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cash against documents(英译中)


更多 “ cash against documents(英译中) ” 相关考题
考题 _________[A] of [B] with [C] in [D] against

考题 __________[A] as [B] for [C] under [D] against

考题 When there is no indication of damage to the ______ , a bill of lading is said to be ______.A.documents.., clearB.goods.., clearC.documents.., cleanD.goods.., clean

考题 Documents()with chemicals will not become yellow with age. A、treatingB、treatsC、be treateD、treated

考题 We have lodged a claim () ABC & Co.() the quality of the goods shipped()m.v. “Peace”.A、against, for, byB、with, for, underC、on, against, as perD、to, for, per

考题 Current assets can be converted easily into (). A. cash equivalentsB. checksC. cash

考题 关于电子现金的特点,下面说法错误的是()。A、银行和商家之间应有协议和授权的关系B、E-cash银行负责用户和商家之间的资金的转移C、身份验证由E-cash本身完成D、用户、商家和E-cash银行不必都使用E-cash软件

考题 On the Internet, users can share( )and communicate with each other.A.process B.tasks C.resources D.documents

考题 [A] in [B] with [C] against [D] for

考题 21、Documents翻译成