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improper packing(英译中)


更多 “ improper packing(英译中) ” 相关考题
考题 【C4】A.illogicalB.illegalC.improbableD.improper

考题 Could you use cardboard boxes the shoes() A、to packB、packC、packing

考题 You know that the appearance of the ()contributes greatly to the sale of the consumer packing.A、packB、 packedC、packing, package

考题 After a check up by our staff at the warehouse it was found that some bags had not been ()in 5-ply strong paper bags as stipulated in the contract, thus resulting in the breakage during transit.A、repackedB、 packedC、packing, package

考题 Sam must be ______ in his bedroom now. He is going to leave for Paris tomorrow. A. deceivingB. catchingC. attemptingD. packing

考题 A) illogicalB) illegalC) improbableD) improper

考题 【C3】A.illogicalB.illegalC.improbableD.improper

考题 We need the clean shipped bills of ( ) in complete set issued to order and blank endorsed marked freight paid. A. loading B. lading C. inspecting D. packing

考题 用在羽绒服里面的鸭绒属于什么()A.liningB.InterliningC.PaddingD.Packing

考题 西服肩膀上的垫子属于什么A.liningB.InterliningC.PaddingD.Packing