ this _________ getting dirty? A.from,keepingB.keep,fromC.keeping,fromD.keep,on

考题 It is difficult ______a world record and even more difficult to ______it.A. keeping, setB. keep, setC. set, keepD. to set, keep

考题 The government is considering taking further action to ____ the pound ____ falling in value. A.keep…fromB.keep…upC.stop…toD.make…from

考题 If people ________ cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _______.A.keep, to live in B.will keep, to live in C.keep, to live D.will keep, to live

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考题 __________A. devote B. adapt C. lead D. keep

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考题 超帧中的CFP(无竞争期)是以信标(Beacon)开始